



diff -c ./kern/trap/trap.c ../lab1/kern/trap/trap.c > ./kern/trap/trap.patch
patch -p2 -i ./kern/trap/trap.patch



1.1 理解ucore的机制


/* *
 * struct Page - Page descriptor structures. Each Page describes one
 * physical page. In kern/mm/pmm.h, you can find lots of useful functions
 * that convert Page to other data types, such as phyical address.
 * */
struct Page {
    int ref;                        // page frame's reference counter
    uint32_t flags;                 // array of flags that describe the status of the page frame
    unsigned int property;          // the num of free block, used in first fit pm manager
    list_entry_t page_link;         // free list link

/* Flags describing the status of a page frame */
#define PG_reserved                 0      
#define PG_property                 1      
  • ref表示页被引用的计数器,当有一个虚拟页映射到了这个结构描述的物理页,计数器加1,反之减1,当变为0的时候要设置其标记位表示页是未分配的
  • flags表示页的状态标记,有2个标记,bit0表示此页是否被保留,若被保留则设置为1,bit1表示此页是否是空闲的,若是空闲则设置为1,可以通过SetPageReserved等宏进行标记的设置
  • property表示某连续内存空闲块的大小,即地址连续空闲页的个数,需要设置此变量的页是头页,连续内存空闲块地址最小的一页
  • page_link表示把多个连续内存空闲块链接在一起的双向链表指针,具体定义及操作参考libs/list.h


/* free_area_t - maintains a doubly linked list to record free (unused) pages */
typedef struct {
    list_entry_t free_list;         // the list header
    unsigned int nr_free;           // # of free pages in this free list
} free_area_t;


// pmm_manager is a physical memory management class. A special pmm manager - XXX_pmm_manager
// only needs to implement the methods in pmm_manager class, then XXX_pmm_manager can be used
// by ucore to manage the total physical memory space.
struct pmm_manager {
    const char *name;                                 // XXX_pmm_manager's name
    void (*init)(void);                               // initialize internal description&management data structure
                                                      // (free block list, number of free block) of XXX_pmm_manager 
    void (*init_memmap)(struct Page *base, size_t n); // setup description&management data structcure according to
                                                      // the initial free physical memory space 
    struct Page *(*alloc_pages)(size_t n);            // allocate >=n pages, depend on the allocation algorithm 
    void (*free_pages)(struct Page *base, size_t n);  // free >=n pages with "base" addr of Page descriptor structures(memlayout.h)
    size_t (*nr_free_pages)(void);                    // return the number of free pages 
    void (*check)(void);                              // check the correctness of XXX_pmm_manager 

1.2 first-fit方法的实现


/*reuse the demo default_init fun*/
static void
default_init(void) {
    nr_free = 0;

static void
default_init_memmap(struct Page *base, size_t n) {
    assert(n > 0);
    struct Page *p = base;
    for (; p != base + n; p ++) {
        p->flags = 0;                                  
        p->property = 0;
        set_page_ref(p, 0);
        list_add_before(&free_list, &(p->page_link)); //'add before' -> low to high addr
    base->property = n;                               //head page need to set property
    nr_free += n;

static struct Page *
default_alloc_pages(size_t n) {
    assert(n > 0);
    if (n > nr_free) {
        return NULL;
    struct Page *page = NULL;
    list_entry_t *le = &free_list, *len;
    while ((le = list_next(le)) != &free_list) {
        struct Page *p = le2page(le, page_link);
        if (p->property >= n) {                       //first-fit then break
            page = p;
    if (page != NULL) {
        if (page->property > n) {                     
            struct Page *p = page + n;
            p->property = page->property - n;         //update the spare pages' head page
        nr_free -= n;
        for(int i=0; i//initialize the allocated pages
            len = list_next(le);
            struct Page *pp = le2page(le, page_link);
            le = len;
    return page;

static void
default_free_pages(struct Page *base, size_t n) {
    assert(n > 0);
    nr_free += n;
    struct Page *p;
    list_entry_t *le = &free_list;
    while((le = list_next(le)) != &free_list){
        p = le2page(le, page_link);
        if(p > base){                                 //to find the correct position to insert(from low to high addr)
    for(p = base; p < base + n; p++){                 //reset the freed pages and insert them into page_link
        list_add_before(le, &(p->page_link));
        p->flags = 0;
        p->property = 0;
        set_page_ref(p, 0);
    base->property = n;                               //assume base is a head page

    if(base + n == le2page(le, page_link)){           //merge with high addr
        base->property += p->property;
        p->property = 0;

    le = list_prev(&(base->page_link));
    p = le2page(le, page_link);
    if(le != &free_list && p == base - 1){            //merge with low addr
        while(le != &free_list){
            if(p->property > 0){                      //find the previous free block's head page and merge
                p->property += base->property;
                base->property = 0;                   //base is not a head page, reset its property
            le = list_prev(le);
            p = le2page(le, page_link);


2.1 理解ucore段/页表寻址机制





// A linear address 'la' has a three-part structure as follows:
// +--------10------+-------10-------+---------12----------+
// | Page Directory |   Page Table   | Offset within Page  |
// |      Index     |     Index      |                     |
// +----------------+----------------+---------------------+
//  \--- PDX(la) --/ \--- PTX(la) --/ \---- PGOFF(la) ----/
//  \----------- PPN(la) -----------/
// The PDX, PTX, PGOFF, and PPN macros decompose linear addresses as shown.
// To construct a linear address la from PDX(la), PTX(la), and PGOFF(la),
// use PGADDR(PDX(la), PTX(la), PGOFF(la)).

// page directory index
#define PDX(la) ((((uintptr_t)(la)) >> PDXSHIFT) & 0x3FF)

// page table index
#define PTX(la) ((((uintptr_t)(la)) >> PTXSHIFT) & 0x3FF)

// page number field of address
#define PPN(la) (((uintptr_t)(la)) >> PTXSHIFT)

// offset in page
#define PGOFF(la) (((uintptr_t)(la)) & 0xFFF)

// construct linear address from indexes and offset
#define PGADDR(d, t, o) ((uintptr_t)((d) << PDXSHIFT | (t) << PTXSHIFT | (o)))

// address in page table or page directory entry
#define PTE_ADDR(pte)   ((uintptr_t)(pte) & ~0xFFF)
#define PDE_ADDR(pde)   PTE_ADDR(pde)

2.2 get_pte函数实现

需要完成的get_pte实际上就是获得Page Table中Entry的地址,其函数说明如下

//get_pte - get pte and return the kernel virtual address of this pte for la
//        - if the PT contians this pte didn't exist, alloc a page for PT
// parameter:
//  pgdir:  the kernel virtual base address of PDT
//  la:     the linear address need to map
//  create: a logical value to decide if alloc a page for PT
// return vaule: the kernel virtual address of this pte


Created with Raphaël 2.1.0 获取页目录表基地址、线性地址、标记 获得页目录表项内容 是否存在? 返回页表项的虚拟地址 是否创建? 创建页表并初始化 返回NULL yes no yes no


pde_t *pdep = &pgdir[PDX(la)];                        //get page directory entry(physical addr)
if(!(*pdep & PTE_P)){
    struct Page *page;
    if(!create || (page = alloc_page()) == NULL){
        return NULL;
    uintptr_t pa = page2pa(page);                     //get the new page's physical addr
    memset(KADDR(pa), 0, PGSIZE);                     //initialize the memory(need KADDR() to get the virtual addr as OS process virual addr)
    *pdep = pa | PTE_P | PTE_W | PTE_U;               //set flags
return &((pte_t *)KADDR(PDE_ADDR(*pdep)))[PTX(la)];   //PDE_ADDR(): align to 4k, KADDR(): convert pa to va, PTX(): get page table index



if (*ptep & PTE_P) {                                  //check if this page table entry is present
    struct Page *page = pte2page(*ptep);              //find corrsponding page to pte
    if (page_ref_dec(page) == 0) {                    //decrease page ref
        free_page(page);                              //if page ref == 0 then free it
    *ptep = 0;                                        //clear second page table entry
    tlb_invalidate(pgdir, la);                        //update TLB


在完成所有内容后,调用make debug并在GDB中输入continue后运行结果如下,函数功能实现成功

lab2$ (THU.CST) os is loading ...

Special kernel symbols:
  entry  0xc010002a (phys)
  etext  0xc0105a3e (phys)
  edata  0xc0117a36 (phys)
  end    0xc0118968 (phys)
Kernel executable memory footprint: 99KB
ebp:0xc0116f48 eip:0xc0100a52 args:0x00010094 0x00010094 0xc0116f78 0xc01000a9
    kern/debug/kdebug.c:309: print_stackframe+22
ebp:0xc0116f58 eip:0xc0100d3e args:0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0xc0116fc8
    kern/debug/kmonitor.c:129: mon_backtrace+10
ebp:0xc0116f78 eip:0xc01000a9 args:0x00000000 0xc0116fa0 0xffff0000 0xc0116fa4
    kern/init/init.c:49: grade_backtrace2+19
ebp:0xc0116f98 eip:0xc01000cb args:0x00000000 0xffff0000 0xc0116fc4 0x00000029
    kern/init/init.c:54: grade_backtrace1+27
ebp:0xc0116fb8 eip:0xc01000e8 args:0x00000000 0xc010002a 0xffff0000 0xc010006d
    kern/init/init.c:59: grade_backtrace0+19
ebp:0xc0116fd8 eip:0xc0100109 args:0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0xc0105a40
    kern/init/init.c:64: grade_backtrace+26
ebp:0xc0116ff8 eip:0xc010007a args:0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0000ffff 0x40cf9a00
    kern/init/init.c:29: kern_init+79
memory management: default_pmm_manager
  memory: 0009fc00, [00000000, 0009fbff], type = 1.
  memory: 00000400, [0009fc00, 0009ffff], type = 2.
  memory: 00010000, [000f0000, 000fffff], type = 2.
  memory: 07ee0000, [00100000, 07fdffff], type = 1.
  memory: 00020000, [07fe0000, 07ffffff], type = 2.
  memory: 00040000, [fffc0000, ffffffff], type = 2.
check_alloc_page() succeeded!
check_pgdir() succeeded!
check_boot_pgdir() succeeded!
-------------------- BEGIN --------------------
PDE(0e0) c0000000-f8000000 38000000 urw
  |-- PTE(38000) c0000000-f8000000 38000000 -rw
PDE(001) fac00000-fb000000 00400000 -rw
  |-- PTE(000e0) faf00000-fafe0000 000e0000 urw
  |-- PTE(00001) fafeb000-fafec000 00001000 -rw
--------------------- END ---------------------
++ setup timer interrupts
100 ticks
100 ticks

