HBase 之 HTable 分析一


HTable是HBase提供的一个主要客户端接口, 通过它可以实现与HBase集群连接, 进而实现CRUD等一系列功能。

  1. HTable如何实现与HBase集群的连接?
HTable是如何知道HBase集群中的HMaser和HRegionServer, 答案是通过Zookeeper, zookeeper是一个分布式协调系统, HMaser,HRegionServer在启动后会自动在zookeeper中注册自己的地址。
      HTable实例构造后会查找zookeeper配置, 与zookeeper取的连接, 进而获取HMaser,HRegionServer信息
通过org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKConfig 类来加载zookeeper配置:

public static Properties makeZKProps(Configuration conf) {  
  // First check if there is a zoo.cfg in the CLASSPATH. If so, simply read  
  // it and grab its configuration properties.  
  ClassLoader cl = HQuorumPeer.class.getClassLoader();  // zoo.cfg必须在CLASSPATH路径下
  final InputStream inputStream =  
    cl.getResourceAsStream(HConstants.ZOOKEEPER_CONFIG_NAME); // 优先使用zoo.cfg配置 
  if (inputStream != null) {  
    try {  
      return parseZooCfg(conf, inputStream);  
    } catch (IOException e) {  
      LOG.warn("Cannot read " + HConstants.ZOOKEEPER_CONFIG_NAME +  
               ", loading from XML files", e);  
  // 在zoo.cfg配置加载失败的情况下再使用hbase的配置文件中指定的配置项
  // Otherwise, use the configuration options from HBase's XML files.  
  Properties zkProperties = new Properties();  
  // Directly map all of the hbase.zookeeper.property.KEY properties.  
  for (Entry entry : conf) {  
    String key = entry.getKey();  
    if (key.startsWith(ZK_CFG_PROPERTY)) {  
      String zkKey = key.substring(ZK_CFG_PROPERTY_SIZE);  
      String value = entry.getValue();  
      // If the value has variables substitutions, need to do a get.  
      if (value.contains(VARIABLE_START)) {  
        value = conf.get(key);  
      zkProperties.put(zkKey, value);  
  // If clientPort is not set, assign the default  
  if (zkProperties.getProperty(ZK_CLIENT_PORT_KEY) == null) {  
  // Create the server.X properties.  
  int peerPort = conf.getInt("hbase.zookeeper.peerport", 2888);  
  int leaderPort = conf.getInt("hbase.zookeeper.leaderport", 3888);  
  final String[] serverHosts = conf.getStrings(HConstants.ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM,  
  for (int i = 0; i < serverHosts.length; ++i) {  
    String serverHost = serverHosts[i];  
    String address = serverHost + ":" + peerPort + ":" + leaderPort;  
    String key = "server." + i;  
    zkProperties.put(key, address);  
  return zkProperties;  
加载过程主要是先从CLASSPATH中寻找zoo.cfg的配置文件, 没有再使用hbase的配置项,有一个优先级关系, 需要注意, 否则,在zoo.cfg配置文件存在的情况下, 再怎么修改hbase配置文件否无济于事.

2. 连上zookeeper后会监控哪些节点?
HTable连上zookeeper后就会监控一些节点, 以期获取HMaster, HRegionServer等信息, 通过org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZooKeeperWatcher类的setNodeNames方法可以看出:
 * Set the local variable node names using the specified configuration.  
private void setNodeNames(Configuration conf) {  
  baseZNode = conf.get(HConstants.ZOOKEEPER_ZNODE_PARENT,  
  rootServerZNode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(baseZNode,  
      conf.get("zookeeper.znode.rootserver", "root-region-server"));  
  rsZNode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(baseZNode,  
      conf.get("zookeeper.znode.rs", "rs"));  
  masterAddressZNode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(baseZNode,  
      conf.get("zookeeper.znode.master", "master"));  
  clusterStateZNode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(baseZNode,  
      conf.get("zookeeper.znode.state", "shutdown"));  
  assignmentZNode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(baseZNode,  
      conf.get("zookeeper.znode.unassigned", "unassigned"));  
  tableZNode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(baseZNode,  
      conf.get("zookeeper.znode.tableEnableDisable", "table"));  


zkCli -server

  1. [zk: 0]  
  2. [zk: 0] ls /  
  3. [hbase, zookeeper]  
  4. [zk: 1] ls /hbase  
  5. [root-region-server, rs, table, unassigned, master, shutdown]  
  6. [zk: 2] 


本文出自 “炽天使” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://3199782.blog.51cto.com/3189782/651889
