支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)是一类按监督学习(supervised learning)方式对数据进行二元分类(binary classification)的广义线性分类器(generalized linear classifier),其决策边界是对学习样本求解的最大边距超平面(maximum-margin hyperplane) 。
SVM使用铰链损失函数(hinge loss)计算经验风险(empirical risk)并在求解系统中加入了正则化项以优化结构风险(structural risk),是一个具有稀疏性和稳健性的分类器 。SVM可以通过核方法(kernel method)进行非线性分类,是常见的核学习(kernel learning)方法之一 。
SMO算法是将大优化问题分解为多个小优化问题来求解的。这些小优化问题往往很容易求解,并且对它们进行顺序求解的结果与将它们作为整体来求解的结果是完全一致的。在结果完全相同的同时,SMO算法的求解时间短很多。SMO算法的目标是求出一系列alpha和b一旦求出了这些alpha, 就很容易计算出权重向量w并得到分隔超平面。SMO算法的工作原理是:每次循环中选择两个alpha进行优化处理。一旦找到一对合适的alpha,那么就增大其中一个同时减小另一个。这里所谓的“合适” 就是指两个alpha必须要符合一定的条件,条件之一就是这两个alpha必须要在间隔边界之外,而其第二个条件则是这两个alpha还没有进行过区间化处理或者不在边界上。
def selectJrand(i,m):
j=i #we want to select any J not equal to i
while (j==i):
j = int(random.uniform(0,m))
return j
def clipAlpha(aj,H,L):
if aj > H:
aj = H
if L > aj:
aj = L
return aj
def kernelTrans(X, A, kTup): #calc the kernel or transform data to a higher dimensional space
m,n = shape(X)
K = mat(zeros((m,1)))
if kTup[0]=='lin': K = X * A.T #linear kernel
elif kTup[0]=='rbf':
for j in range(m):
deltaRow = X[j,:] - A
K[j] = deltaRow*deltaRow.T
K = exp(K/(-1*kTup[1]**2)) #divide in NumPy is element-wise not matrix like Matlab
else: raise NameError('Houston We Have a Problem -- That Kernel is not recognized')
return K
class optStruct:
def __init__(self, dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler, kTup): # Initialize the structure with the parameters
self.X = dataMatIn
self.labelMat = classLabels
self.C = C
self.tol = toler
self.m = shape(dataMatIn)[0]
self.alphas = mat(zeros((self.m, 1)))
self.b = 0
self.eCache = mat(zeros((self.m, 2))) # first column is valid flag
self.K = mat(zeros((self.m, self.m)))
for i in range(self.m):
self.K[:, i] = kernelTrans(self.X, self.X[i, :], kTup)
def calcEk(oS, k):
fXk = float(multiply(oS.alphas, oS.labelMat).T * oS.K[:,k] + oS.b)
Ek = fXk - float(oS.labelMat[k])
return Ek
def selectJ(i, oS, Ei): # this is the second choice -heurstic, and calcs Ej
maxK = -1;
maxDeltaE = 0;
Ej = 0
oS.eCache[i] = [1, Ei] # set valid #choose the alpha that gives the maximum delta E
validEcacheList = nonzero(oS.eCache[:, 0].A)[0]
if (len(validEcacheList)) > 1:
for k in validEcacheList: # loop through valid Ecache values and find the one that maximizes delta E
if k == i: continue # don't calc for i, waste of time
Ek = calcEk(oS, k)
deltaE = abs(Ei - Ek)
if (deltaE > maxDeltaE):
maxK = k;
maxDeltaE = deltaE;
Ej = Ek
return maxK, Ej
else: # in this case (first time around) we don't have any valid eCache values
j = selectJrand(i, oS.m)
Ej = calcEk(oS, j)
return j, Ej
def updateEk(oS, k): # after any alpha has changed update the new value in the cache
Ek = calcEk(oS, k)
oS.eCache[k] = [1, Ek]
def innerL(i, oS):
Ei = calcEk(oS, i)
if ((oS.labelMat[i] * Ei < -oS.tol) and (oS.alphas[i] < oS.C)) or ((oS.labelMat[i] * Ei > oS.tol) and (oS.alphas[i] > 0)):
j, Ej = selectJ(i, oS, Ei)
alphaIold = oS.alphas[i].copy();
alphaJold = oS.alphas[j].copy();
if (oS.labelMat[i] != oS.labelMat[j]):
L = max(0, oS.alphas[j] - oS.alphas[i])
H = min(oS.C, oS.C + oS.alphas[j] - oS.alphas[i])
L = max(0, oS.alphas[j] + oS.alphas[i] - oS.C)
H = min(oS.C, oS.alphas[j] + oS.alphas[i])
if L == H:
return 0
eta = 2.0 * oS.K[i, j] - oS.K[i, i] - oS.K[j, j] # changed for kernel
if eta >= 0:
return 0
oS.alphas[j] -= oS.labelMat[j] * (Ei - Ej) / eta
oS.alphas[j] = clipAlpha(oS.alphas[j], H, L)
updateEk(oS, j) # added this for the Ecache
if (abs(oS.alphas[j] - alphaJold) < 0.00001):
print("j not moving enough");
return 0
oS.alphas[i] += oS.labelMat[j] * oS.labelMat[i] * (alphaJold - oS.alphas[j]) # update i by the same amount as j
updateEk(oS, i) # added this for the Ecache #the update is in the oppostie direction
b1 = oS.b - Ei - oS.labelMat[i] * (oS.alphas[i] - alphaIold) * oS.K[i, i] - oS.labelMat[j] * (
oS.alphas[j] - alphaJold) * oS.K[i, j]
b2 = oS.b - Ej - oS.labelMat[i] * (oS.alphas[i] - alphaIold) * oS.K[i, j] - oS.labelMat[j] * (
oS.alphas[j] - alphaJold) * oS.K[j, j]
if (0 < oS.alphas[i]) and (oS.C > oS.alphas[i]):
oS.b = b1
elif (0 < oS.alphas[j]) and (oS.C > oS.alphas[j]):
oS.b = b2
oS.b = (b1 + b2) / 2.0
return 1
return 0
def smoP(dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler, maxIter, kTup=('lin', 0)): # full Platt SMO
oS = optStruct(mat(dataMatIn), mat(classLabels).transpose(), C, toler, kTup)
iter = 0
entireSet = True;
alphaPairsChanged = 0
while (iter < maxIter) and ((alphaPairsChanged > 0) or (entireSet)):
alphaPairsChanged = 0
if entireSet: # go over all
for i in range(oS.m):
alphaPairsChanged += innerL(i, oS)
print("fullSet, iter: %d i:%d, pairs changed %d" % (iter, i, alphaPairsChanged))
iter += 1
else: # go over non-bound (railed) alphas
nonBoundIs = nonzero((oS.alphas.A > 0) * (oS.alphas.A < C))[0]
for i in nonBoundIs:
alphaPairsChanged += innerL(i, oS)
print("non-bound, iter: %d i:%d, pairs changed %d" % (iter, i, alphaPairsChanged))
iter += 1
if entireSet:
entireSet = False # toggle entire set loop
elif (alphaPairsChanged == 0):
entireSet = True
print("iteration number: %d" % iter)
return oS.b, oS.alphas
def calcWs(alphas,dataArr,classLabels):
X = mat(dataArr); labelMat = mat(classLabels).transpose()
m,n = shape(X)
w = zeros((n,1))
for i in range(m):
w += multiply(alphas[i]*labelMat[i],X[i,:].T)
return w
package com.algorithm;
import org.ejml.data.DenseMatrix64F;
import org.ejml.ops.CommonOps;
public class OptStruct {
private DenseMatrix64F X;
private DenseMatrix64F labelMat;
private double C;
private double tol;
private int m;
private DenseMatrix64F alphas;
private double b;
private DenseMatrix64F eCache;
private DenseMatrix64F K;
public OptStruct(DenseMatrix64F dataMatIn,double [] classLabels,double C,double toler,String[] kTup) {
this.X = dataMatIn;
this.labelMat = new DenseMatrix64F(classLabels.length,1);
for(int i=0;i
private static double calcEk(int k) {
DenseMatrix64F multRs = new DenseMatrix64F(os.getM(),1);
CommonOps.elementMult(os.getAlphas(), os.getLabelMat(), multRs);
DenseMatrix64F mrt = new DenseMatrix64F(1,os.getM());
DenseMatrix64F mrMutRs = new DenseMatrix64F(1,1);
CommonOps.mult(mrt,getMatrixCol(os.getK(),k), mrMutRs);
return mrMutRs.get(0, 0)+os.getB()-os.getLabelMat().get(k, 0);
private static int selectJrand(int i,int m) {
int j=i;
Random r=new Random();
while(j == i) {
j = r.nextInt(m);
return j;
private static SelectRs selectJ(int i,double Ei) {
int maxK = -1;
double maxDeltaE = 0;
double Ej = 0;
os.geteCache().set(i,0, 1);
os.geteCache().set(i,1, Ei);
Integer[] validEcacheList = nonzero(os.geteCache(),0);
SelectRs sr = new SelectRs();
if(validEcacheList.length > 1) {
for(int k=0;k= maxDeltaE) {
maxK = validEcacheList[k];
maxDeltaE = deltaE;
}else {
return sr;
private static int innerL(int i) {
double Ei = calcEk(i);
if (((os.getLabelMat().get(i, 0) * Ei < -os.getTol()) && (os.getAlphas().get(i, 0) < os.getC()))
|| ((os.getLabelMat().get(i, 0) * Ei > os.getTol()) && (os.getAlphas().get(i, 0) > 0))){
SelectRs sr = selectJ(i,Ei);
double alphaIold = os.getAlphas().get(i, 0);
double alphaJold = os.getAlphas().get(sr.getJ(), 0);
double L,H;
if (os.getLabelMat().get(i, 0) != os.getLabelMat().get(sr.getJ(), 0)) {
L = Math.max(0, os.getAlphas().get(sr.getJ(), 0) - os.getAlphas().get(i, 0));
H = Math.min(os.getC(), os.getC() + os.getAlphas().get(sr.getJ(), 0) - os.getAlphas().get(i, 0));
L = Math.max(0, os.getAlphas().get(sr.getJ(), 0) + os.getAlphas().get(i, 0) - os.getC());
H = Math.min(os.getC(), os.getAlphas().get(sr.getJ(), 0) + os.getAlphas().get(i, 0));
if(L == H) {
return 0;
double eta = 2.0 * os.getK().get(i, sr.getJ()) - os.getK().get(i, i) - os.getK().get(sr.getJ(),sr.getJ());
if(eta >= 0) {
return 0;
os.getAlphas().set(sr.getJ(), 0,os.getAlphas().get(sr.getJ(), 0)- os.getLabelMat().get(sr.getJ(), 0)*(Ei-sr.getEj())/eta);
os.getAlphas().set(sr.getJ(), 0, clipAlpha(os.getAlphas().get(sr.getJ(), 0), H, L));
os.geteCache().set(sr.getJ(), 0, 1);
os.geteCache().set(sr.getJ(),1, calcEk(sr.getJ()));
if (Math.abs(os.getAlphas().get(sr.getJ(), 0) - alphaJold) < 0.00001) {
System.out.println("j not moving enough");
return 0;
os.getAlphas().set(i, 0,os.getAlphas().get(i, 0)+os.getLabelMat().get(sr.getJ(), 0) * os.getLabelMat().get(i, 0) * (alphaJold - os.getAlphas().get(sr.getJ(), 0)));
os.geteCache().set(sr.getJ(), 0, 1);
os.geteCache().set(sr.getJ(),1, calcEk(i));
double b1 = os.getB() - Ei - os.getLabelMat().get(i, 0) * (os.getAlphas().get(i, 0) - alphaIold) * os.getK().get(i, sr.getJ()) - os.getLabelMat().get(sr.getJ(), 0) * (
os.getAlphas().get(sr.getJ(), 0) - alphaJold) * os.getK().get(i, sr.getJ());
double b2 = os.getB() - sr.getEj() - os.getLabelMat().get(i, 0) * (os.getAlphas().get(i, 0) - alphaIold) * os.getK().get(i, sr.getJ()) - os.getLabelMat().get(sr.getJ(), 0) * (
os.getAlphas().get(sr.getJ(), 0) - alphaJold) * os.getK().get(i, sr.getJ());
if ((0 < os.getAlphas().get(i, 0)) && (os.getC() > os.getAlphas().get(i, 0)))
else if ((0 < os.getAlphas().get(sr.getJ(), 0)) && (os.getC() > os.getAlphas().get(sr.getJ(), 0)))
os.setB((b1 + b2) / 2.0);
return 1;
return 0;
public static void smoP(DenseMatrix64F dataMatIn,double[] classLabels,double C, double toler, int maxIter, String [] kTup) {
os = new OptStruct(dataMatIn,classLabels, C, toler, kTup);
int iter = 0;
boolean entireSet = true;
double alphaPairsChanged = 0;
while( (iter < maxIter) && ((alphaPairsChanged > 0) || (entireSet))){
alphaPairsChanged = 0;
if(entireSet) {
for(int i=0;i
public static double[] calcWs(DenseMatrix64F alphas,DenseMatrix64F dataArr,double[] classLabels) {
double [] w = new double[dataArr.numCols];
for(int i=0;i
public static double classify(double [] intX,double[] ws,double b) {
double prob = 0;
for(int i=0;i 0)
return 1.0;
return -1.0;
List list = new ArrayList();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("D:\\machinelearninginaction-master\\Ch06\\testSet.txt"));
String s = null;
while((s = br.readLine())!=null){
}catch(Exception e){
DenseMatrix64F dataMatIn = new DenseMatrix64F(list.size(),2);
double[] classLabels = new double[list.size()];
for(int i=0;i