--day:2010-4-8  author:luobing  

create or replace procedure PROC_INSERT_BLDAREN(rownums IN number)
        truncate table BI_BAOLIAO_DAREN;
        insert into BI_BAOLIAO_DAREN (ID,USERID,USERNAME,BAOLIAONUM,CREDITS) select bi_baoliao_sequence.nextval,bl.* from (select b.userid,b.username,count(b.id),sum(b.credits) credits from bi_baoliao b  group by b.userid,b.username order by credits desc) bl where rownum <=rownums;

________________________________DDL(Data Definition Language 数据对象定义语言)___________________________
			CREATE : 在数据库中创建新的数据对象
			ALTER : 修改数据库中对象的数据结构
			DROP : 删除数据库中的对象
			UPDATE STATISTIC : 更新表/视图统计信息
			TRUNCATE TABLE : 清空表中数据
			COMMENT : 给数据对象添加注释
			RENAME : 更改数据对象名称

select to_char(date1,'yyyy-mm-dd mm:hh:ss') "Date" from table1;
select cast(date1 as timestamp) "Date" from table1;

select * from tb_shop;

create table tb_shopType
       Id number(10) primary key,
       typeName varchar2(10) not null

create table tb_shop
       Id number(10) primary key,
       shopId varchar2(20) unique not null,
       shopName varchar2(20)  not null,
       price number(6,2) check(price>0) not null, --添加check约束 ==>constraint ch_price check(price>0),
       shopTypeId number(10) not null,   -- ==>可以写成  references tb_shopType(Id),
       manufactoruingdate date not null,
       constraint fk_shopTypeId foreign key(shopTypeId) references tb_shopType(Id)

alter table tb_shop add memo varchar2(100);

alter table tb_shop modify memo varchar2(50);

alter table tb_shop drop column memo;

truncate table tb_shop;

drop table tb_shop;

________________________________________DML(Data Manipulation Language  数据操作语言)________________

			Insert :将数据插入到表或视图
			Delete :从表或视图删除数据
			Select :从表或视图中获取数据
			Update :更新表或视图中的数据
			Merge : 对数据进行合并操作(插入/更新/删除)

--Insert 语句
         insert into tb_shopType values(1,'家电类');
         insert into tb_shop values(1,'s003','电脑',3400.00,1,'11-3月-10');
         insert into tb_shop values(2,'s002','LenoveG50',4500.00,1,'11-3月-10');
--Update 语句
         --更新 产品日期为  11-3月-10 的商品的价格+100;
         update tb_shop t set t.price=t.price+100 where t.manufactoruingdate='11-3月-10';
         update tb_shop t set t.shopName='LenovoG450' where t.shopname='LenoveG50';
--Delete 语句
         --删除 商品中日期为 11-3月-10 且名称为LenovoG450的 商品
         delete tb_shop t where t.shopName='LenovoG450' and t.manufactoruingdate=to_date('2010-3-11','yyyy-mm-dd');  --使用了TO_DATE函数

________________________________________DQL(Data Query Language  数据查询操作语言)________________



--Select 语句
         --单行子查询 (查询公司中工资最高的员工的信息)
         Select first_name,last_Name,salary from employees where salary=(select max(salary) from employees);
         --多行子查询 必须使用多行运算符(IN ,NOT IN ,EXISTS NOT EXISTS,ALL ANY)
         --查询工资 大于部门编号为20的所有员工薪水 的员工信息
         select first_name,last_name,salary,department_id from employees where salary>=all(select salary form employees where deparement_id=20);
         --多列子查询 (查询个部门中工资最低的员工的信息)
         select first_name,last_name,salary,deparment_id from employees where (salary,deparment_id) in(select min(salary),department_id from employees group by department_id) order by department_id; 
         --相关子查询 (查询负责管理其他员工的管理员信息)
         select employee_id,first_name,last_name,department_id from employees a where exists ( select * from employees b where b.manager_id=a.employee_id) order by department_id,employee_id;
--________________________DDL,DML 中使用子查询___________________________
         --1.Create Table {使用employees中的几个新列,创建一个新表,并插入department_Id为90 和110 的部门的员工
         create table emp (empId,ename,hireDate,deptId) as select a.employee_id,a.first_name||a.last_name,a.hire_date,a.department_id from employees a where a.department_id in(90,110);
         --2.Insert {将一个表中的数据插入到另一个表中(将表中部门编号为20 的所有员工信息添加到 emp中)
         insert into emp select a.employee_id,a.first_naem||a.last_name,a.hire_date,a.department_id from employees a where a.department_id=20;
         --3 Delete {删除emp中 位于Marketing 部门的雇员信息}
         delete emp where emp.deptid=(select department_id from departments where department_name='Marketing');
         --4 Update {将员工206的hiredate 和 depti 的之设置成 员工100的 }
         update emp set(hiredate,deptid)=(select hiredate,deptid from emp where emp.empid=206) where emp.empid=100;

______________________________DCL(Data Control Language 数据对象权限控制语言)________________________________________________
	GRANT : 赋予用户某种控制权限
	REVOKE :取消用户某种控制权限


--Grant  (授权)
         --1: Select {授予查询权限
         grant select on emp to scott;
         --2: Select {授予emp表的某empid,ename列的查询权限 必须使用视图}
              create view view_emp as select empid,ename from emp;
              grant select on view_emp to scott;
         --3: Update {授予scott对某empid,ename列的更新权限
         grant update(empid,ename) on emp to scott;
         --4: ALL   { 授予emp表对象的所有权限给scott}
         grant all on emp to scott;
         --5: Insert update delete select 权限 和上面 一样
         grant insert /*(update/delete/insert)*/ on emp to scott;  
--Revoke (撤销权限)
         --1: delete  撤销 scott 对emp 的delete权限
         Revoke  delete on emp to scott;   

– 左连接通用写法:select * from a left join b on a.id=b.id

– 右连接通用 写法:select * from a right join b on a.id=b.id 

– 全连接通用 写法:select * from a full join b on a.id=b.id 

– 左连接Oracle 写法:select * from a,b where a.id=b.id(+) 

– 右连接Oracle 写法:select * from a,b where a.id (+) =b.id

--自连接select w.ename||' work for '||m.job from emp w,emp m  where w.empno=m.empno;         

___________________________________TCL(Transaction ControlLanguage 事务控制语言)___________________________
		COMMIT : 保存已完成事务动作结果
		SAVEPOINT : 保存事务相关数据和状态用以可能的回滚操作
		ROLLBACK : 恢复事务相关数据至上一次COMMIT操作之后

        --1  在 sqlplus中 要commit;
       --1  在 insert  Update  delete  后 是用 Rollback
       --2 有 savepoint 时候 撤销  保存点后的所有操作
       savepoint p1;
       rollback to p1; --或者下面的
       rollback to savePoint p1;

你可能感兴趣的:(Oralce DDL,DML,DQL,DCL,TCL)