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ban all non-bank payment agencies from access to clients' money禁止所有的非银行支付机构从客户的资金中

customer provisions客户备付金

based on the daily average balance of the provisions in the previous quarter根据上季度客户备付金日均余额计算得出

match the individual's academic specialties与个人学术专长对口

be granted work permits and employment licenses获得就业许可证和就业证

with adaptions to technology通过采用技术

accounting for the largest potential employment impact可能受到的就业影响最大

At a time of lackluster productivity growth worldwide在全球生产力增长乏力之际

give a much-needed boost to economic growth为经济增长注入强心针

raise productivity growth globally提高全球生产力

be plagued by choking smog被令人窒息的雾霾困挠

combat the pollution's effect on their health对抗污染对健康的影响

But a leading Chinese medicine practitioner has sought to dispel this myth, saying it is ineffective.但一位著名的中医医师力求推翻这一谬论,他表示喝抗霾茶没有效果。

digestive and respiratory systems 消化和呼吸系统

maintaining a healthy diet and boosting one's immune system.保持健康饮食以及增强免疫系统

inject a positive impetus for the recovery of the world economy为世界经济复苏注入正面的动力

supply-side structural reforms 供给侧结构性改革

on the up稳步增长

gain in popularity越来越受欢迎

As this trend has developed, female tourists have become the dominant demographic among outbound travelers. 随着这一趋势的发展,女性游客逐渐在出境游游客中占据主导地位

in the wee hours of the morning在凌晨一两点钟

strengthen systems for global collaboration加强全球合作体系

revitalize the global economy振兴全球经济

reform market capitalism改革市场资本主义

prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution应对第四次工业革命

study and discuss economic issues around the world研究和探讨世界经济领域存在的问题

improve international economic cooperation and exchange促进国际经济的合作与交流

impetus: 动力(n.)

disciple: 门徒,弟子(n.)

fire off: 发出

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