Spring in Action 前言


The best keeps getting better. More than a dozen years ago, Spring entered the Java development scene with the ambitious goal of simplifying enterprise Java development. It challenged the heavyweight programming models of the time with a simpler and lighter programming model based on plain old Java objects.


Now, several years and many releases later, we see that Spring has had a tremendous impact on enterprise application development. It has become a de facto standard framework for countless Java projects and has had an impact on the evolution of some of the specifications and frameworks that it originally set out to replace. It’d behard to deny that the current Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) specification may have turned out very differently had Spring not challenged earlier versions of the EJB spec.

现在,随着Spring框架数年以来的不断发行,我们看到Spring框架已经在企业应用开发中造成了巨大的影响.它已经成为了数不清的Java项目里的一种标准框架,并且开始影响一些规范和框架的进步.很难否认当前的JavaBeans (EJB)规范已经变得不同,但是Spring框架并没有受到早期的EJB规范的挑战.

But Spring itself continues to evolve and improve upon itself, always seeking to make the difficult development tasks simpler and empower Java developers with inno vative features. Where Spring had first set out to challenge the status quo, Spring now has leapt ahead and is paving trails in Java application development.


Therefore, it’s time for an updated edition of this book to expose the current state of Spring. There’s so much that has happened in the past few years since the previous edition of this book; it’d be impossible to cover everything in a single edition. Nevertheless, I still tried to pack this fourth edition of Spring in Action with as much as I could. Here are just a few of the exciting new things that have been added in this edition:

因此,是时候更新这本书的版本,去展示Spring框架的现状了.与早前的版本的内容相比过去这些年有太多的东西都发生了改变;一个版本就包含所有的内容是hi不可能的.然而,我仍然会尽力在第四版本的Spring in Action里写下尽可能全面的内容.这个版本只有一小部分令人激动的新知识点:

■ An emphasis on Java-based Spring configuration with Java configuration options available for almost every area of Spring development


■ Conditional configuration and profiles that make runtime decisions regarding what Spring configuration should be used or ignored xviii PREFACE

xviii PREFACE假定配置和配置文件来决定运行时Spring的配置应该被使用还是忽略.

■ Using Thymeleaf with Spring web applications as an alternative to JSP

使用Thymeleaf 作为Spring web 应用开发中的一个可替代JSP得选择

■ Enabling Spring Security with Java-based configuration


■ Spring’s new declarative caching support


■ Asynchronous web messaging with WebSocket and STOMP


■ Spring Boot, a game-changing new approach to working with Spring

Spring Boot,一个颠覆性的使用Spring框架的新技术

If you’re a seasoned Spring veteran, you’ll find that these new elements will become valuable additions to your Spring toolkit. On the other hand, if you’re new to Spring, you’ve picked a good time to learn Spring, and this book will help you get started.


This is, indeed, an exciting time to be working with Spring. It’s been a blast to develop with Spring and write about it during the past 12 years. I can’t wait to see what Spring does next!

