go vender 的环境搭建和使用


go get -u github.com/kardianos/govendor 编译 一个 govendor 

然后 添加到 path 环境变量

Quick Start

# 设置你的工程
cd "my project in GOPATH"
govendor init

# 加入存在的 GOPATH 文件到vendor.
govendor add +external

# 查看你的vendor 列表
govendor list

# Look at what is using a package
govendor list -v fmt

govendor fetch golang.org/x/net/context@a4bbce9fcae005b22ae5443f6af064d80a6f5a55
govendor fetch golang.org/x/net/context@v1   # Get latest v1.*.* tag or branch.
govendor fetch golang.org/x/net/context@=v1  # Get the tag or branch named "v1".

# 更新
govendor fetch golang.org/x/net/context

# 格式化
govendor fmt +local

govendor install +local

# 测试
govendor test +local


	init     Create the "vendor" folder and the "vendor.json" file.
	list     List and filter existing dependencies and packages.
	add      Add packages from $GOPATH.
	update   Update packages from $GOPATH.
	remove   Remove packages from the vendor folder.
	status   Lists any packages missing, out-of-date, or modified locally.
	fetch    Add new or update vendor folder packages from remote repository.
	sync     Pull packages into vendor folder from remote repository with revisions
  	             from vendor.json file.
	migrate  Move packages from a legacy tool to the vendor folder with metadata.
	get      Like "go get" but copies dependencies into a "vendor" folder.
	license  List discovered licenses for the given status or import paths.
	shell    Run a "shell" to make multiple sub-commands more efficient for large

	go tool commands that are wrapped:
	  `+` package selection may be used with them
	fmt, build, install, clean, test, vet, generate, tool


Packages can be specified by their "status".

	+local    (l) packages in your project
	+external (e) referenced packages in GOPATH but not in current project
	+vendor   (v) packages in the vendor folder
	+std      (s) packages in the standard library

	+excluded (x) external packages explicitly excluded from vendoring
	+unused   (u) packages in the vendor folder, but unused
	+missing  (m) referenced packages but not found

	+program  (p) package is a main package

	+outside  +external +missing
	+all      +all packages

Status can be referenced by their initial letters
