Classesandstructuresare general-purpose, flexible constructs that become the building blocks of your program’s code. You define properties and methods to add functionality to your classes and structures by using exactly the same syntax as for constants, variables, and functions.
Unlike other programming languages, Swift does not require you to create separate interface and implementation files for custom classes and structures. In Swift, you define a class or a structure in a single file, and the external interface to that class or structure is automatically made available for other code to use.
与其他编程语言所不同的是,Swift 并不要求你为自定义类和结构去创建独立的接口和实现文件。你所要做的是在一个单一文件中定义一个类或者结构体,系统将会自动生成面向其它代码的外部接口。
An instance of aclassis traditionally known as anobject. However, Swift classes and structures are much closer in functionality than in other languages, and much of this chapter describes functionality that can apply to instances ofeithera class or a structure type. Because of this, the more general terminstanceis used.
通常一个类的实例被称为对象。然而在 Swift 中,类和结构体的关系要比在其他语言中更加的密切,本章中所讨论的大部分功能都可以用在类和结构体上。因此,我们会主要使用实例。
Comparing Classes and Structures (类和结构体对比)
Classes and structures in Swift have many things in common. Both can:
Swift 中类和结构体有很多共同点。共同处在于:
1. Define properties to store values
2. Define methods to provide functionality
3. Define subscripts to provide access to their values using subscript syntax
4. Define initializers to set up their initial state
5. Be extended to expand their functionality beyond a default implementation
6. Conform to protocols to provide standard functionality of a certain kind
For more information, seeProperties,Methods,Subscripts,Initialization,Extensions, andProtocols.
Classes have additional capabilities that structures do not:
1. Inheritance enables one class to inherit the characteristics of another.
2. Type casting enables you to check and interpret the type of a class instance at runtime.
3. Deinitializers enable an instance of a class to free up any resources it has assigned.
4. Reference counting allows more than one reference to a class instance.
For more information, seeInheritance,Type Casting,Deinitialization, andAutomatic Reference Counting.
Structures are always copied when they are passed around in your code, and do not use reference counting.
Definition Syntax (定义语法)
Classes and structures have a similar definition syntax. You introduce classes with theclasskeyword and structures with thestructkeyword. Both place their entire definition within a pair of braces:
class SomeClass {
// class definition goes here
struct SomeStructure{
// structure definition goes here
Whenever you define a new class or structure, you effectively define a brand new Swift type. Give typesUpperCamelCasenames (such asSomeClassandSomeStructurehere) to match the capitalization of standard Swift types (such asString,Int, andBool). Conversely, always give properties and methodslowerCamelCasenames (such asframeRateandincrementCount) to differentiate them from type names.
在你每次定义一个新类或者结构体的时候,实际上你是定义了一个新的 Swift 类型。因此请使用UpperCamelCase这种方式来命名(如SomeClass和SomeStructure等),以便符合标准 Swift 类型的大写命名风格(如String,Int和Bool)。相反的,请使用lowerCamelCase这种方式为属性和方法命名(如framerate和incrementCount),以便和类型名区分。
Here’s an example of a structure definition and a class definition:
struct Resolution {
var width=0
var height=0
class VideoMode {
var resolution = Resolution()
var interlaced = false
var frameRate = 0.0
var name:String?
The example above defines a new structure calledResolution, to describe a pixel-based display resolution. This structure has two stored properties calledwidthandheight. Stored properties are constants or variables that are bundled up and stored as part of the class or structure. These two properties are inferred to be of typeIntby setting them to an initial integer value of0.
The example above also defines a new class calledVideoMode, to describe a specific video mode for video display. This class has four variable stored properties. The first,resolution, is initialized with a newResolutionstructure instance, which infers a property type ofResolution. For the other three properties, newVideoModeinstances will be initialized with aninterlacedsetting offalse(meaning “noninterlaced video”), a playback frame rate of0.0, and an optionalStringvalue calledname. Thenameproperty is automatically given a default value ofnil, or “nonamevalue”, because it is of an optional type.
Class and Structure Instances (类和结构体实例)
TheResolutionstructure definition and theVideoModeclass definition only describe what aResolutionorVideoModewill look like. They themselves do not describe a specific resolution or video mode. To do that, you need to create an instance of the structure or class.
Resolution结构体和VideoMode类的定义仅描述了什么是Resolution和VideoMode。它们并没有描述一个特定的分辨率(resolution)或者视频模式(video mode)。为了描述一个特定的分辨率或者视频模式,我们需要生成一个它们的实例。
The syntax for creating instances is very similar for both structures and classes:
let someResolution = Resolution()
let someVideoMode = VideoMode()
Structures and classes both use initializer syntax for new instances. The simplest form of initializer syntax uses the type name of the class or structure followed by empty parentheses, such asResolution()orVideoMode(). This creates a new instance of the class or structure, with any properties initialized to their default values. Class and structure initialization is described in more detail inInitialization.
Accessing Properties (属性访问)
You can access the properties of an instance usingdot syntax. In dot syntax, you write the property name immediately after the instance name, separated by a period (.), without any spaces:
print("The width of someResolution is\(someResolution.width)")
// Prints "The width of someResolution is 0"
In this example,someResolution.widthrefers to thewidthproperty ofsomeResolution, and returns its default initial value of0.
You can drill down into sub-properties, such as thewidthproperty in theresolutionproperty of aVideoMode:
print("The width of someVideoMode is\(someVideoMode.resolution.width)")
// Prints "The width of someVideoMode is 0"
You can also use dot syntax to assign a new value to a variable property:
print("The width of someVideoMode is now\(someVideoMode.resolution.width)")
// Prints "The width of someVideoMode is now 1280"
Unlike Objective-C, Swift enables you to set sub-properties of a structure property directly. In the last example above, thewidthproperty of theresolutionproperty ofsomeVideoModeis set directly, without your needing to set the entireresolutionproperty to a new value.
与 Objective-C 语言不同的是,Swift 允许直接设置结构体属性的子属性。上面的最后一个例子,就是直接设置了someVideoMode中resolution属性的width这个子属性,以上操作并不需要重新为整个resolution属性设置新值。
Memberwise Initializers for Structure Types (结构体类型的成员逐一构造器)
All structures have an automatically-generatedmemberwise initializer, which you can use to initialize the member properties of new structure instances. Initial values for the properties of the new instance can be passed to the memberwise initializer by name:
let vga = Resolution(width:640,height:480)
Unlike structures, class instances do not receive a default memberwise initializer. Initializers are described in more detail inInitialization.
Structures and Enumerations Are Value Types (结构体和枚举是值类型)
Avalue typeis a type whose value iscopiedwhen it is assigned to a variable or constant, or when it is passed to a function.
You’ve actually been using value types extensively throughout the previous chapters. In fact, all of the basic types in Swift—integers, floating-point numbers, Booleans, strings, arrays and dictionaries—are value types, and are implemented as structures behind the scenes.
在之前的章节中,我们已经大量使用了值类型。实际上,在 Swift 中,所有的基本类型:整数(Integer)、浮点数(floating-point)、布尔值(Boolean)、字符串(string)、数组(array)和字典(dictionary),都是值类型,并且在底层都是以结构体的形式所实现。
All structures and enumerations are value types in Swift. This means that any structure and enumeration instances you create—and any value types they have as properties—are always copied when they are passed around in your code.
在 Swift 中,所有的结构体和枚举类型都是值类型。这意味着它们的实例,以及实例中所包含的任何值类型属性,在代码中传递的时候都会被复制。
Consider this example, which uses theResolutionstructure from the previous example:
let hd = Resolution(width:1920,height:1080)
var cinema = hd
This example declares a constant calledhdand sets it to aResolutioninstance initialized with the width and height of full HD video (1920pixels wide by1080pixels high).
It then declares a variable calledcinemaand sets it to the current value ofhd. BecauseResolutionis a structure, acopyof the existing instance is made, and this new copy is assigned tocinema. Even thoughhdandcinemanow have the same width and height, they are two completely different instances behind the scenes.
Next, the width property of cinema is amended to be the width of the slightly-wider 2K standard used for digital cinema projection (2048pixels wide and1080pixels high):
Checking the width property of cinema shows that it has indeed changed to be2048:
print("cinema is now\(cinema.width)pixels wide")
// Prints "cinema is now 2048 pixels wide"
However, the width property of the original hd instance still has the old value of1920:
print("hd is still\(hd.width)pixels wide")
// Prints "hd is still 1920 pixels wide"
When cinema was given the current value of hd, the values stored in hd were copied into the new cinema instance. The end result is two completely separate instances, which just happened to contain the same numeric values. Because they are separate instances, setting the width of cinema to 2048 doesn’t affect the width stored in hd.
The same behavior applies to enumerations:
enum CompassPoint {
case north,south,east,west
var currentDirection = CompassPoint.west
let rememberedDirection = currentDirection
currentDirection= .east
if rememberedDirection== .west {
print("The remembered direction is still .west")
// Prints "The remembered direction is still .west"
WhenrememberedDirectionis assigned the value ofcurrentDirection, it is actually set to a copy of that value. Changing the value ofcurrentDirectionthereafter does not affect the copy of the original value that was stored inrememberedDirection.
Classes Are Reference Types (类是引用类型)
Unlike value types,reference typesarenotcopied when they are assigned to a variable or constant, or when they are passed to a function. Rather than a copy, a reference to the same existing instance is used instead.
Here’s an example, using theVideoModeclass defined above:
let tenEighty = VideoMode()
This example declares a new constant calledtenEightyand sets it to refer to a new instance of theVideoModeclass. The video mode is assigned a copy of the HD resolution of1920by1080from before. It is set to be interlaced, and is given a name of"1080i". Finally, it is set to a frame rate of25.0frames per second.
以上示例中,声明了一个名为tenEighty的常量,其引用了一个VideoMode类的新实例。在之前的示例中,这个视频模式(video mode)被赋予了HD分辨率(1920*1080)的一个拷贝(即hd实例)。同时设置为interlaced,命名为“1080i”。最后,其帧率是25.0帧每秒。
Next,tenEightyis assigned to a new constant, calledalsoTenEighty, and the frame rate ofalsoTenEightyis modified:
let alsoTenEighty=tenEighty
Because classes are reference types,tenEightyandalsoTenEightyactually both refer to thesameVideoModeinstance. Effectively, they are just two different names for the same single instance.
Checking theframeRateproperty oftenEightyshows that it correctly reports the new frame rate of30.0from the underlyingVideoModeinstance:
print("The frameRate property of tenEighty is now\(tenEighty.frameRate)")
// Prints "The frameRate property of tenEighty is now 30.0"
Note thattenEightyandalsoTenEightyare declared asconstants, rather than variables. However, you can still changetenEighty.frameRateandalsoTenEighty.frameRatebecause the values of thetenEightyandalsoTenEightyconstants themselves do not actually change.tenEightyandalsoTenEightythemselves do not “store” theVideoModeinstance—instead, they bothreferto aVideoModeinstance behind the scenes. It is theframeRateproperty of the underlyingVideoModethat is changed, not the values of the constant references to thatVideoMode.
Identity Operators (恒等运算符)
Because classes are reference types, it is possible for multiple constants and variables to refer to the same single instance of a class behind the scenes. (The same is not true for structures and enumerations, because they are always copied when they are assigned to a constant or variable, or passed to a function.)
It can sometimes be useful to find out if two constants or variables refer to exactly the same instance of a class. To enable this, Swift provides two identity operators:
如果能够判定两个常量或者变量是否引用同一个类实例将会很有帮助。为了达到这个目的,Swift 内建了两个恒等运算符:
Identical to (===)
Not identical to (!==)
Use these operators to check whether two constants or variables refer to the same single instance:
if tenEighty === alsoTenEighty{
print("tenEighty and alsoTenEighty refer to the same VideoMode instance.")
// Prints "tenEighty and alsoTenEighty refer to the same VideoMode instance."
Note that “identical to” (represented by three equals signs, or===) does not mean the same thing as “equal to” (represented by two equals signs, or==):
1. “Identical to” means that two constants or variables of class type refer to exactly the same class instance.
“等价于”表示两个类类型(class type)的常量或者变量引用同一个类实例。
2. “Equal to” means that two instances are considered “equal” or “equivalent” in value, for some appropriate meaning of “equal”, as defined by the type’s designer.
When you define your own custom classes and structures, it is your responsibility to decide what qualifies as two instances being “equal”. The process of defining your own implementations of the “equal to” and “not equal to” operators is described inEquivalence Operators.
Pointers (指针)
If you have experience with C, C++, or Objective-C, you may know that these languages usepointersto refer to addresses in memory. A Swift constant or variable that refers to an instance of some reference type is similar to a pointer in C, but is not a direct pointer to an address in memory, and does not require you to write an asterisk (*) to indicate that you are creating a reference. Instead, these references are defined like any other constant or variable in Swift.
如果你有 C,C++ 或者 Objective-C 语言的经验,那么你也许会知道这些语言使用指针来引用内存中的地址。一个引用某个引用类型实例的 Swift 常量或者变量,与 C 语言中的指针类似,但是并不直接指向某个内存地址,也不要求你使用星号(*)来表明你在创建一个引用。Swift 中的这些引用与其它的常量或变量的定义方式相同。
Choosing Between Classes and Structures (类和结构体的选择)
You can use both classes and structures to define custom data types to use as the building blocks of your program’s code.
However, structure instances are always passed byvalue, and class instances are always passed byreference. This means that they are suited to different kinds of tasks. As you consider the data constructs and functionality that you need for a project, decide whether each data construct should be defined as a class or as a structure.
As a general guideline, consider creating a structure when one or more of these conditions apply:
1. The structure’s primary purpose is to encapsulate a few relatively simple data values.
2. It is reasonable to expect that the encapsulated values will be copied rather than referenced when you assign or pass around an instance of that structure.
3. Any properties stored by the structure are themselves value types, which would also be expected to be copied rather than referenced.
4. The structure does not need to inherit properties or behavior from another existing type.
Examples of good candidates for structures include:
1. The size of a geometric shape, perhaps encapsulating awidthproperty and aheightproperty, both of typeDouble.
2. A way to refer to ranges within a series, perhaps encapsulating astartproperty and alengthproperty, both of typeInt.
3. A point in a 3D coordinate system, perhaps encapsulatingx,yandzproperties, each of typeDouble.
In all other cases, define a class, and create instances of that class to be managed and passed by reference. In practice, this means that most custom data constructs should be classes, not structures.
Assignment and Copy Behavior for Strings, Arrays, and Dictionaries (字符串、数组、和字典类型的赋值与复制行为)
In Swift, many basic data types such asString,Array, andDictionaryare implemented as structures. This means that data such as strings, arrays, and dictionaries are copied when they are assigned to a new constant or variable, or when they are passed to a function or method.
Swift 中,许多基本类型,诸如String,Array和Dictionary类型均以结构体的形式实现。这意味着被赋值给新的常量或变量,或者被传入函数或方法中时,它们的值会被拷贝。
This behavior is different from Foundation:NSString,NSArray, andNSDictionaryare implemented as classes, not structures. Strings, arrays, and dictionaries in Foundation are always assigned and passed around as a reference to an existing instance, rather than as a copy.
Objective-C 中NSString,NSArray和NSDictionary类型均以类的形式实现,而并非结构体。它们在被赋值或者被传入函数或方法时,不会发生值拷贝,而是传递现有实例的引用。
The description above refers to the “copying” of strings, arrays, and dictionaries. The behavior you see in your code will always be as if a copy took place. However, Swift only performs anactualcopy behind the scenes when it is absolutely necessary to do so. Swift manages all value copying to ensure optimal performance, and you should not avoid assignment to try to preempt this optimization.
以上是对字符串、数组、字典的“拷贝”行为的描述。在你的代码中,拷贝行为看起来似乎总会发生。然而,Swift 在幕后只在绝对必要时才执行实际的拷贝。Swift 管理所有的值拷贝以确保性能最优化,所以你没必要去回避赋值来保证性能最优化。