Python Ethical Hacking - TROJANS Analysis(3)


AV programs detect viruses based on:

1. Code - compare files to huge databases of signatures.

    ->Use own code, obfuscation, useless operations, encode, pack ...etc

2. Behaviour - run a file in a sandbox and analyze it.

   -> Run trusted operations before evil code.

   ->Delay execution of evil code.


Scan the file on the following website:

NoDistribute - Online Virus Scanner Without Result Distribution

Python Ethical Hacking - TROJANS Analysis(3)_第1张图片



Using UPX to Package the executable program.

Download the file from

And extract to the /opt folder.

Python Ethical Hacking - TROJANS Analysis(3)_第2张图片


 Compress the evil file through UPX.

./upx /root/PycharmProjects/reverse_backdoor/dist/reverse_backdoor.exe -o compressed_backdoor.exe

Python Ethical Hacking - TROJANS Analysis(3)_第3张图片



Scan the compressed_backdoor.exe file, the result is a little better.

Python Ethical Hacking - TROJANS Analysis(3)_第4张图片

 Take your file Unique and delay to execute the evil code to let the AV program think your program is harmless.

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