win10+GPU安装-UHD Graphics 630驱动安装

UHD Graphics 630驱动安装



Software Requirements
A Windows build environment needs these components:
Intel® HD Graphics Driver (latest version)†
OpenCV 3.4 or higher
Intel® C++ Compiler 2017 Update 4
CMake* 2.8 or higher
Python* 3.5 or higher
Visual Studio* 2015 or 2017
Set the Environment Variables 
NOTE: If you installed the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ to the non-default install directory, replace C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools with the directory in which you installed the software. 
You must update several environment variables before you can compile and run OpenVINO™ applications. Open the Command Prompt, and run the setupvars.bat batch file to temporarily set your environment variables: 
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino\bin\

