
CGI and eCGI

The CGI or Cell Global Identification is used in GSM/UMTS standard and it is defined as the concatenation of the MCC (Mobile Country Code), MNC (Mobile Network Code), LAC (Location Area Code) , and the CI (Cell Identity)Cell Identity shall be unique within a location area.
The eCGI or extendend CGI, is used in LTE/LTE-A standards and it defined as the concatenation of MCC, MNC and the eCI. The MCC and MNC are the same as included in the CGI, while the eCI is build by a concatenation of the eNodeB and the CI

Both lengths are 15 decimal digit code and for 2G, 3G & 4G Networks the first 5 digits are always the MCC (Mobile Country Code) and the MNC (Mobile Network Code)


The CGI structure is shown in the following figure. For 2G and 3G networks the next 5 digits are the LAC (Location Area Code) and the last five the Cell ID within the LAC


For 4G Networks the CGI is named eCGI and, while first 5 digits are still MCC & MNC, the last 10 digits are then eNBand split in a 7 digits code plus a 3 digits code for the CID.

The point is that some systems or applications works with the whole CGI or eCGI and other systems works with the separate blocks: MCC-MNC-LAC-CID or MCC-MCC-eNB

In order to translate the 15 digit code received into blocks it is a need to knows the right cell technology in order to know if you have to split the last 10 digits in two 5 digits blocks or in a 7 and 3 digits blocks.
