Excel 正则表达式 VB 提取字符串

打开Excel,ALT+F11 打开VB

Excel 正则表达式 VB 提取字符串_第1张图片

在sheet1 右键

Excel 正则表达式 VB 提取字符串_第2张图片



Function zz(rng As Range)
Dim reg As Object
Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With reg
.Global = True
.Pattern = "biz=([^&]+)&"
zz = .Execute(rng)(0)
End With
End Function

进入excel,sheet1中,调用 函数即可。

Excel 正则表达式 VB 提取字符串_第3张图片

Function zz(rng As Range)
Dim reg As Object
Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With reg
.Global = True
.Pattern = "h[a-zA-z]+://[^\s]*"
zz = .Execute(rng)(0)
End With
End Function
