
Brazilians get unusual shower tip

巴西环保组织SOS Mata Atlantica近日在电视上推出一个动画广告,用幽默的形式向人们宣传一个新的节水理念:淋浴时小便也节水。在广告中,圣雄甘地、金刚、自由女神像、希区柯克电影里的精神病患者、外星人以及一个坐在轮椅上的男子分别在一个半透明的浴帘后面一边淋浴一边“方便”。该环保组织表示,每个人每年用来冲厕所的水多达4380升,而这个广告是在以幽默的方式为人们提供一个善待环境的选择。




A video encouraging people to urinate in the shower to save water has caused a storm of interest in Brazil.

A video encouraging people to urinate in the shower to save water has caused a storm of interest in Brazil.

The animated video has aired on TV and shows dozens of characters that include Mahatma Ghandhi, King Kong, the Statue of Liberty, Psycho, an alien, and a man in a wheelchair relieving themselves behind a semi-transparent shower curtain.

It was commissioned by SOS Mata Atlantica, a green group devoted to preserving the Atlantic rainforest. The forest once covered Brazil's whole Atlantic seaboard but only around 12 per cent now remains. Much of that destruction was to make way for cities like Salvador, Recife, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

Organizers said each person can use up to 4,380 liters of water a year flushing the toilet and described the video as a fun way of offering an environmentally friendly alternative.

"In these times of financial crisis when the answer to everything is 'no' we wanted to bring a 'yes' to people's everyday lives, encouraging them to pee in the shower," said Mario Mantovani, the group's mobilization director.

"The environment appreciates the amount of water saved on each flush, which can be as much as 12 liters."
