little free library |Take a book.Return a book

炙热的夏天,穿越重重酷暑考验的感觉, 就为了吃一顿午餐。 商场里的美食层中午用餐高峰期,各种层出不穷的精品美食。little free library ,第一次遇见,就在晶品B2美食层。

little free library |Take a book.Return a book_第1张图片

小小的一架书,旁边有阅读台。 如果不往四周看, 你会以为这就是一个小小的图书馆,给这里休憩的人们提供随手可阅读的时光。 在这嘈杂的中间用餐时刻, 这里显得分外的清凉,一本本堆在书架上的书,轻轻抚摸,心一下子变得安静。这个小小的LITTE Library 就设在上下电梯旁边。 不知道经过的食客是否有注意到。对我来说,我觉得是一个小小的意外惊喜。 觉得午餐出去觅食, 是一个在这大夏天值得持续探索的一件事情。有点小确幸的感觉。上上下下的人群, 不知道是否有谁也和我一样拥有了这种小确幸。真的有人和我一样, 以下是来自 一个叫 Michael Ashley 的分享

When I lived in the small town of Fairfax up in Marin County, I would often pass these little kiosks offering free books. What a cool novelty to be walking my dog in the middle of some woodsy, remote area and then suddenly find this portal into a literary largesse. It was like a bunch of elves or fairies had snuck out in the middle of the night and built the tiniest cottage and stuffed it with goodies for no other reason but to make people happy.

Now, I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the real story behind the Little Free Library.(Or was it?)Seriously, what is this strange phenomenon that allows you to obtain free reading treasures without leaving the comfort of your neighborhood?


The first Little Free Library was built in 2009 by Todd Bol inHudson, Wisconsin. He mounted a wooden container designed to look like aone-room schoolhouseon a post on his lawn and filled it with books as a tribute to his mother, who was a book lover andschool teacher. Bol shared his idea with his partner, Rick Brooks, and the idea spread rapidly, soon becoming a "global sensation".[7]Little Free Library officially incorporated on May 16, 2012,[8]and the Internal Revenue Service recognized Little Free Library as a501(c)(3)nonprofit organizationin the same year.[9][10]

The original goal was the creation of 2,150 Little Libraries, which would surpass the number of libraries founded byAndrew Carnegie. As of November 2016, there were 50,000 registered Little Free Libraries worldwide.[11]

The Little Free Library nonprofit has been honored by theNational Book Foundation, theLibrary of Congress,Library Journal, and others for its work promoting literacy and a love of reading.[12]

Margret Aldrich wroteThe Little Free Library Bookto chronicle the movement.[13]

How Little Free Libraries work[edit]

A reader browsing a Little Free Library

A Little Free Library is a neighborhood book exchange where anyone passing by can take a book to read or leave a book for someone else to find.

Little Free Library owners, known as "stewards" can purchase a Library box, or they can create their own and register it on the website. Stewards of registered Little Free Libraries receive a sign for their Library that reads "Little Free Library" and features an official charter number.[14][15]Registered Little Free Libraries are eligible to be featured on the Little Free Library World Map,[16]which lists locations with GPS coordinates and other information.

Little Free Libraries of all shapes and sizes exist, from small, brightly painted wooden houses to a larger library based onDoctor Who'sTARDIS.[17][18]

Global impact[edit]

While the majority of Little Free Libraries are in the United States, the book exchanges can be found in countries around the world, including Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Italy, Germany, UK, France, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, Russia, Armenia, Pakistan, Qatar, Ghana, Nigeria, Sudan, India, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, China, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, and more.


无疑我觉得像这种little library 提供的短暂性但是会是比较固定时刻的阅读, 比如午餐时刻,或者出门遛弯遛狗的时候。停下来阅读片刻。 创始人09年成立,而如今到全世界有24000个志愿者参与其中。 而这是个非盈利性组织, 目前员工只有14个人。

目前国内估计只有一线城市才会存在, 一个我想是因为阅读习惯的原因,还有就是管理上的因素 。 如果没有一批愿意交换阅读的读书爱好者,就无法形成氛围。

就目前我们的阅读习惯和阅读量来说,根据第13次国民阅读调查统计数据,成年国民人均纸质书和电子书合计阅读量为7.84本,较2014年纸质图书和电子书合计阅读量上升了0.06本, 未成年人的人均图书阅读量为7.19本。不知道这个数据怎么调查出来的,但是应该可以反映一定的现实性问题。  习惯去读书或者爱好读书的人还是少部分。

就个人读书看书的体验来讲,以前读的太快,囫囵吞枣,消化得太少。 选择性的读书 ,读精比较重要 , 最主要的是从读的过程中能享受到乐趣。平衡自己的情绪, 获得知识的收获和心灵的呵护。这些是读一些好的作品可以带给我们的。 希望像little library 这样的小书店,在家门口,在公园, 在路边休憩的小亭子里越来越多。

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