最近大半个月都在搞ardupilot的东东,我的测试机是一台250的穿越机,Pixhawk 2.4.8的飞控(比较耐炸,机器刚到那天,测试时,由于GPS有问题,从大概6楼掉下来,四个桨叶的螺丝全掉了,桨叶也掉了两个,把所有东西找回来重新安装上,还是可以飞:))。
git submodule update --init --recursive过程中,我遇到好些问题:
CubardeMacBook-Air:arducopter cubar$ make
ArduPilot Building
The following web page has detailed information on building the code
Before building a target you need to be in the target vehicle type directory
e.g. ArduPlane, ArduCopter, APMrover2, AntennaTracker
Most targets support a "-upload" extension to upload the firmware
to a connected board. e.g. "make px4-v2-upload"
Some targets support a "-debug" extension to enable a debug build
(with debug symbols, and without optimisation)
Note that the px4 builds are NOT parallel safe, NO -j flag
px4-v1 - the PX4v1 board
px4-v2 - the Pixhawk
px4-v3 - the Pixhawk with 2M flash
px4-v4 - the XRacer
pxf - the Beagle Bone Black (BBB) + PXF cape combination
navio - the RaspberryPi + NavIO cape combination
linux - a generic Linux build
vrbrain - the VRBrain boards
sitl - the SITL Software In The Loop simulation
bbbmini - the Beagle Bone Black mini
bebop - the Parrot Bebop
raspilot - the RaspberryPi + pilot cape combination
erleboard - the ErleBoard legacy design
minlure - the drone lure for MinnowBoard and others
qflight - qualcomm flight board
erlebrain2 - the Erle-Brain 2 board
bhat - the RaspberryPi + BH HAT combination
pxfmini - the RaspberryPi Zero + PXFmini cape combination
navio2 - the RaspberryPi + NavIO2 cape combination
CubardeMacBook-Air:arducopter cubar$
Pruning ROMFS files.
ROMFS: romfs.img
OBJ: romfs.o
CC: romfs.o.c
CC: romfs.o.c
LINK: /Users/cubar/src/ardupilot/modules/PX4Firmware/Build/px4fmu-v2_APM.build/firmware.elf
BIN: /Users/cubar/src/ardupilot/modules/PX4Firmware/Build/px4fmu-v2_APM.build/firmware.bin
%% Generating /Users/cubar/src/ardupilot/modules/PX4Firmware/Build/px4fmu-v2_APM.build/firmware.px4
%% Copying /Users/cubar/src/ardupilot/modules/PX4Firmware/Images/px4fmu-v2_APM.px4
text data bss dec hex filename
1025164 2840 57224 1085228108f2c /Users/cubar/src/ardupilot/modules/PX4Firmware/Build/px4fmu-v2_APM.build/firmware.elf
PX4 ArduCopter Firmware is in ArduCopter-v2.px4
CubardeMacBook-Air:arducopter cubar$
问题来了,MAC下好像只有QGroundControl,没有MP。QC有点蛋疼的是不能越界修改参数,也不能查看日志(只能下载,下载后是一个bin文件,暂时没找到MAC下查看bin文件的软件,有个File Spy,能看到日志内容,但是不支持换行。。),因此,编译好后用U盘复制到WIN下面烧到PIX里。接下来就是各项校准。最后试飞。。。成功。。。