CakePHP - 构建List类型数据的方式

这里所指的List类型数据,即以 key/value 对形式存储的数据,在CakePHP中此类数据通常作为select、checkbox、radio的options使用。


keyvalue 默认使用Table类中定义的 displayFieldprimaryKey,通常为 idname

$articlesTable->find('list', [
    'limit' => 100,


//In ArticlesTable class
$articlesTable->find('list', [
    'keyField' => 'id',
    'valueField' => 'title',
    'groupField' => 'author_id' //可用于select的

//Create list data from associations that can be reached with joins
$articlesTable->find('list', [
    'keyField' => 'id',
    'valueField' => 'author_name'

combine( keyPath, valuePath, $groupPath = null)

可以实现自由组合 key/value 键值对的效果。

$articlesTable->find()->combine('author_id', 'title');

//Use closures to build keys/values/groups paths dynamically
$combined = (new Collection($entities))->combine(
    function ($entity) { return $entity; },
    function ($entity) { return $entity->date->toDateString(); }

// Result will look like this when converted to array
    'date string like 2015-05-01' => ['entity1->id' => entity1, 'entity2->id' => entity2, ..., 'entityN->id' => entityN]
    'date string like 2015-06-01' => ['entity1->id' => entity1, 'entity2->id' => entity2, ..., 'entityN->id' => entityN]



//Use toList() to get all values even if there are duplicate keys
$titles = $articlesTable->find()->extract('title')->toList();

//Use Callback function
$collection = new Collection($articles);
$authors = $collection->extract(function($article) {
    return $article->author->first_name . ' ' . $article->author->last_name;
