Learning Opencv 3 —— 四章 Mat 数据类型

Opencv Mat 数据类型



Mat 构造函数

Constructor Description
cv::Mat; 默认构造器
cv::Mat( int rows, int cols, int type ); 指定行列和类型
int rows, int cols, int type,
const Scalar& s
int rows, int cols, int type,
void* data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP
cv::Mat( cv::Size sz, int type ); 使用Size指定行列和类型
cv::Size sz,
int type, const Scalar& s
cv::Size sz, int type,
void* data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP
int ndims, const int* sizes,
int type
int ndims, const int* sizes,
int type, const Scalar& s
int ndims, const int* sizes,
int type, void* data,
size_t step=AUTO_STEP

























cv::Mat m;
// Create data area for 3 rows and 10 columns of 3-channel 32-bit floats
m.create( 3, 10, CV_32FC3 );
// Set the values in the 1st channel to 1.0, the 2nd to 0.0, and the 3rd to 1.0
m.setTo( cv::Scalar( 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) );

cv::Mat m( 3, 10, CV_32FC3, cv::Scalar( 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) );


Constructor Description
cv::Mat( const Mat& mat ); Copy constructor
const Mat& mat,
const cv::Range& rows,
const cv::Range& cols
Copy constructor that copies only a subset of rows and columns
const Mat& mat,
const cv::Rect& roi
Copy constructor that copies only a subset of rows and columns specified by a region of interest
const Mat& mat,
const cv::Range* ranges
Generalized region of interest copy constructor that uses an array of ranges to select from an n-dimensional array
cv::Mat( const cv::MatExpr& expr ); Copy constructor that initializes m with the result of an algebraic expression of other matrices
const CvMat* old,
bool copyData=false
Constructor for a new object m that creates m from an oldstyle CvMat, with optional data copy
const IplImage* old,
bool copyData=false
Constructor for a new object m that creates m from an oldstyle IplImage, with optional data copy



















Constructor Description
const cv::Vec& vec,
bool copyData=true
Construct a one-dimensional array of type T and size n from a cv::Vec of the same type
const cv::Matx& vec,
bool copyData=true
Construct a two-dimensional array of type T and size m × n from a cv::Matx of the same type
const std::vector& vec,
bool copyData=true
Construct a one-dimensional array of type T from an STL vector containing elements of the same type












Function Description
cv::Mat::zeros( rows, cols, type ); Create a cv::Mat of size rows × cols, which is full of zeros, with type type (CV_32F, etc.)
cv::Mat::ones( rows, cols, type ); Create a cv::Mat of size rows × cols, which is full of ones, with type type (CV_32F, etc.)
cv::Mat::eye( rows, cols, type ); Create a cv::Mat of size rows × cols, which is an
identity matrix, with type type (CV_32F, etc.)







元素访问 at<>

Example Description
M.at( i ); Element i from integer array M
M.at( i, j ); Element ( i, j ) from float array M
M.at( pt ); Element at location (pt.x, pt.y) in integer matrix M
M.at( i, j, k ); Element at location ( i, j, k ) in three-dimensional
float array M
M.at( idx ); Element at n-dimensional location indicated by idx[] in array M of unsigned characters









通过 Iterator(MatConstIterator 或者 MatIterator)访问数据

int sz[3] = { 4, 4, 4 };
cv::Mat m( 3, sz, CV_32FC3 ); // A three-dimensional array of size 4-by-4-by-4
cv::randu( m, -1.0f, 1.0f ); // fill with random numbers from -1.0 to 1.0

float max = 0.0f; // minimum possible value of L2 norm
cv::MatConstIterator it = m.begin();

while( it != m.end() ) {
    len2 = (*it)[0]*(*it)[0]+(*it)[1]*(*it)[1]+(*it)[2]*(*it)[2];
    if( len2 > max ) max = len2;


  const int n_mat_size = 5;
  const int n_mat_sz[] = { n_mat_size, n_mat_size, n_mat_size };

  cv::Mat n_mat0( 3, n_mat_sz, CV_32FC1 );
  cv::Mat n_mat1( 3, n_mat_sz, CV_32FC1 );

  cv::RNG rng;
  rng.fill( n_mat0, cv::RNG::UNIFORM, 0.f, 1.f );
  rng.fill( n_mat1, cv::RNG::UNIFORM, 0.f, 1.f );

  const cv::Mat* arrays[] = { &n_mat0, &n_mat1, 0 };

  cv::Mat my_planes[2];
  cv::NAryMatIterator it( arrays, my_planes );

  float s = 0.f; // Total sum over all planes in both arrays
  int   n = 0;   // Total number of planes
  for( int p = 0; p < it.nplanes; p++, ++it ) {
    s += cv::sum(it.planes[0])[0];
    s += cv::sum(it.planes[1])[0];
/////////// compute dst[*] = pow(src1[*], src2[*]) //////////////
const Mat* arrays[] = { src1, src2, dst, 0 };
float* ptrs[3];
NAryMatIterator it(arrays, (uchar**)ptrs);
for( size_t i = 0; i < it.nplanes; i++, ++it )
    for( size_t j = 0; j < it.size; j++ )
        ptrs[2][j] = std::pow(ptrs[0][j], ptrs[1][j]);


Example Description
m.row( i ); Array corresponding to row i of m
m.col( j ); Array corresponding to column j of m
m.rowRange( i0, i1 ); Array corresponding to rows i0 through i1-1 of matrix m
m.rowRange( cv::Range( i0, i1 ) ); Array corresponding to rows i0 through i1-1 of matrix m
m.colRange( j0, j1 ); Array corresponding to columns j0 through j1-1 of matrix m
m.colRange( cv::Range( j0, j1 ) ); Array corresponding to columns j0 through j1-1 of matrix m
m.diag( d ); Array corresponding to the d-offset diagonal of matrix m
m( cv::Range(i0,i1), cv::Range(j0,j1) ); Array corresponding to the subrectangle of matrix m with one corner at i0, j0 and the opposite corner at (i1-1, j1-1)
m( cv::Rect(i0,i1,w,h) ); Array corresponding to the subrectangle of matrix m with one corner at i0, j0 and the opposite corner at (i0+w-1, j0+h-1)
m( ranges ); Array extracted from m corresponding to the subvolume that is the intersection of the ranges given by ranges[0]- ranges[ndim-1]


Example Description
m0 + m1, m0 – m1; Addition or subtraction of matrices
m0 + s; m0 – s; s + m0, s – m1; Addition or subtraction between a matrix and a singleton
-m0; Negation of a matrix
s * m0; m0 * s; Scaling of a matrix by a singleton
m0.mul( m1 ); m0/m1; Per element multiplication of m0 and m1, per-element division of
m0 by m1
m0 * m1; Matrix multiplication of m0 and m1
m0.inv( method ); Matrix inversion of m0 (default value of method is DECOMP_LU)
m0.t(); Matrix transpose of m0 (no copy is done)
m0>m1; m0>=m1; m0==m1; m0<=m1; m0 Per element comparison, returns uchar matrix with elements 0
or 255
m0&m1; m0|m1; m0^m1; ~m0;
m0&s; s&m0; m0|s; s|m0; m0^s; s^m0;
Bitwise logical operators between matrices or matrix and a
min(m0,m1); max(m0,m1); min(m0,s);
min(s,m0); max(m0,s); max(s,m0);
Per element minimum and maximum between two matrices or a
matrix and a singleton
cv::abs( m0 ); Per element absolute value of m0
m0.cross( m1 ); m0.dot( m1 ); Vector cross and dot product (vector cross product is defined only for 3 × 1 matrices)
cv::Mat::eye( Nr, Nc, type );
cv::Mat::zeros( Nr, Nc, type );
cv::Mat::ones( Nr, Nc, type );
Class static matrix initializers that return fixed Nr × Nc matrices of type type


Example Description
m1 = m0.clone(); Make a complete copy of m0, copying all data elements as well; cloned array will be continuous
m0.copyTo( m1 ); Copy contents of m0 onto m1, reallocating m1 if necessary (equivalent to m1=m0.clone())
m0.copyTo( m1, mask ); Same as m0.copyTo(m1), except only entries indicated in the array mask are copied
m1, type, scale, offset
Convert elements of m0 to type (e.g., CV_32F) and write to m1 after scaling by scale (default 1.0) and adding offset (default 0.0)
m0.assignTo( m1, type ); Internal use only (resembles convertTo)
m0.setTo( s, mask ); Set all entries in m0 to singleton value s; if mask is present, set only those values corresponding to nonzero elements in mask
m0.reshape( chan, rows ); Changes effective shape of a two-dimensional matrix; chan or rows may be zero, which implies “no change”; data is not copied
m0.push_back( s ); Extend an m × 1 matrix and insert the singleton s at the end
m0.push_back( m1 ); Extend an m × n by k rows and copy m1 into those rows; m1 must be k × n
m0.pop_back( n ); Remove n rows from the end of an m × n (default value of n is 1)
m0.locateROI( size, offset ); Write whole size of m0 to cv::Size size; if m0 is a “view” of a larger matrix, write location of starting corner to Point& offset
m0.adjustROI( t, b, l, r ); Increase the size of a view by t pixels above, b pixels below, l pixels to the left, and r pixels to the right
m0.total(); Compute the total number of array elements (does not include channels)
m0.isContinuous(); Return true only if the rows in m0 are packed without space between them in memory
m0.elemSize(); Return the size of the elements of m0 in bytes (e.g., a three-channel float matrix would return 12 bytes)
m0.elemSize1(); Return the size of the subelements of m0 in bytes (e.g., a three-channel float matrix would return 4 bytes)
m0.type(); Return a valid type identifier for the elements of m0 (e.g., CV_32FC3)
m0.depth(); Return a valid type identifier for the individial channels of m0 (e.g., CV_32F)
m0.channels(); Return the number of channels in the elements of m0
m0.size(); Return the size of the m0 as a cv::Size object
m0.empty(); Return true only if the array has no elements (i.e., m0.total==0 or
