Python Ethical Hacking - TROJANS Analysis(4)

Adding Icons to Generated Executables

Prepare a proper icon file.

Python Ethical Hacking - TROJANS Analysis(4)_第1张图片




Convert the downloaded png file to an icon file.

Python Ethical Hacking - TROJANS Analysis(4)_第2张图片




Convert the Python program to Windows executable -  adding the "--icon" arguments this time.

wine /root/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Python37-32/Scripts/pyinstaller.exe --add-data "/root/Downloads/sample.pdf;." --onefile --noconsole --icon /root/Downloads/pdf.ico 

Python Ethical Hacking - TROJANS Analysis(4)_第3张图片



 Download to the Victim Windows PC.

Python Ethical Hacking - TROJANS Analysis(4)_第4张图片


Run the lister on Kali Linux, and run the reverse_backdoor.exe file on the victim PC. The user can only see a normal pdf file, but the communication has been established background.


 Python Ethical Hacking - TROJANS Analysis(4)_第5张图片


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