关于Unity-Web的Development build。

Unity转手游之后是否该勾选development Build?


Development Build

When you check the Development Build checkbox, Unity generates a development build which has Profiler support and a development console to see errors. In addition, development builds do not compress content (that is, content is not minified); they maintain JavaScript in human-readable form, preserving function names so you get useful stack traces for errors. Note, however, that this means development builds are very large, and too large to distribute.


     当你选择Development Build选项时,Unity生成一个开发框架,可以支持分析器和开发控制台查看错误。总的来说,develmwent builds 不压缩内容(就是,内容不会被缩小);他们用人类可读的形式维护JavaScrip,保留函数名以便获得错误的有用堆栈跟踪。然而,注意,这意味着开发项目非常庞大,以至于太大而不能分配。

