The Maximum Mean Discrepancy

Lemma 1 Let (,d) be a metric space, and let p, q be two Borel probability measures defined on . Then p = q if and only if Ex(f(x))=Ey(f(y)) for all fC() , where C() is the space of bounded continuous functions on .

Because it is not practical to work with such a rich function class in the finite sample setting. We thus define a more general class of statistic, for as yet unspecified function classes , to measure the disparity between p and q.

Definition 2 Let be a class of functions f: and let p,q,x,y,X,Y be defined as above. We defined the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) as


In the statistics literature, this is known as an integal probability metric. A biased empirical estimate of the MMD is obtained by replacing the population expectations with empirical expectations computed on the samples X and Y,

We must therefore identify a function clas that is rich enough to uniquely identify whether p = q, yet restrictive enough to provide useful finite sample estimates.

Lemma 3 If k(,) is measurable and Exk(x,x)< then μp .

Lemma 4 Assume the condition in Lemma 3 for the existence of the mean embeddings μp,μq is satisfied. Then


Theorem 5 Let be a unit ball in a universal RKHS , defined on the compact metric space , with associated continuous kernel k(,) . Then MMD[,p,q]=0 if and only if p = q.

Lemma 6 Given x and x independent random variables with distribution p, and y and y independent random variables with distribution q , the squared population MMD is


where x is an independent copy of x with the same distribution, and y is an independent copy of y . An unbiased empirical estimate is a sum of two U-statistics and a sample average,

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