Lesson 22 By heart

Words and expressions

1. Falter 支吾,结巴的说;衰弱;蹒跚,犹豫

E.g. His voice faltered as he began his speech.

She walked up to the platform without faltering.

2. Aristocrat贵族

Synonym: Noble

3. Gaoler 看守,监狱长

Synonym: warden

4. Cell 单人监房,监号

5. On end 连续不断的

Synonym: in a row

6. Yet this is not always the case.


E.g. He is pretty handsome and most girls are dazzled by his appearance. Yet this is not always the case.

7. Bourgeoisie 资产阶级

Proletariat 无产阶级

8. Buzz, tipsy 微醉的

Wasted 段片儿

Hammered 烂醉

Hangover 宿醉

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