
1. Cron-like Scheduler

1.1 Python任务调度框架 APScheduler

一个基于Python,提供类似Cron功能,并深受Java Quartz 影响的轻量级进程内任务调度框架。

Advanced Python Scheduler (APScheduler) is a light but powerful in-process task scheduler that lets you schedule jobs (functions or any python callables) to be executed at times of your choosing.

This can be a far better alternative to externally run cron scripts for long-running applications (e.g. web applications), as it is platform neutral and can directly access your application's variables and functions.

The development of APScheduler was heavily influenced by theQuartz task scheduler written in Java. APScheduler provides most of the major features that Quartz does, but it also provides features not present in Quartz (such as multiple job stores).


1.2 任务调度框架 cron4j

cron4j 是一个Java的任务调度框架,类似于UNIX系统下的crontab.


import it.sauronsoftware.cron4j.Scheduler;

public class TestScheduler {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
		Scheduler scheduler = new Scheduler();
		scheduler.schedule("* * * * *", new HelloWorldTask());
		Thread.sleep(300000); // pause the main thread for 5 minutes


1.3 conclusion:

(1). not web-based application

(2). need to program

(3). just only scheduler

2. Gearman分布式远程过程处理框架


Gearmand 是 Gearman 的作业服务器组件,Gearman是一个分发任务的程序框架,可以用在各种场合,与Hadoop相 比,Gearman更偏向于任务分发功能。它的 任务分布非常 简单,简单得可以只需要用脚本即可完成。Gearman最初用于LiveJournal的图片resize功能,由于图片resize需要消耗大量计算资 源,因此需要调度到后端多台服务器执行,完成任务之后返回前端再呈现到界面。


2.2 Features

Open Source - It's free! (in both meanings of the word) Gearman has an active open source community that is easy to get involved with if you need help or want to contribute.

Multi-language - There are interfaces for a number of languages, and this list is growing. You also have the option to write heterogeneous applications with clients submitting work in one language and workers performing that work in another.

Flexible - You are not tied to any specific design pattern. You can quickly put together distributed applications using any model you choose, one of those options being Map/Reduce.

Fast Gearman has a simple protocol and interface with a new optimized server in C to minimize your application overhead.

Embeddable - Since Gearman is fast and lightweight, it is great for applications of all sizes. It is also easy to introduce into existing applications with minimal overhead.

No single point of failure Gearman can not only help scale systems, but can do it in a fault tolerant way.


3 ETL open-source Scheduler: TASKCTL

TASKCTL开源版作为目前唯一的ETL调度领域开源软件,保证100% free,绝无黑盒代码。它志在促进该领域的独立发展,使调度在ETL领域独立化、专业化、系统化。从而使项目实施更轻松便捷,使企业基础架构更清晰、更易管理。














(三) 主要创新




