授课教师:Dave Evans https://www.cs.virginia.edu/~evans/
a = ['H', 'E', 'L', 'L', 'O']
b = a
a[0] = 'Y'
print a, b
['Y', 'E', 'L', 'L', 'O'] ['Y', 'E', 'L', 'L', 'O']
def replace_list(list):
list[0] += 1
a = [0, 1]
print a
结果居然是[1, 1], list果然是神奇的生物。
def replace_string(string):
string = string + "1"
a = "0"
print a
p = [1, 2]
q = [3, 4]
print p
q[1] = 2
print q
print p
[1, 2, [3, 4]]
[3, 2]
[1, 2, [3, 2]]
p = [1, 2]
q = [3, 4]
print p
q = [3, 2]
print q
print p
[1, 2, [3, 4]]
[3, 2]
[1, 2, [3, 4]]
- .index(
) - 要注意的是,如果没找到,会 return an error
- 解决办法是用
¬ in
- 解决办法是用
- 如果list有多个需要找的value,只会给第一个找到的index
: "mutates the list by removing and returning its last element"- .pop()
for 可以一次性赋值好几个:
list = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]
for a, b, c in list:
print a
print b
print c
print "..."
web crawler with max depth
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This question explores a different way (from the previous question)
# to limit the pages that it can crawl.
# Yes, we really mean it! This is really tough (but doable) unless
# you have some previous experience before this course.
# Modify the crawl_web procedure to take a second parameter,
# max_depth, that limits the depth of the search. We can
# define the depth of a page as the number of links that must
# be followed to reach that page starting from the seed page,
# that is, the length of the shortest path from the seed to
# the page. No pages whose depth exceeds max_depth should be
# included in the crawl.
# For example, if max_depth is 0, the only page that should
# be crawled is the seed page. If max_depth is 1, the pages
# that should be crawled are the seed page and every page that
# it links to directly. If max_depth is 2, the crawl should
# also include all pages that are linked to by these pages.
# Note that the pages in the crawl may be in any order.
# The following definition of get_page provides an interface
# to the website found at http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html
# The function output order does not affect grading.
def get_page(url):
if url == "http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html":
return (' This is a test page for learning to crawl! '
' It is a good idea to '
'learn to '
'crawl before you try to '
'walk '
'or fly. '
elif url == "http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/crawling.html":
return (' I have not learned to crawl yet, but I '
'am quite good at '
' ')
elif url == "http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/walking.html":
return (' I cant get enough '
'crawling! '
' ')
elif url == "http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/flying.html":
return (' The magic words are Squeamish Ossifrage! '
' ')
elif url == "http://top.contributors/velak.html":
return (''
elif url == "http://top.contributors/jesyspa.html":
return (''
elif url == "http://top.contributors/forbiddenvoid.html":
return (''
elif url == "http://top.contributors/kilaws.html":
return (''
elif url == "http://top.contributors/graemeblake.html":
return (''
elif url == "A1":
return ' '
elif url == "B1":
return ''
elif url == "C1":
return ''
elif url == "D1":
return ' '
elif url == "E1":
return ' '
return ""
return ""
def get_next_target(page):
start_link = page.find('>> ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html']
#print crawl_web("http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html",1)
#>>> ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html',
#>>> 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/flying.html',
#>>> 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/walking.html',
#>>> 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/crawling.html']
print crawl_web("http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html",50)
#>>> ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html',
#>>> 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/flying.html',
#>>> 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/walking.html',
#>>> 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/crawling.html',
#>>> 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/kicking.html']
#print crawl_web("http://top.contributors/forbiddenvoid.html",2)
#>>> ['http://top.contributors/forbiddenvoid.html',
#>>> 'http://top.contributors/graemeblake.html',
#>>> 'http://top.contributors/angel.html',
#>>> 'http://top.contributors/dreyescat.html',
#>>> 'http://top.contributors/johang.html',
#>>> 'http://top.contributors/charlzz.html']
#print crawl_web("A1",3)
#>>> ['A1', 'C1', 'B1', 'E1', 'D1', 'F1']
# (May be in any order)
tocrawl []
next_depth ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/crawling.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/walking.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/flying.html']
crawled ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html']
depth 0
depth + 1 = 1
tocrawl ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/crawling.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/walking.html']
next_depth []
crawled ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/flying.html']
depth 1
tocrawl ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/crawling.html']
next_depth ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html']
crawled ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/flying.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/walking.html']
depth 1
tocrawl []
next_depth ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/kicking.html']
crawled ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/flying.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/walking.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/crawling.html']
depth 1
depth + 1 = 2
tocrawl ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html']
next_depth []
crawled ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/flying.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/walking.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/crawling.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/kicking.html']
depth 2
tocrawl []
depth + 1 = 3
['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/flying.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/walking.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/crawling.html', 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/kicking.html']
- 下面的算法是我的思路。就是直接用.sort对比list。分为row和column两个部分
- Udacity的算法和我的思路截然不同。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Sudoku [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku]
# is a logic puzzle where a game
# is defined by a partially filled
# 9 x 9 square of digits where each square
# contains one of the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
# For this question we will generalize
# and simplify the game.
# Define a procedure, check_sudoku,
# that takes as input a square list
# of lists representing an n x n
# sudoku puzzle solution and returns the boolean
# True if the input is a valid
# sudoku square and returns the boolean False
# otherwise.
# A valid sudoku square satisfies these
# two properties:
# 1. Each column of the square contains
# each of the whole numbers from 1 to n exactly once.
# 2. Each row of the square contains each
# of the whole numbers from 1 to n exactly once.
# You may assume the the input is square and contains at
# least one row and column.
correct = [[1,2,3],
incorrect = [[1,2,3,4],
incorrect2 = [[1,2,3,4],
incorrect3 = [[1,2,3,4,5],
incorrect4 = [['a','b','c'],
incorrect5 = [ [1, 1.5],
[1.5, 1]]
check_row 把每个小list排序,从小到大
check_column 把column变成row,再用check_row
from copy import deepcopy
def check_sudoku(sudoku):
a = deepcopy(sudoku)
b = deepcopy(sudoku)
return check_row(a) and check_column(b)
def check_row(sudoku):
correct_row_sorted = range(1, len(sudoku)+1)
for item in sudoku:
if item != correct_row_sorted:
return False
return True
def check_column(sudoku):
new_sudoku = []
n = len(sudoku)
for column in range(n):
new_row = []
for i in range(n):
return check_row(new_sudoku)
print check_sudoku(incorrect)
#>>> False
print check_sudoku(correct)
#>>> True
print check_sudoku(incorrect2)
#>>> False
print check_sudoku(incorrect3)
#>>> False
print check_sudoku(incorrect4)
#>>> False
print check_sudoku(incorrect5)
#>>> False
# Investigating adding and appending to lists
# If you run the following four lines of codes, what are list1 and list2?
list1 = [1,2,3,4]
list2 = [1,2,3,4]
list1 = list1 + [5, 6]
list2.append([5, 6])
# to check, you can print them out using the print statements below.
print "showing list1 and list2:"
print list1
print list2
showing list1 and list2:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 2, 3, 4, [5, 6]]
Symmetric Square
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# A list is symmetric if the first row is the same as the first column,
# the second row is the same as the second column and so on. Write a
# procedure, symmetric, which takes a list as input, and returns the
# boolean True if the list is symmetric and False if it is not.
row: [list[0][0], list[0][1], list[0][2]] == column: [list[0][0], list[1][0], list[2][0]]
row: [list[1][0], list[1][1], list[1][2]] == [list[0][1], list[1][1], list[2][1]]
for num in range(len(list))
即: row: list[row_num][n] == column: list[n][column_num]
注: row_number = column_num = num,
def symmetric(list):
if list == []:
return True
if len(list) != len(list[0]):
return False
for num in range(len(list)):
row = []
column = []
for n in range(len(list)):
print "round %s : %s, %s" % (num, row, column)
if row != column:
return False
return True
print symmetric([])
print symmetric([[1, 2, 3],
[2, 3, 4],
[3, 4, 1]])
#>>> True
print symmetric([["cat", "dog", "fish"],
["dog", "dog", "fish"],
["fish", "fish", "cat"]])
#>>> True
print symmetric([["cat", "dog", "fish"],
["dog", "dog", "dog"],
#>>> False
print symmetric([[1, 2],
[2, 1]])
#>>> True
print symmetric([[1, 2, 3, 4],
[2, 3, 4, 5],
[3, 4, 5, 6]])
#>>> False
print symmetric([[1,2,3],
#>>> False
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# By Dimitris_GR from forums
# Modify Problem Set 31's (Optional) Symmetric Square to return True
# if the given square is antisymmetric and False otherwise.
# An nxn square is called antisymmetric if A[i][j]=-A[j][i]
# for each i=0,1,...,n-1 and for each j=0,1,...,n-1.
def antisymmetric(list):
if list == []:
return True
if len(list) != len(list[0]):
return False
for num in range(len(list)):
row = []
column = []
for n in range(len(list)):
# print "round %s : %s, %s" % (num, row, column)
if row != column:
return False
return True
# Test Cases:
print antisymmetric([[0, 1, 2],
[-1, 0, 3],
[-2, -3, 0]])
#>>> True
print antisymmetric([[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0]])
#>>> True
print antisymmetric([[0, 1, 2],
[-1, 0, -2],
[2, 2, 3]])
#>>> False
print antisymmetric([[1, 2, 5],
[0, 1, -9],
[0, 0, 1]])
#>>> False
Recognise Identity Matrix
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# By Ashwath from forums
# Given a list of lists representing a n * n matrix as input,
# define a procedure that returns True if the input is an identity matrix
# and False otherwise.
# An IDENTITY matrix is a square matrix in which all the elements
# on the principal/main diagonal are 1 and all the elements outside
# the principal diagonal are 0.
# (A square matrix is a matrix in which the number of rows
# is equal to the number of columns)
def is_identity_matrix(matrix):
if matrix == []:
return False
if len(matrix) != len(matrix[0]):
return False
for n in range(len(matrix)):
if matrix[n] != [0]*n + [1] + (len(matrix)-n-1)*[0]:
return False
return True
# Test Cases:
matrix1 = [[1,0,0,0],
print is_identity_matrix(matrix1)
matrix2 = [[1,0,0],
print is_identity_matrix(matrix2)
matrix3 = [[2,0,0],
print is_identity_matrix(matrix3)
matrix4 = [[1,0,0,0],
print is_identity_matrix(matrix4)
matrix5 = [[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]]
print is_identity_matrix(matrix5)
matrix6 = [[1,0,0,0],
print is_identity_matrix(matrix6)
matrix7 = [[1, -1, 1],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1]]
print is_identity_matrix(matrix7)
Numbers in Lists
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Numbers in lists by SeanMc from forums
# define a procedure that takes in a string of numbers from 1-9 and
# outputs a list with the following parameters:
# Every number in the string should be inserted into the list.
# If a number x in the string is less than or equal
# to the preceding number y, the number x should be inserted
# into a sublist. Continue adding the following numbers to the
# sublist until reaching a number z that
# is greater than the number y.
# Then add this number z to the normal list and continue.
#Hint - "int()" turns a string's element into a number
def numbers_in_lists(string):
if len(string) <= 1:
return [string]
r1 = []
r = [int(string[0])]
y = int(string[0])
for i in range(1, len(string)):
num = int(str(string[i]))
if num > y:
if r1 != []:
y = num
r1 = []
if r1 != []:
# print r
return r
string = '543987'
result = [5,[4,3],9,[8,7]]
print repr(string), numbers_in_lists(string) == result
string= '987654321'
result = [9,[8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]]
print repr(string), numbers_in_lists(string) == result
string = '455532123266'
result = [4, 5, [5, 5, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2], 6, [6]]
print repr(string), numbers_in_lists(string) == result
string = '123456789'
result = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
print repr(string), numbers_in_lists(string) == result
Frequency Analysis
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Crypto Analysis: Frequency Analysis
# To analyze encrypted messages, to find out information about the possible
# algorithm or even language of the clear text message, one could perform
# frequency analysis. This process could be described as simply counting
# the number of times a certain symbol occurs in the given text.
# For example:
# For the text "test" the frequency of 'e' is 1, 's' is 1 and 't' is 2.
# The input to the function will be an encrypted body of text that only contains
# the lowercase letters a-z.
# As output you should return a list of the normalized frequency
# for each of the letters a-z.
# The normalized frequency is simply the number of occurrences, i,
# divided by the total number of characters in the message, n.
def freq_analysis(message):
freq_list = [0.0] * 26
for n in message:
freq_list[alphabet.find(n)] += 1.0
for i in range(len(freq_list)):
freq_list[i] /= len(message)
return freq_list
print freq_analysis("abcd")
#>>> [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.0, ..., 0.0]
print freq_analysis("adca")
#>>> [0.5, 0.0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.0, ..., 0.0]
print freq_analysis('bewarethebunnies')
#>>> [0.0625, 0.125, 0.0, 0.0, ..., 0.0]