
一直以来,对 word2vec ,以及对 tensorflow 里面的 wordEmbedding 底层实现原理一直模糊不清,由此决心阅读 word2Vec 的两篇原始论文, Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality ,看完以后还是有点半懂半不懂的感觉,于是又结合网上的一些比较好的讲解(Word2Vec Tutorial - The Skip-Gram Model),以及开源的实现代码理解了一遍,在此总结一下。

下面主要以 skipgram 模型来介绍 word2Vec


  1. word2Vec 只是一个三层 的神经网络。
  2. 喂给模型一个 word ,然后用来预测它周边的词。
  3. 然后去掉最后一层,只保存 input_layer hidden_layer
  4. 从词表中选取一个词,喂给模型,在 hidden_layer 将会给出该词的 embedding repesentation
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
corpus_raw = 'He is the king . The king is royal . She is the royal  queen '
# convert to lower case
corpus_raw = corpus_raw.lower()

上述代码非常简单和易懂,现在我们需要获取 input output pair ,假设我们现在有这样一个任务,喂给模型一个词,我们需要获取它周边的词,举例来说,就是获取该词前 n 个和后 n 个词,那么这个 n 就是代码中的 window_size ,例如下图:


注意:如果这个词是一个句子的开头或结尾, window 忽略窗外的词。

我们需要对文本数据进行一个简单的预处理,创建一个 word2int 的字典和 int2word 的字典。

words = []
for word in corpus_raw.split():
    if word != '.': # because we don't want to treat . as a word
words = set(words) # so that all duplicate words are removed
word2int = {}
int2word = {}
vocab_size = len(words) # gives the total number of unique words
for i,word in enumerate(words):
    word2int[word] = i
    int2word[i] = word


-> 42 (say)
-> 'queen'


data = []
for sentence in sentences:
    for word_index, word in enumerate(sentence):
        for nb_word in sentence[max(word_index - WINDOW_SIZE, 0) : min(word_index + WINDOW_SIZE, len(sentence)) + 1] : 
            if nb_word != word:
                data.append([word, nb_word])

上述代码就是切句子,然后切词,得出的一个个训练样本 [word, nb_word] ,其中 word 就是模型输入, nb_word 就是该词周边的某个单词。

data 打印出来看看?

[['he', 'is'],
 ['he', 'the'],
 ['is', 'he'],
 ['is', 'the'],
 ['is', 'king'],
 ['the', 'he'],
 ['the', 'is'],
 ['the', 'king'],

现在我们有了训练数据了,但是需要将它转成模型可读可理解的形式,这时,上面的 word2int 字典的作用就来了。

来,我们更进一步的对 word 进行处理,并使其转成 onehot 向量

say we have a vocabulary of 3 words : pen, pineapple, apple
word2int['pen'] -> 0 -> [1 0 0]
word2int['pineapple'] -> 1 -> [0 1 0]
word2int['apple'] -> 2 -> [0 0 1]

那么为啥是 onehot 特征呢?稍后将解释。

# function to convert numbers to one hot vectors
def to_one_hot(data_point_index, vocab_size):
    temp = np.zeros(vocab_size)
    temp[data_point_index] = 1
    return temp
x_train = [] # input word
y_train = [] # output word
for data_word in data:
    x_train.append(to_one_hot(word2int[ data_word[0] ], vocab_size))
    y_train.append(to_one_hot(word2int[ data_word[1] ], vocab_size))
# convert them to numpy arrays
x_train = np.asarray(x_train)
y_train = np.asarray(y_train)

利用 tensorflow 建立模型

# making placeholders for x_train and y_train
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, vocab_size))
y_label = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, vocab_size))


由上图,我们可以看出,我们将 input 转换成 embedding_representation ,并且将 vocabSize 维度降低到设定的 embedding_dim

EMBEDDING_DIM = 5 # you can choose your own number
W1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([vocab_size, EMBEDDING_DIM]))
b1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([EMBEDDING_DIM])) #bias
hidden_representation = tf.add(tf.matmul(x,W1), b1)

接下来,我们需要使用 softmax 函数来预测该 word 周边的词。


W2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([EMBEDDING_DIM, vocab_size]))
b2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([vocab_size]))
prediction = tf.nn.softmax(tf.add( tf.matmul(hidden_representation, W2), b2))



input_one_hot  --->  embedded repr. ---> predicted_neighbour_prob
predicted_prob will be compared against a one hot vector to correct it.


sess = tf.Session()
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
sess.run(init) #make sure you do this!
# define the loss function:
cross_entropy_loss = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y_label * tf.log(prediction), reduction_indices=[1]))
# define the training step:
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.1).minimize(cross_entropy_loss)
n_iters = 10000
# train for n_iter iterations
for _ in range(n_iters):
    sess.run(train_step, feed_dict={x: x_train, y_label: y_train})
    print('loss is : ', sess.run(cross_entropy_loss, feed_dict={x: x_train, y_label: y_train}))

在训的过程中,你可以看到 loss 的变化:

loss is :  2.73213
loss is :  2.30519
loss is :  2.11106
loss is :  1.9916
loss is :  1.90923
loss is :  1.84837
loss is :  1.80133
loss is :  1.76381
loss is :  1.73312
loss is :  1.70745
loss is :  1.68556
loss is :  1.66654
loss is :  1.64975
loss is :  1.63472
loss is :  1.62112
loss is :  1.6087
loss is :  1.59725
loss is :  1.58664
loss is :  1.57676
loss is :  1.56751
loss is :  1.55882
loss is :  1.55064
loss is :  1.54291
loss is :  1.53559
loss is :  1.52865
loss is :  1.52206
loss is :  1.51578
loss is :  1.50979
loss is :  1.50408
loss is :  1.49861

最终 loss 会收敛,即使其 accuracy 不能达到很高的水平,我们并不 care 这点,我们最终的目的是获取较好的 W1 b1 ,也就是 hidden_repesentation

为什么是 onehot


当我们用 onehot 向量乘以 W1 时,获取的是 W1 矩阵的某一行,所以 W1 扮演的是一个 look up table

在我们这个代码例子中,可以看看 "queen" 1 中的 repesetation

print(vectors[ word2int['queen'] ])
# say here word2int['queen'] is 2
[-0.69424796 -1.67628145  3.07313657 -1.14802659 -1.2207377 ]


def euclidean_dist(vec1, vec2):
    return np.sqrt(np.sum((vec1-vec2)**2))

def find_closest(word_index, vectors):
    min_dist = 10000 # to act like positive infinity
    min_index = -1
    query_vector = vectors[word_index]
    for index, vector in enumerate(vectors):
        if euclidean_dist(vector, query_vector) < min_dist and not np.array_equal(vector, query_vector):
            min_dist = euclidean_dist(vector, query_vector)
            min_index = index
    return min_index

我们来看看,与 "king""queen""royal" 最近的词:

print(int2word[find_closest(word2int['king'], vectors)])
print(int2word[find_closest(word2int['queen'], vectors)])
print(int2word[find_closest(word2int['royal'], vectors)])


上面总结的主要是第一篇论文 Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space 内的内容,虽然只是一个三层的神经网络,但是在海量训练数据的情况下,需要极大的计算资源来支撑整个过程,举例来说,我们设定的 embedding_size=300 时,而 vocab_size=10,000 时,这时 W1 矩阵的维度就达到了 10,000300=3million !!,这个时候再用 SGD 来优化训练过程就显得十分缓慢,但是有时候你必须使用大量的数据来训练模型来避免过拟合。论文 Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality 介绍了几种解决办法。

  1. 采用下采样来降低训练样本数量
    tensorflow 里面实现的 word2Vec vocab_szie 并不是所有的 word 的数量,而且先统计了所有 word 的出现频次,然后选取出现频次最高的前 50000 的词作为词袋。具体操作请看代码 tensorflow/examples/tutorials/word2vec/word2vec_basic.py,其余的词用 unk 代替。
  2. 采用一种所谓的”负采样”的操作,这种操作每次可以让一个样本只更新权重矩阵中一小部分,减小训练过程中的计算压力。
    举例来说:一个 input output pair 如: (fox,quick) ,由上面的分析可知,其 true label 为一个 onehot 向量,并且该向量只是在 quick 的位置为1,其余的位置均为0,并且该向量的长度为 vocab size ,由此每个样本都缓慢能更新权重矩阵,而”负采样”操作只是随机选择其余的部分 word ,使得其在 true label 的位置为0,那么我们只更新对应位置的权重。例如我们如果选择负采样数量为5,则选取5个其余的 word ,使其对应的 output 为0,这个时候 output 只是6个神经元,本来我们一次需要更新 30010,000 参数,进行负采样操作以后只需要更新 30061800 个参数。

个人感觉 word2Vec 了解到这个程度差不多了。


import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

corpus_raw = 'He is the king . The king is royal . She is the royal  queen '

# convert to lower case
corpus_raw = corpus_raw.lower()

words = []
for word in corpus_raw.split():
    if word != '.': # because we don't want to treat . as a word

words = set(words) # so that all duplicate words are removed
word2int = {}
int2word = {}
vocab_size = len(words) # gives the total number of unique words

for i,word in enumerate(words):
    word2int[word] = i
    int2word[i] = word

# raw sentences is a list of sentences.
raw_sentences = corpus_raw.split('.')
sentences = []
for sentence in raw_sentences:


data = []
for sentence in sentences:
    for word_index, word in enumerate(sentence):
        for nb_word in sentence[max(word_index - WINDOW_SIZE, 0) : min(word_index + WINDOW_SIZE, len(sentence)) + 1] : 
            if nb_word != word:
                data.append([word, nb_word])

# function to convert numbers to one hot vectors
def to_one_hot(data_point_index, vocab_size):
    temp = np.zeros(vocab_size)
    temp[data_point_index] = 1
    return temp

x_train = [] # input word
y_train = [] # output word

for data_word in data:
    x_train.append(to_one_hot(word2int[ data_word[0] ], vocab_size))
    y_train.append(to_one_hot(word2int[ data_word[1] ], vocab_size))

# convert them to numpy arrays
x_train = np.asarray(x_train)
y_train = np.asarray(y_train)

# making placeholders for x_train and y_train
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, vocab_size))
y_label = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, vocab_size))

EMBEDDING_DIM = 5 # you can choose your own number
W1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([vocab_size, EMBEDDING_DIM]))
b1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([EMBEDDING_DIM])) #bias
hidden_representation = tf.add(tf.matmul(x,W1), b1)

W2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([EMBEDDING_DIM, vocab_size]))
b2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([vocab_size]))
prediction = tf.nn.softmax(tf.add( tf.matmul(hidden_representation, W2), b2))

sess = tf.Session()
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
sess.run(init) #make sure you do this!

# define the loss function:
cross_entropy_loss = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y_label * tf.log(prediction), reduction_indices=[1]))

# define the training step:
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.1).minimize(cross_entropy_loss)

n_iters = 10000
# train for n_iter iterations

for _ in range(n_iters):
    sess.run(train_step, feed_dict={x: x_train, y_label: y_train})
    print('loss is : ', sess.run(cross_entropy_loss, feed_dict={x: x_train, y_label: y_train}))

vectors = sess.run(W1 + b1)

def euclidean_dist(vec1, vec2):
    return np.sqrt(np.sum((vec1-vec2)**2))

def find_closest(word_index, vectors):
    min_dist = 10000 # to act like positive infinity
    min_index = -1
    query_vector = vectors[word_index]
    for index, vector in enumerate(vectors):
        if euclidean_dist(vector, query_vector) < min_dist and not np.array_equal(vector, query_vector):
            min_dist = euclidean_dist(vector, query_vector)
            min_index = index
    return min_index

from sklearn.manifold import TSNE

model = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=0)
vectors = model.fit_transform(vectors) 

from sklearn import preprocessing

normalizer = preprocessing.Normalizer()
vectors =  normalizer.fit_transform(vectors, 'l2')


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for word in words:
    print(word, vectors[word2int[word]][1])
    ax.annotate(word, (vectors[word2int[word]][0],vectors[word2int[word]][1] ))
