Rather than training from scratch, we'll often want to start from a pre-trainedmodel and fine-tune it.To indicate a checkpoint from which to fine-tune, we'll call training withthe --checkpoint_path
flag and assign it an absolute path to a checkpointfile.
When fine-tuning a model, we need to be careful about restoring checkpointweights. In particular, when we fine-tune a model on a new task with a differentnumber of output labels, we wont be able restore the final logits (classifier)layer. For this, we'll use the --checkpoint_exclude_scopes
flag. This flaghinders certain variables from being loaded. When fine-tuning on aclassification task using a different number of classes than the trained model,the new model will have a final 'logits' layer whose dimensions differ from thepre-trained model. For example, if fine-tuning an ImageNet-trained model onFlowers, the pre-trained logits layer will have dimensions [2048 x 1001]
butour new logits layer will have dimensions [2048 x 5]
. Consequently, thisflag indicates to TF-Slim to avoid loading these weights from the checkpoint.
Keep in mind that warm-starting from a checkpoint affects the model's weightsonly during the initialization of the model. Once a model has started training,a new checkpoint will be created in ${TRAIN_DIR}
. If the fine-tuningtraining is stopped and restarted, this new checkpoint will be the one fromwhich weights are restored and not the ${checkpoint_path}$
. Consequently,the flags --checkpoint_path
and --checkpoint_exclude_scopes
are only usedduring the 0-
th global step (model initialization). Typically for fine-tuningone only want train a sub-set of layers, so the flag --trainable_scopes
allowsto specify which subsets of layers should trained, the rest would remain frozen.
Below we give an example offine-tuning inception-v3 on flowers,inception_v3 was trained on ImageNet with 1000 class labels, but the flowersdataset only have 5 classes. Since the dataset is quite small we will only trainthe new layers.
$ DATASET_DIR=/tmp/flowers
$ TRAIN_DIR=/tmp/flowers-models/inception_v3
$ CHECKPOINT_PATH=/tmp/my_checkpoints/inception_v3.ckpt
$ python \
--train_dir=${TRAIN_DIR} \
--dataset_dir=${DATASET_DIR} \
--dataset_name=flowers \
--dataset_split_name=train \
--model_name=inception_v3 \
--checkpoint_path=${CHECKPOINT_PATH} \
--checkpoint_exclude_scopes=InceptionV3/Logits,InceptionV3/AuxLogits \
To evaluate the performance of a model (whether pretrained or your own),you can use the script, as shown below.
Below we give an example of downloading the pretrained inception model andevaluating it on the imagenet dataset.
CHECKPOINT_FILE = ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/inception_v3.ckpt # Example
$ python \
--alsologtostderr \
--checkpoint_path=${CHECKPOINT_FILE} \
--dataset_dir=${DATASET_DIR} \
--dataset_name=imagenet \
--dataset_split_name=validation \
See the evaluation module examplefor an example of how to evaluate a model at multiple checkpoints during or after the training.
Saves out a GraphDef containing the architecture of the model.
To use it with a model name defined by slim, run:
$ python \
--alsologtostderr \
--model_name=inception_v3 \
$ python \
--alsologtostderr \
--model_name=mobilenet_v1 \
--image_size=224 \
If you then want to use the resulting model with your own or pretrainedcheckpoints as part of a mobile model, you can run freeze_graph to get a graphdef with the variables inlined as constants using:
bazel build tensorflow/python/tools:freeze_graph
bazel-bin/tensorflow/python/tools/freeze_graph \
--input_graph=/tmp/inception_v3_inf_graph.pb \
--input_checkpoint=/tmp/checkpoints/inception_v3.ckpt \
--input_binary=true --output_graph=/tmp/frozen_inception_v3.pb \
The output node names will vary depending on the model, but you can inspect andestimate them using the summarize_graph tool:
bazel build tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:summarize_graph
bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/summarize_graph \
To run the resulting graph in C++, you can look at the label_image sample code:
bazel build tensorflow/examples/label_image:label_image
bazel-bin/tensorflow/examples/label_image/label_image \
--image=${HOME}/Pictures/flowers.jpg \
--input_layer=input \
--output_layer=InceptionV3/Predictions/Reshape_1 \
--graph=/tmp/frozen_inception_v3.pb \
--labels=/tmp/imagenet_slim_labels.txt \
--input_mean=0 \