实体链接 - 常用资源

Fast Entity Linker Core(FEL) https://github.com/yahoo/FEL
This library performs query segmentation and entity linking to a target reference Knowledge Base (i.e., Wikipedia). In its current version it is tailored +towards query entity linking (alternatively, short fragments of text). The main goal was to have an extremely fast linker (< 1 or 2 ms/query on average on a standard laptop) that is completely unsupervised, so that more sophisticated approaches can work on top of it with a decent time budget available. A side effect of this is that the datapack used by the linker occupies <3GB making it suitable to run on the grid (and making the footprint on server machines very low).

下面的几种来自于 CSDN昕玫的博客“【调研】关于Entity Linking(实体链接)的材料收集”

  1. https://www.microsoft.com/cognitive-services/en-us/entity-linking-intelligence-service

  2. http://dexter.isti.cnr.it/
    dexter,一个实体链接框架。(官方的live demo都运行了半天没出结果,实用性有点令人担心)

  1. https://developers.google.com/knowledge-graph/
  1. http://aksw.org/Projects/AGDISTIS.html
  1. https://tagme.d4science.org/tagme/
  1. http://dbpedia.org/

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