

一、          简要综述以往和现在研究:

  1. 时间相关:To date, thus far, up to now,
  2. 对过去研究的评论:Used, found, reported, shown that, indicated that, linked x with y, suggested that, demonstrated that, begun to examine the use of, confirmed the effectiveness of, revealed a correlation between x and y, highlighted factors that are associated with, been carried out, have been undertaken, has been exploratory, focused on, has investigated, emphasizes, pays particular attention to, is concerned with, relatively few historical studies
  3. 表明观点:Argues, suggests, maintains, concludes, points out, offers, proposes, argues for
  4. 这带来了新的机遇和挑战: This has brought new opportunities and challenges. 
  5. 研究的成果和讨论:Generally, the...between the ...is unavoidable during...; In order to exclude the effects of...; It is widely proposed that the effects of...on...can be represented by...; Meanwhile,....; It is well known that...

二、          重点回顾与本工作相关的研究:

  1. 工作的重要性:is fundamental to, has a pivotal role in, is frequently prescribed for, is fast becoming a key instrument in, plays a vital role in the metabolism of , plays a critical role in the maintenance of
  2. 解决问题:argues that, gives an account of, discusses the case of , analyses the impact of , attempts to show that, contests the claim that, provides an overview of , reviews the evidence for
  3. 研究的意义:This study provides new insights into , This work will generate fresh insight into , The study offers some important insights into , Understanding the link between X and Y will help , This is the first study to undertake a longitudinal analysis of
  4. 介绍性的句式:On the one hand,...are significantly influenced by...On the other hand,...;Therefore, understandings of ...are very important for designers of ...to improve...;Due to...,...are widely applied in...;In this study,...are investigated by...

三、          以往工作的不足

  1. 转折词:However, although, nevertheless, on the other hand, actually, in fact, by contrast, on the contrary, while
  2. 传统的方法由于XX存在着瓶颈: The traditional method has bottleneck due to XX
  3. 十九世纪七十年代以来,xxx快速发展,传统模式暴露出了诸多缺点: Since the 1870s, xxx has developed rapidly and the traditional model has exposed many shortcomings. 
  4. 研究不足:

    Previous studies of X have not dealt with …

    Researchers have not treated X in much detail.

    Such expositions are unsatisfactory because they ……

    Most studies in the field of X have only focused on …

    Such approaches, however, have failed to address …

    Previous published studies are limited to local surveys.

    Half of the studies evaluated failed to specify whether …


          5.作比较和对比: Despite their similarities, ... and ...are also different; The most striking difference is that...,while..


    The main weakness with this theory is that …

    The key problem with this explanation is that …

    However, this theory does not fully explain why …

    One criticism of much of the literature on X is that …

    However, there is an inconsistency with this argument.

    A serious weakness with this argument, however, is that …

    One question that needs to be asked, however, is whether …


    One major drawback of this approach is that …

    Selection bias is another potential concern because …

    Perhaps the most serious disadvantage of this method is that …

    The main limitation of biosynthetic incorporation, however, is …

    Non-government agencies are also very critical of the new policies.

    All the studies reviewed so far, however, suffer from the fact that …

    Critics of laboratory-based experiments contend that such studies …

    Another problem with this approach is that it fails to take X into account.

    Difficulties arise, however, when an attempt is made to implement the policy.

    Critics have also argued that not only do surveys provide an inaccurate measure of X, but the …

    Nevertheless, the strategy has not escaped criticism from governments, agencies and academics.


this method of analysis has a number of limitations.

this method does involve potential measurement error.

there are limits to how far the idea of/concept of X can be taken.

approaches of this kind carry with them various well known limitations.

one of the problems with the instrument the researchers used to measure X was …


However, all the previously mentioned methods suffer from some serious 








四、          回到本研究中来

  1. 总结:overall, in summary, taken together, therefore,
  2. 结果很好:surprising, significant, interesting, remarkable, unexpected, disappointing
  3. 图表:shows, compares, presents, provides,
  4. 本次试验中,我们重点研究了: In this experiment, we mainly studied   
  5. 相关实验的引用:From Fig.1, it can be observed that...; In addition, grain microstructure was observed by...; The stress increases with the decrease of... or the increase of...
  6. 研究价值展望:




Severe weather




is likely to

will probably

will almost certainly



become more common in the future.


It is likely

It is possible

It is almost certain

There is a possibility

There is a small chance

There is a strong possibility



(that) the situation will improve in the long term.



  1. It is essential for the xxx problem
  2. xxx is quite challenging and has emerged as a hot research topic in the meteorology community
  3. Existing methods for xxx can roughly be categorized into two classes
  4. these xxx methods are limited because the
  5. These technical issues may be addressed by
  6. Recent advances in deep learning, especially recurrent xxx provide some useful insights on how to tackle this problem.
  7. In this paper, we propose
  8. To address this problem, we propose
  9. Despite marked progress over the past several decades, xxx remains a challenge because
  10. Although potentially useful, it is still an open question as to how to
  11. Although there has been much progress over the past several decades,
  12. Although there has been a great deal of progress in the n
  13. This paper is organized as follows
  14. Although xxx showed potential in xxx , its success is still limited.
  15. xxx has attracted substantial attention in various fields.
  16. Although there has been great progress in xxx models, the method is still far from being adequate for xxx because of many problems
  17. Has achieved successes with many challenging problems , and now makes it possible to achieve this.
  18. In this paper, we have successfully applied the machine learning approach, especially deep learning,
  19. In this paper, we focus on the need for
  20. This paper proceeds as follow.
  21. The structure of the paper is as follows.
  22. Details on ... and... are discussed in later sections.
  23. At the time of this writing, there is still no standard way of ...
  24. A major concern in ... today is to continue to improve ..
  25. Finally, conclusions and future work are summarized
  26. This paper concludes with a discussion of future research consideration in section ...
  27. This paper describes a system for the analysis of the...
  28. A brief methodology used in... is discussed.
  29. The use of the method is discussed and an example is given.
  30. The main emphasis is placed on the problem of...
  31. Overall, these cases support the view that …
  32. The evidence presented thus far supports the idea that …
  33. This case demonstrates the need for better strategies for …
  34. As this case very clearly demonstrates, it is important that …
  35. This case reveals the need for further investigation in patients with …
  36. 分类:

    X can be classified into Xi and Xii.
    X can be categorised into Xi, Xii and Xiii.
    Several taxonomies for X have been developed …
    Different methods have been proposed to classify …
    X may be divided into several groups: a) …, b) … or c) …
    Generally, X provides two types of information: Xi and Xii.


    X is different from Y in a number of respects.

    X differs from Y in a number of important ways.

    There are a number of important differences between X and Y.

    Areas where significant differences have been found include X and Y.

    In contrast to earlier findings, however, no evidence of X was detected.

    A descriptive case study differs from an exploratory study in that it uses …

