Description MP-LABS is a suite of numerical simulation tools for multiphase flows based on the free energy Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM). The code allows for the simulation of quasi-incompressible two-phase flows, and uses multiphase models that allow for large density ratios. MP-LABS provides implementations that use periodic boundary conditions, but it is written in a way that allows for easy inclusion of different boundary conditions. The output from MP-LABS is in plain ASCII and VTK format, and can be analyzed using other Open Source tools such as Gnuplot and Paraview.
The objective of the MP-LABS project is to provide a core set of routines that are well documented, highly portable, and have proven to perform well in a variety of systems. The source code is written in Fortran 90 and MPI and uses separate subroutines for most tasks in order to make modifications easier.
2 OpenLB
... a library for lattice Boltzmann simulations
... a framework for high performance computing
... a community code
... and more
3 LuaLB
LuaLB is an open-source parallelizable lattice Boltzmann simulation for computational fluid dynamics with Lua scripting
4 El'Beem
El'Beem is a free surface fluid simulation library based on the Lattice Boltzmann Method target at physically based animation for computer graphics.
5 SunlightLB
SunlightLB is an open-source 3d lattice Boltzmann code which can be used to solve a variety of hydrodynamics problems, including passive scalar transport problems.
6 MetaCFD
is a lattice Boltzmann based CFD package for the simulation of single phase flows. It includes models for large eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent flows, heat transport and magnetohydrodynamics .
7 Babin and Holyst's Lattice Boltzmann Simulations and Code
8 Basic Lattice-Boltzmann (LB) MATLAB Code
9 Example codes for lattice Boltzmann
10 Free lattice Boltzmann code 'anb'
11 J-Lattice-Boltzmann V0.92
Prof. Dr. Dieter Wolf-Gladrow
AWI: Lattice-Gas Cellular Automata and Lattice Boltzmann Models - An Introduction (Book)
Li-Shi Luo
Sauro Succi
Irina Ginzburg
Institute for Computational Modeling in Civil Engineering - Technical University of Braunschweig
Oxford Theoretical Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Soft Condensed Matter, and Mesoscale Simulations of Complex Fluids, Julia Yeomans
John Abraham, School of Mechanical Engineering, Maurice J. Zucrow Laboratories, Purdue University
NIST Electronic Monograph
Section Computational Science is one of the research groups in the Computing, System Architecture and Programming Laboratory (CSP) of the University of Amsterdam
Dongxiao Zhang
Qinjun Kang
Markus Hilpert
Scientific and Parallel Computing Group, University of Geneva
Jonas Lätt
OpenLB Project
 Information on lattice Boltzmann and discussion forum
Lattice Boltzmann Methods in Interfacial Wave Modelling James Maxwell Buick Doctor of Philosophy The University of Edinburgh 1997
Soft condensed matter and statistical physics, Department of Physics, University of Jyv鋝kyl�, Finland
<--! ?????
Insitute of Fluid Mechanics (Lehrstuhl f黵 Str鰉ungsmechanik, LSTM) Chemical and Bioengineering Department, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Includes links to the most widely read Lattice Boltzmann mailing list.)
Basic Lattice-Boltzmann (LB) MATLAB Code
Harlan Stockman
Alexander Wagner's " A Practical Introduction to the Lattice Boltzmann Method"
Example codes for lattice Boltzmann; Alexander Wagner
TONY LADD Professor: Chemical Engineering University of Florida
Nils Th黵ey's beautiful animations and code Frederik Verhaeghe Michael M. Dupin <--! Ruud van der Sman, Wageningen University, the Netherlands Wageningen University Short Course, October 2006 --> Laboratory of Fuel Cell and Transport Phenomena, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology J鰎g Bernsdof, C&C Research Laboratories, NEC Europe Ltd. (ANB LBM Code) Iain Haslam (MATLAB LBM Code) Jessica Chau, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut Babin and Holyst's Lattice Boltzmann Simulations and Code, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences thomas-pohl's Lid-drive cavity Java Applet
Simple, yet simplistic, Lattice Boltzmann (LB) MATLAB implementation. D2H9, BGK, omega = 1, laminar flow in a 2D channel used as benchmark. Requires Image Processing Toolbox.
The code is not optimized for memory nor for speed, i.e. not efficient at all. However, it is better than almost nothing (i.e. the present MATLAB situation at Feb 2005 ? as far as I know)
Optimization for memory should consider only dry locations.
Other free LB (FORTRAN, C, and Cpp) codes are available:
See the anb.f code at or the S.Succi code available from
See also D2Q9poi.f from Dieter Wolf-Gladrow and written by Kraft and Schultz t
See also the translation into C of the original Succi FORTAN code
See also lb2d.m (by Youngseuk Keehm) at
For LB benchmarking see:
and page 190-192 in: Lattice-gas cellular automata and lattice Boltzmann models: an introduction / Dieter A. Wolf-Gladrow. -. ISBN: 3540669736.
This code is written to be readable by the most, optimisation makes it less readable. It is mean to be of some help to students tackling LB for the first time. As usual no guarantee of bug free or proper functioning. in the hope that some of the many LB developers will make soon something better available to the MATLAB community? possibly 3D, possibly multi-phase / multi-component.
Suggestions: Rather than rating, please- makes available a better code than this, it is an easier task. The user should not be surprise by encountering instability by changing the parameters without a precise rational. I suggest reading the references that benchmark the LB BKG and follow the given examples in order to get a feeling of the sensitivity of the code to the different variables. 入门书
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