【译文】Art is useless, and so am I


Art is useless, and so am I









Art is useless, and so am I


By Derek Sivers

【译文】Art is useless, and so am I_第1张图片

Art is useless by definition. If it was useful, it would be a tool.


For the past 19 years, I was obsessed with being useful. That one measure drove all of my daily decisions: “How can I be the most useful to the most people today?”


It served me well, but it has its downsides. It kept me from playing, and doing things just for me. It’s no coincidence that I stopped making music 19 years ago. It didn’t qualify as the most useful thing I could be doing.

它很适合于我,但也有它的缺点。它使我不能尽情玩耍,只让我工作。 19年前我停止制作音乐并不是巧合,因为音乐不是我可以做的最有用的东西。

At the end of 2016, I stopped answering questions by email. It was like quitting a full-time job.


I didn’t mean to become useless. I just wanted a little more me-time.


I started seriously learning my first foreign language, immersing myself in it for many hours a day. Totally useless to anyone else, but I love it. Now I realize why all my previous attempts to learn a language didn’t happen. It was always low-priority under all of my useful goals.


I started playing music again, for the first time in 19 years. Not trying to be famous this time. No goals. No results. No care whether anyone else ever hears it or not. This is just for me. Just playing for its own sake, and loving it.


It’s hard to relax into this mindset, after 19 years of the opposite.


It’s such a luxury to not think about you, out there, and how you might value me.


At the top of every page of my website, I used to have an elevator-pitch: a sentence saying how I might be useful to the stranger browsing my site. But no more. I erased it last week.


For the time being, I’m nobody’s tool.


P.S. The “art is useless” idea comes from a conversation with Kevin Kelly. When he said it, I stopped in my tracks and disagreed, so I’m guessing you might, too. But let the idea sink in a bit, and notice that it doesn’t say “worthless”. Art can be valuable, and someone might find a concrete use for it, but usefulness was not its purpose.

附: “艺术无用”的想法来自与Kevin Kelly的对话。当时他说给我的时候,我固执己见并不同意他的说法,所以我猜你也是这种想法,但是请让这个想法在你心里沉淀一下,并请注意一下它的意思是没有用途,而不是没有价值。艺术可以是有价值的,有人可能会找到其具体的用途,但实用性并不是它的目的。

New words:

1. downside 英  ['daʊnsaɪd] 美  ['daʊnsaɪd] 

n. 缺点,负面

e.g. The downside of the book is that it is written in a rather boring style.


2. coincidence 英  [kəʊ'ɪnsɪd(ə)ns] 美  [ko'ɪnsɪdəns] 

n. 巧合

e.g. It was sheer coincidence that we were staying in the same hotel.


3. immerse 英  [ɪ'mɜːs] 美  [ɪ'mɝs] 

vt. 沉浸;使陷入

e.g. He left school at 16 and immersed himself in the Labour Party.



1.by definition 按照定义;当然地;明显地

2.be obsessed with 痴迷于……

3.low-priority 低优先级

4.for its own sake 纯粹为此而已,为这个本身

5.elevator-pitch 电梯游说,简短介绍

6.for the time being 暂时,眼下,目前


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