新SAT数学知识点介绍④:Simple Interest & Compound Interest By JianYu

今天我们一起来继续聊一聊SAT数学知识点 —— Simple Interest & Compound Interest,事实上我们大部分同学在初高中阶段都应该已经接触这两个知识点,但事实上在我的教学生涯和往期TD学员中,还是会遇到不少同学在这个知识点上会出现一些理解偏差。那在SAT数学里,它们的考点和考试形式又是什么样的呢?

① 知识点介绍

Simple interest 是指按照固定的本金计算的利息,是计算利息的一种方法。单利的计算取决于本金,单利的增长曲线是线性增长。

Compound interest 就是传说中的「利滚利」,每经过一个计息期后,都要将所生利息加入本金,以计算下期的利息。复利的增长曲线是指数增长。

① 计算公式


Know the formulas for simple and compound interest.

**Simple interest:A = P(1 + rt) **
**Compound interest:A = P(1 + r/n)nt **

A is the total amount, P is the principal, r is the interest rate expressed as a decimal, t is the time period, and n is the number of times the interest is compounded per year.

同学们在解决这类题目的时候,首先要判断题中所求的interest的种类是哪一种「Simple or Compound」,如果是Compound Interest,一定要看清这个interest一年会compound几次(也就是公式中的n值)「这是易错点」

③ OG例题讲解

A bank has opened a new branch and, as part of a promotion, the bank branch is offering $1,000 certificates of deposit at an interest rate of 4% per year, compounded semiannually. The bank is selling certificates with terms of 1, 2, 3, or 4 years. Which of the following functions gives the total amount, A, in dollars, a customer will receive when a certificate with a term of k years is finally paid?

A) A = 1,000(1 + 0.04k)
B) A = 1,000(1 + 0.08k)
C) A = 1,000(1.04)k
D) A = 1,000(1.02)2k


做这类题目的思路首先点判断利息的种类,通过题目我们可以得知这是Compound Interest;接下来我们要判断一年Compound的次数,题中告知我们「deposit at an interest rate of 4% per year, compounded semiannually」即每半年结算一次,也就是说一年两次,结合TD学员的往期表现来看,这个地方是最易出错的点。

所以我们套用公式 A = P(1 + r/n)nt ,P=1000,r=0.04,n=2。即可得到正确选项D


A bank has opened a new branch and, as part of a promotion, the bank branch is offering $1,000 certificates of deposit at simple interest of 4% per year. The bank is selling certificates with terms of 1, 2, 3, or 4 years. Which of the following functions gives the total amount, A, in dollars, a customer will receive when a certificate with a term of k years is finally paid?

A) A = 1,000(1.04k)
B) A = 1,000(1 + 0.04k)
C) A = 1,000(1.04)k
D) A = 1,000(1 + 0.04k)


这道题目考的还是比较常规的,还是老套路,我们首先判断利息的种类。题中已经提到了这是 simple interest。那接下来就很好办了,直接套用公式 A = P(1 + rt),即可得出正确答案B


这一块知识点的主要核心就是「理解并应用对应公式」,大部份题目只要套用公式即可做出来,对考生们来说,所需要注意的 —— 就是正确的使用公式,且需要套公式时不要搞错对应参数即可。

TD SAT数学考前冲刺班1月14日即将开船啦,知识点讲解+对应习题+答疑解惑+小班授课,三人成团还有优惠,大家可以扫描下面二维码关注噢:-D。

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