HQL(Hive query language)常用语句

set hive.cli.print.header=true;

CREATE TABLE page_view(viewTime INT, userid BIGINT,
     page_url STRING, referrer_url STRING,
     ip STRING COMMENT 'IP Address of the User')
 COMMENT 'This is the page view table'

create table tab_ip_seq(id int,name string,ip string,country string) 
    row format delimited
    fields terminated by ','
    stored as sequencefile;
insert overwrite table tab_ip_seq select * from tab_ext;

//create & load
create table tab_ip(id int,name string,ip string,country string) 
    row format delimited
    fields terminated by ','
    stored as textfile;
load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/ip.txt' into table tab_ext;

load data inpath 'hdfs://ns1/aa/bb/data.log' into table tab_user;

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE tab_ip_ext(id int, name string,
     ip STRING,
     country STRING)
 LOCATION '/external/user';

// CTAS  根据select语句建表结构
CREATE TABLE tab_ip_ctas
SELECT id new_id, name new_name, ip new_ip,country new_country
FROM tab_ip_ext
SORT BY new_id;

//CLUSTER <--相对高级一点,你可以放在有精力的时候才去学习>
create table tab_ip_cluster(id int,name string,ip string,country string)
clustered by(id) into 3 buckets;

load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/ip.txt' overwrite into table tab_ip_cluster;
set hive.enforce.bucketing=true;
insert into table tab_ip_cluster select * from tab_ip;

select * from tab_ip_cluster tablesample(bucket 2 out of 3 on id); 

create table tab_ip_part(id int,name string,ip string,country string) 
    partitioned by (year string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/data.log' overwrite into table tab_ip_part
load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/data2.log' overwrite into table tab_ip_part

select * from tab_ip_part;

select * from tab_ip_part  where part_flag='part2';
select count(*) from tab_ip_part  where part_flag='part2';

alter table tab_ip change id id_alter string;
ALTER TABLE tab_cts ADD PARTITION (partCol = 'dt') location '/external/hive/dt';

show partitions tab_ip_part;

//insert from select   通过select语句批量插入数据到别的表
create table tab_ip_like like tab_ip;
insert overwrite table tab_ip_like
    select * from tab_ip;
//write to hdfs  将结果写入到hdfs的文件中
insert overwrite local directory '/home/hadoop/hivetemp/test.txt' select * from tab_ip_part where part_flag='part1';    
insert overwrite directory '/hiveout.txt' select * from tab_ip_part where part_flag='part1';

//cli shell  通过shell执行hive的hql语句
hive -S -e 'select country,count(*) from tab_ext' > /home/hadoop/hivetemp/e.txt  

select * from tab_ext sort by id desc limit 5;

select a.ip,b.book from tab_ext a join tab_ip_book b on(a.name=b.name);

create table tab_array(a array,b array)
row format delimited
fields terminated by '\t'
collection items terminated by ',';

select a[0] from tab_array;
select * from tab_array where array_contains(b,'word');
insert into table tab_array select array(0),array(name,ip) from tab_ext t; 

create table tab_map(name string,info map)
row format delimited
fields terminated by '\t'
collection items terminated by ','
map keys terminated by ':';

load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/hivetemp/tab_map.txt' overwrite into table tab_map;
insert into table tab_map select name,map('name',name,'ip',ip) from tab_ext; 

create table tab_struct(name string,info struct)
row format delimited
fields terminated by '\t'
collection items terminated by ','

load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/hivetemp/tab_st.txt' overwrite into table tab_struct;
insert into table tab_struct select name,named_struct('age',id,'tel',name,'addr',country) from tab_ext;

select if(id=1,first,no-first),name from tab_ext;

hive>add jar /home/hadoop/myudf.jar;
hive>CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION fanyi AS 'cn.itcast.hive.Fanyi';
select id,name,ip,fanyi(country) from tab_ip_ext;
