加载一个可使用的日志缓冲区供查看,比如event 和radio . 默认值是main 。具体查看Viewing Alternative Log Buffers.
指定输出日志信息的 , 默认是stdout .
设置日志的最大数目 ., 默认值是4,需要和 -r 选 项一起使用。
每 时 输出日志,默认值为16,需要和-f 选 项一起使用.
设置日志输入格式,默认的是brief 格 式,要知道更多的支持的格式,参看Controlling Log Output Format .
adb shell am start -n com.android.phone/.XXXXX
android am命令
usage: am [start|broadcast|instrument|profile]
am start -D INTENT
am broadcast INTENT
am instrument [-r] [-e ] [-p ]
[-w] am profile [start |stop]
INTENT is described with:
[-a ] [-d ] [-t ]
[-c [-c ] ...]
[-e|--es ...]
[--ez ...]
[-e|--ei ...]
[-n ] [-f ] []The start command starts activity. Use -D option to make 'DebugOption' true.
The broadcast command sends broadcast.
The instrument command starts instrumentation.
Use -r option to make 'rawMode' true.
Use -e option to add the pair of ARG_NAME and ARG_VALUE into Bundle.
Use -p option to specify profileFile.
Use -w option to make 'wait' true in order to new an instance of InstrumentationWatcher.
Use COMPONENT to specify the name of the instrumentation component.
The profile command turn on/off profiling in a particular process specified by PROCESS.
Use start option to turn on and stop to turn off.Use PROF_FILE to specify the file path of profile.
Use -a to set action specified by ACTION to be performed.
Use -d to create a Uri(data) which parses the given encoded URI string DATA_URI.
Use -t to specify the type specified by MIME_TYPE. Use -c to add a new category specified by
CATEGORY to the intent.
Use -e or --es to add extended data to the intent.EXTRA_KEY specifies the name of the extra data and
EXTRA_STRING_VALUE specifies the string data value.
Use --ez to add extended data to the intent. EXTRA_KEY specifies the name of the extra data and
EXTRA_BOOLEAN_VALUE specifies the serializable data value.
Use -e or --ei to add extended data to the intent. EXTRA_KEY specifies the name of the extra data and
EXTRA_INT_VALUE specifies the serializable data value.
Use -n to explicitly set the component specified by COMPONENT to handle the intent.
Use -f to set special flags controlling how this intent is handled.FLAGS specifies the desired flags.
Use URI to create an intent from a URI.
usage: am [subcommand] [options]
start an Activity: am start [-D] -D: enable debugging
send a broadcast Intent: am broadcast start an Instrumentation: am instrument [flags] -r: print raw results (otherwise decode REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT)
-e : set argument to -p : write profiling data to -w: wait for instrumentation to finish before returning
start profiling: am profile start stop profiling: am profile stop
specifications include these flags:
[-a ] [-d ] [-t ]
[-c [-c ] ...]
[-e|--es ...]
[--ez ...]
[-e|--ei ...]
[-n ] [-f ] []
# am start -n 包(package)名/包名.活动(activity)名称
Music 和 Video(音乐和视频)的启动方法为:
# am start -n com.android.music/com.android.music.MusicBrowserActivity
# am start -n com.android.music/com.android.music.VideoBrowserActivity
# am start -n com.android.music/com.android.music.MediaPlaybackActivity
# am start -n com.android.camera/com.android.camera.Camera
# am start -n com.android.browser/com.android.browser.BrowserActivity
启动浏览器 :
am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d http://www.google.cn/
拨打电话 :
am start -a android.intent.action.CALL -d tel:10086
启动 google map 直接定位到北京 :
am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW geo:0,0?q=beijing
Annotation: 译为注释或注解
An annotation, in the Java computer programming language, is a form of syntactic metadata that can be added to Java source code. Classes, methods, variables, pa
定义:pageStart 起始页,pageEnd 终止页,pageSize页面容量
select * from ( select mytable.*,rownum num from (实际传的SQL) where rownum<=pageEnd) where num>=pageStart
package hessian.pojo;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class MyCar implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 473690540190845543
alter user scott account lock/unlock;
select * dba_users;
create user wj identified by wj;
identified by
grant connect to
v_ename emp.ename%TYPE;
v_sal emp.sal%TYPE;
select ename,sal into v_ename,v_sal
from emp where empno=&no;
public class IncDecThread {
private int j=10;
* 题目:用JAVA写一个多线程程序,写四个线程,其中二个对一个变量加1,另外二个对一个变量减1
* 两个问题:
* 1、线程同步--synchronized
* 2、线程之间如何共享同一个j变量--内部类
public static