eclipse运行项目报错:Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

从Android Studio项目跳回到Eclipse跑项目,编译后报错,如下图所示:

看了下报错信息,主要是:Unsupported major.minor version 52.0.意思是说不支持52.0版本.我再网上查了很多资料,都没有合适的回答,看到一个老外的总结,简单又详细(原文出处:

The issue is because of Java version mismatch. Referring to the Wikipedia Java Class Reference :

  • J2SE 9 = 53
  • J2SE 8 = 52
  • J2SE 7 = 51
  • J2SE 6.0 = 50
  • J2SE 5.0 = 49
  • JDK 1.4 = 48
  • JDK 1.3 = 47
  • JDK 1.2 = 46
  • JDK 1.1 = 45

These are the assigned major numbers. The error regarding the unsupported major.minor version is because during compile time you are using a higher JDK and a lower JDK during runtime.

Thus, the 'major.minor version 52.0' error is possibly because the jar was compiled in jdk 1.8, but you are trying to run it using a jdk 1.7 environment. The reported number is the required number, not the number you are using. To solve this, it's always better to have the jdk and jre pointed to the same version.



