Day14 Page136-147


1. But I just decided to wing it.

n. 翅膀,飞机的机翼

v. 飞行

wing it即兴表演,不按剧本表演即席创作;


The learner never do not wing it, he is always well-prepared.

2. Everybody knows the moose evolved from birds.


It is well known that the human being evolved from fish.

3. So I guess I'd better start hitting the books.


The final examination is coming. We always have to hit the books.


It only took me about two seconds to figure out what to do next.

仿句:It only take him about six seconds to run fifty meter.


My nephew is so naughty, the little boy is a real handful. He is always up to mischief. And he likes to throw things whatever he can grab. Besides, he never wears shoes in summer, so his feet are too dity. I can not stand he always step on my sofa that I cleaned yesterday.

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