微软最近一场重要盛会MIX 2007将于4/30日~5/2月举行,从这可以窥见.NET技术的一些未来(6~10个月内)
谈MIX 2007有什么作用?难不成祭司要去参加,还是鼓励大家参加?呵~都不是,答案是”预测未来”!哦~祭司也喜欢算命呀,预测未来,而.NET的未来技术要如何预测?看MIX 2007就可以预见一些端倪,我看了看Session主题与说明,也许对许多人而言是很新的,在Develope有关部分并没有什么重大突破,最红了不起就是ASP.NET AJAX、WPF+WPF/E、Expression这组所组合出来的新一代技术,这些其实我都玩过,ASP.NET AJAX在大家耳朵里早就快听到烂掉了,WPF我都看过至少 3本英文书了,也主讲过两场研讨会,所以基本上难不倒我的。
不过倒不是要贬低ASP.NET AJAX、WPF+WPF/E、Expression这些新技术,或吐槽它们了无新意,而项庄舞剑,意在沛公,谁是沛公?就是Orcas!只有Orcas出来才能够好好整合所有新技术,新的修补,而非现在现.NET 3.0要装一堆CTP,还得懂一大堆注意事项,然后现在又来个Window Vista,光在上面灌个VS 2005和相关.NET 2.0 & .NET 3.0问题就多到令人怯步。
如果你是专家或高手,有在玩这些新技术,要修补或更改技术细节让系统Work可能你还是有办法,只是花时间多少而已,但对于一般人呢?可能就问题重重了,连我对这种现象都有点倦了,一堆CTP,然后又来个Vista,还要一堆注意事项,又一堆软体不能跑,所以期待Visual Studio Orcas的心情可想而知。而在这场MIX07连个Orcas鬼影都没有的话,代表好消息与坏消息,好消息是大家不必这么早面对Visual Studio Orcas世代交替,坏消息是你必须再苦等一段很长的时间,才有可能会有Orcas消息,再来就是等美国微软的PDC 2007,看看会不会有Orcas进一步的消息啰!
注:ASP.NET AJAX、WPF+WPF/E、Expression到2008年仍会是最强的主流!
Broaden Your Market with Windows Live
Audience(s): Business Decision Maker, Designer
Build a social application based on the Windows Live contacts, presence and messaging services. Hear how social applications are benefitting from the robust Windows Live ecosystem.
Design in Motion: Video Production Workflow
Audience(s): Designer
Creating high quality video is a combination of art and science. Learn the tips from the pros on how to optimize video compression to deliver the best quality at the smallest sizes with Expression Media Encoder, a feature of Microsoft Expression Media.
Designing Rich Web Experiences
Audience(s): Designer
Walk through creating and enriching a customer facing Web experience for Burton Snowboards. Delve deeply into the design with Expression Web and see how to integrate that design into Visual Studio and ASP.NET 2.0. See how to leverage ASP.NET AJAX and push rich media and interactivity farther than ever before with “WPF/E”.
Designing Stunning Sites with "WPF/E"
Audience(s): Designer
Whether you're animating 2D objects, simulating 3D environments, or creating broadcast-style video experiences, this session shows you the ins and outs of how to create stunning looking sites and Web experiences with "WPF/E".
Designing Ultimate Experiences with Expression Studio
Audience(s): Designer
Join some top designers as they show how to create next generation experiences using Expression Blend and Expression Design. Hear first-hand tips from the trenches on best practices for creating experiences that are anything but lowest-common-denominator.
Driving Your Business through User Experience
Audience(s): Business Decision Maker
Hear how tools, technologies and cutting edge design combine to create the user experiences that drive your business. See how a continuum of user experiences can be a powerful lever to differentiate the products and services you offer via the Web.
Exploring AJAX Patterns
Audience(s): Designer, Developer
Dive deep into advanced ASP.NET AJAX techniques to learn how to use both out-of-the-box features and intrinsic extensibility to implement powerful AJAX patterns that can be applied to a range of real-world scenarios. See a number of demos that expose patterns that will be connected together to create a rich photo browsing experience.
First Look at the Future of IE
Audience(s): Designer, Developer
Hear what Microsoft's browser investments mean to you, and make sure you get a voice in shaping the next version of Internet Explorer. Hear about what features and layout issues are being worked on, and let us know what causes you the most problems.
Five Real World Applications that Raise the Bar for User Experience
Audience(s): Business Decision Maker
Come learn about five applications that will change what your customers will expect from tomorrow’s software applications.
Gazing into the Future of Web Development
Audience(s): Business Decision Maker, Designer, Developer
Be one of the first to see the big advances planned for the next version of ASP.NET for building rich Web applications. Get a sneak peek at technology to help simplify rich content, data, services and more. Learn how to efficiently and effectively create data-driven applications that fully leverage the power of “WPF/E” and AJAX on the client coupled with powerful server-side features provided by ASP.NET.
Go Deep with AJAX
Audience(s): Developer
Get your hands on tips and tricks for ASP.NET AJAX from the insiders who know best. See how to take fundamental ASP.NET AJAX features like the UpdatePanel to the next level. Cover extensibility points in the core ASP.NET AJAX Extensions, Networking and Application Services. Get a demo-intensive view with tons of code to illustrate how you can fully leverage the power of ASP.NET AJAX.
High-Speed Development with the AJAX Control Toolkit
Audience(s): Developer
Learn how you can quickly and easily integrate components from the AJAX Control Toolkit into your applications. Find out about best practices and guidelines for creating rich, reusable, client-centric user interface components that plug into the AJAX Control Toolkit.
How to Make AJAX Applications Scream on the Client
Audience(s): Developer
What can you do about slow AJAX applications? Take a deep technical dive into optimizing your Web code to run faster and more efficiently.
IE7 Retrospective: Microsoft's Look at the Good, Bad and Ugly
Audience(s): Business Decision Maker, Designer, Developer
Hear from Microsoft's IE7 team about the journey from mea culpa to broad market acceptance. Hear what went right, what had to be cut, and how development priorities are set. Learn how to minimize your Web browser support headaches, and move to a more standardized Web.
Implementing Rich UI for Web Applications
Audience(s): Developer
Learn how to deliver richly interactive Web experiences with animation, video and more using "WPF/E" and Expression.
Introduction to "WPF/E"
Audience(s): Business Decision Maker, Designer, Developer
"Windows Presentation Foundation ‘Everywhere’” (codename) is Microsoft’s solution for delivering rich, cross-platform interactive experiences for the Web and beyond. "WPF/E" will enable the creation of rich, visually stunning and interactive content/applications that run within multiple browsers, and operating systems. In this session, learn more about "WPF/E" and the business value it offers.
Introduction to XAML for Designers
Audience(s): Designer
Learn the basics of XAML (the eXtensible Application Markup Language) to create rich user experiences. Come learn how to create and use vector graphics, layout, video, text and more. Learn how XAML skills will empower you to design for both WPF and "WPF/E".
Killer Digital Reading Experiences
Audience(s): Business Decision Maker
The New York Times Reader has revolutionized the way news is read on screen. Hear how the Times Reader was built and the business goals and user experience principles that drove its design. Learn how use the same capabilities to create a killer reading experience of your own.
LINQing Your Web Applications
Audience(s): Developer
See how Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) allows for the most seamless integration of your Web applications and relational data. Get a sneak peek at the next version of the .NET Framework and Visual Studio (codenamed “Orcas”).
Making Money with RSS
Audience(s): Business Decision Maker, Developer
Learn how to use RSS to engage with your customer and pull them directly into your world. Find out how to create new revenue opportunities by enabling your customers to purchase directly from your site's RSS feeds.
Partying with PHP
Audience(s): Business Decision Maker, Developer
Learn how to spice up PHP using the unique features of the Microsoft platform. PHP is the center of attention as you learn to build and run a PHP application on IIS7, and also mingle with the Microsoft AJAX library.
Rich Media, Low Cost
Audience(s): Business Decision Maker, Developer
Customer demands for richer UX and higher quality video are continually factors in cost of delivery. Learn how server and encoder optimizations together can reduce cost structures for small and large customers.
Scaling Rich Web Applications
Audience(s): Developer
Explore how to build highly expressive, interactive, media driven applications leveraging powerful AJAX functionality with "WPF/E" and ASP.NET AJAX. Also, learn how to scale your application for growing demand.
Search Engine Optimization with Rich Media
Audience(s): Business Decision Maker, Designer, Developer
Increasing search engine discoverability is a key business driver for many Web sites. Explore industry proven techniques for implementing search engine friendly Web applications using both a generic approach, and also Microsoft technologies like ASP.NET and "WPF/E". Learn to improve content indexability and create new ways for exposing data about rich media to indexing engines.
Selling Stuff on the Web in Style
Audience(s): Business Decision Maker, Designer, Developer
See how to create a themed, enterprise ready, e-commerce storefront capable of handling the largest of transactional retail scenarios. Learn how to get the Commerce Server 2007 Starter Site running and skinned with Expression Web, and how to leverage several underlying capabilities via ASP.NET 2.0. Learn about how to deploy, integrate and manage the site, and find out what the future holds for the evolution of e-commerce technologies for the Microsoft platform.
The 30 Minute Social Application
Audience(s): Designer, Developer
Many controls are being developed to open up Windows Live to developers. Come see how you can start using Windows Live services today.
Thinking in CSS: How to Build Great Looking Sites
Audience(s): Designer
Delve into CSS with Molly Holzschlag, and look at the power CSS offers to Web developers and designers. Hear Molly's secrets about how to build stunning sites quickly and easily.
Windows Live Messenger: Show Me the Money
Audience(s): Business Decision Maker, Designer
Reach customers more effectively and with deeper engagement through the Web, on mobile devices and on the desktop. Use Windows Live Agents, Alerts and Messenger Activity applications to reach the Windows Live Messenger community. Come hear a number of customer examples with best practices and their business results.