LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck

If you're a native C++ smart device developer and recently downloaded VS2005 SP1 you may find that some of your existing programs and some of the samples that ship with Windows Mobile SDK will fail to compile. Even if you're able to make them compile they may issue a warning like "warning LNK 4099: PDB 'libbmt.pdb was not found".

This is because VSD has updated the compilers for VS2005 SP1 to be on par with WinCE 6 compilers which included /GS support. So, for projects that don’t include libc/msvcrt or turn off /GS, you will run into these errors on pre-WinCE 6 platforms

As a workaround you should explicitly include "libcmt.lib" in the list of additional libs to link against and turn off the linker warning (/nowarn:4099).


VS2005安装了SP1后,原来能编译连接成功的WM 5.0工程,出现了LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck 错误提示,什么原因呢?据说,针对WINCE 6 platform, SP1升级了编译器与一些库信息。

解决办法:在工程属性里,"Links" ---> "additional depengdecies", 添加"libcmt.lib", 或者在'Ignore all default libraries'选'No',去掉/NODEFAULTLIB。


你可能感兴趣的:(LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck)