1. 登录作业:
1 for i in range(3): 2 username=input('username:').strip() 3 passwd=input('passwd:').strip() 4 if username and passwd: 5 if username=='weixiaocui' and passwd=='123456': 6 print('%s欢迎登录'%username) 7 break 8 else: 9 print('账号/密码错误') 10 else: 11 print('账号/密码不能为空') 12 else: 13 print('错误失败次数太多!')
2.登录,注册,账号密码 存在文件里面,登录用注册时候的账号和密码
1 f=open('user.txt','a+',encoding='utf-8') 2 f.seek(0) 3 all_users={} 4 for line in f: 5 if line: 6 line=line.strip() 7 line_list=line.split(',') 8 all_users[line_list[0]]=line_list[1] 9 while True: 10 username=input('用户名:').strip() 11 passwd=input('密码:').strip() 12 cpasswd=input('确认密码:').strip() 13 if username and passwd and cpasswd: 14 if username in all_user: 15 print('用户名已经存在,请重新输入!') 16 else: 17 if passwd==cpasswd: 18 all_users[username]=passwd 19 f.write(username+','+passwd+'\n') 20 f.flush()#立即写到文件里面 21 print('注册成功!') 22 break 23 else: 24 print('两次输入密码不一致,请重新输入!') 25 else: 26 print('用户名/密码/确认密码不能为空!') 27 f.close()
1 #登录作业代码 2 f=open('user.txt',encoding='utf-8') 3 all_users={}#存放所有用户 4 for line in f: 5 if line: 6 line=line.strip() 7 line_list=line.split(',') 8 all_users[line_list[0]]=line_list[1] 9 while True: 10 username=input('用户名:').strip() 11 passwd=input('密码:').strip() 12 if username and passwd: 13 if username in all_user: 14 if passwd == all_users.get(username): 15 print('欢迎光临 %s'%username) 16 break 17 else: 18 print('密码输入错误!') 19 else: 20 print('用户不存在!') 21 else: 22 print('用户名/密码不能为空!') 23 f.close()
1 import random,string 2 count=int(input('请输入你要生成密码的条数:')) 3 all_passwds=[] 4 while True: 5 lower=random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase,1)#随机取一个小写字母 6 upper=random.sample(string.ascii_uppercase,1)#随机取一个大写字母 7 num=random.sample(string.digits,1)#随机取一个数字 8 other=random.sample(string.ascii_letters+string.digits,5) 9 res=lower+upper+num+other#把这4个list合并到一起 10 random.shuffle(res)#打乱顺序 11 new_res=''.join(res)+'\n'#因为res是list,所以转成字符串 12 if new_res not in all_passwds:#这里是为了判断是否重复 13 all_passwds.append(new_res) 14 if len(all_passwds)==count:#判断循环什么时候结束 15 break 16 with open('passwds.txt','w') as fw: 17 fw.writelines(all_passwds)
1 ok_req={ 2 "version": "9.0.0", 3 "is_test": True, 4 "store": "", 5 "urs": "", 6 "device": { 7 "os": "android", 8 "imei": "99001062198893", 9 "device_id": "CQliMWEyYTEzNTYyYzk5MzJmCTJlNmY3Zjkx", 10 "mac": "02:00:00:00:00:00", 11 "galaxy_tag": "CQliMWEyYTEzNTYyYzk5MzJmCTJlNmY3Zjkx", 12 "udid": "a34b1f67dd5797df93fdd8b072f1fb8110fd0db6", 13 "network_status": "wifi" 14 }, 15 "adunit": { 16 "category": "VIDEO", 17 "location": "1", 18 "app": "7A16FBB6", 19 "blacklist": "" 20 }, 21 "ext_param":{ 22 "is_start" : 0, 23 "vId":"VW0BRMTEV" 24 } 25 } 26 not_ok={ 27 "version": "9.0.0", 28 "is_test": True, 29 "urs": "", 30 "store": "", 31 "device": { 32 "os": "android", 33 "imei": "99001062298893", 34 "device_id": "CQliMWEyYTEzNTYyYzk5MzJmCTJlNmY3Zjkx", 35 "mac": "02:00:00:00:00:00", 36 "galaxy_tag": "CQliMWEyYTEzNTYyYzk5MzJmCTJlNmY3Zjkx", 37 "udid": "a34b1f67dd5797da93fdd8b072f1fb8110fd0db6", 38 "network_status": "wifi" 39 }, 40 "adunit": { 41 "category": "VIDEO", 42 "location": "1", 43 "app": "7A16FBB6", 44 "blacklist": "" 45 },"ext_param": { 46 "is_start": 0, 47 "vid": "VW0BRMTEV" 48 } 49 } 50 def compare(d1,d2): 51 for k in d1: 52 v1=d1.get(k) 53 v2=d1.get(k) 54 if type(v1)==dict: 55 compare(v1,v2) 56 else: 57 if v1!=v2: 58 print('不一样的k是【%s】,v1是【%s】 v2是【%s】'%(k,v1,v2)) 59 #对称差集,两个集合里面都没有的元素,在a里有,在b里没有,在b里有,在a里没有的 60 res=set(d1.keys()).symmetric_difference(set(d2.keys())) 61 if res: 62 print('不一样的k',res) 63 compare(ok_req,not_ok)
1 PRODUCTS_FILE='products' 2 def op_file(filename,content=None): 3 f=open(filename,'a+',encoding='utf-8') 4 f.seek(0) 5 if content!=None: 6 f.truncate() 7 f.write(str(content)) 8 f.flush() 9 else: 10 res=f.read() 11 if res: 12 products=eval(res) 13 else: 14 products={} 15 return products 16 f.close() 17 def check_price(s): 18 s = str(s) 19 if s.count('.')==1: 20 left=s.split('.')[0] 21 right=s.split('.')[1] 22 if left.isdigit() and right.isdigit(): 23 return True 24 elif s.isdigit() and int(s)>0: 25 return True 26 return False 27 def check_count(count): 28 if count.isdigit(): 29 if int(count)>0: 30 return True 31 return False 32 def add_product(): 33 while True: 34 name=input('name:').strip() 35 price=input('price:').strip() 36 count=input('count:').strip() 37 color=input('color:').strip() 38 if name and price and count and color: 39 products=op_file(PRODUCTS_FILE) 40 if name in products: 41 print('商品已经存在') 42 elif not check_price(price): 43 print('价格不合法') 44 elif not check_count(count): 45 print('商品数量不合法') 46 else: 47 product={'color':color,'price':'%.2f'%float(price),'count':count} 48 products[name]=product 49 op_file(PRODUCTS_FILE,products) 50 print('商品添加成功') 51 break 52 else: 53 print('必填参数未填') 54 def view_products(): 55 products=op_file(PRODUCTS_FILE) 56 if products: 57 for k in products: 58 print('商品名称【%s】,商品信息【%s】'%(k,products.get(k))) 59 else: 60 print('当前没有商品') 61 def del_products(): 62 while True: 63 name=input('name:').strip() 64 if name: 65 products=op_file(PRODUCTS_FILE) 66 if products: 67 if name in products: 68 products.pop(name) 69 op_file(PRODUCTS_FILE,products) 70 print('删除成功!') 71 break 72 else: 73 print('你输入的商品名称不存在,请重新输入!') 74 else: 75 print('当前没有商品') 76 else: 77 print('必填参数未填') 78 def start(): 79 choice=input('请输入你的选择:1、添加商品2、查看商品3、删除商品,q、退出:').strip() 80 if choice=='1': 81 add_product() 82 elif choice=='2': 83 view_products() 84 elif choice=='3': 85 del_products() 86 elif choice=='q': 87 quit('谢谢光临') 88 else: 89 print('输入错误!') 90 return start() 91 start()
1 import os,datetime 2 def clean_log(path): 3 if os.path.exists(path) and os.path.isdir(path): 4 today = datetime.date.today() #2017-01-02 5 yesterday = datetime.date.today()+ datetime.timedelta(-1) 6 before_yesterday = datetime.date.today()+ datetime.timedelta(-2) 7 file_name_list = [today,yesterday,before_yesterday] 8 for file in os.listdir(path): 9 file_name_sp = file.split('.') 10 if len(file_name_sp)>2: 11 file_date = file_name_sp[1] #取文件名里面的日期 12 if file_date not in file_name_list: 13 abs_path = os.path.join(path,file) 14 print('删除的文件是%s,'%abs_path) 15 os.remove(abs_path) 16 else: 17 print('没有删除的文件是%s'%file) 18 else: 19 print('路径不存在/不是目录') 20 clean_log(r'')