对 VirtualApp hook过程的理解

VirtualApp是一个开源的Android App虚拟化引擎,允许在其中创建虚拟空间,并在这个虚拟空间中运行其他应用。就是一个容器,可以进行双开处理。网上的讲解已经很详细了,我想从一个例子加深一下对va hook过程的理解。

public class ActivityManagerNative {
    public static Class TYPE = RefClass.load(ActivityManagerNative.class, "android.app.ActivityManagerNative");
    public static RefStaticObject gDefault;
    public static RefStaticMethod getDefault;


//realClass 通过反射获得,这里是"android.app.ActivityManagerNative"
    public static Class load(Class mappingClass, Class realClass) {
        //mirror对象获取字段 这里是ActivityManagerNative  有三个字段 TYPE gDefault getDefault
        Field[] fields = mappingClass.getDeclaredFields();
        for (Field field : fields) {
            try {
                if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) {
                    Constructor constructor = REF_TYPES.get(field.getType());
                    if (constructor != null) {
                        field.set(null, constructor.newInstance(realClass, field));
            catch (Exception e) {
                // Ignore
        return realClass;

如果是getDefault 就会反射调用他的构造器

 public RefStaticMethod(Class cls, Field field) throws NoSuchMethodException {
            for (Method method : cls.getDeclaredMethods()) {
                if (method.getName().equals(field.getName())) {
                    this.method = method;

mirror中的activitymanager就初始完成了,主要是为了得到getDefault方法返回值 在系统中 就是一个aidl接口

    static public IActivityManager getDefault() {
        return ActivityManager.getService();


    public MethodInvocationStub(T baseInterface, Class... proxyInterfaces) {
        this.mBaseInterface = baseInterface;
        if (baseInterface != null) {
            if (proxyInterfaces == null) {
                proxyInterfaces = MethodParameterUtils.getAllInterface(baseInterface.getClass());
     //代理类 处理类HookInvocationHandler
            mProxyInterface = (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(baseInterface.getClass().getClassLoader(), proxyInterfaces, new HookInvocationHandler());
        } else {
            VLog.d(TAG, "Unable to build HookDelegate: %s.", getIdentityName());


    private class HookInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler {
        public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
            MethodProxy methodProxy = getMethodProxy(method.getName());
            boolean useProxy = (methodProxy != null && methodProxy.isEnable());
            boolean mightLog = (mInvocationLoggingCondition != LogInvocation.Condition.NEVER) ||
                    (methodProxy != null && methodProxy.getInvocationLoggingCondition() != LogInvocation.Condition.NEVER);

            String argStr = null;
            Object res = null;
            Throwable exception = null;
            if (mightLog) {
                // Arguments to string is done before the method is called because the method might actually change it
                argStr = Arrays.toString(args);
                argStr = argStr.substring(1, argStr.length()-1);
            try {
                if (useProxy && methodProxy.beforeCall(mBaseInterface, method, args)) {
                    res = methodProxy.call(mBaseInterface, method, args);
                    res = methodProxy.afterCall(mBaseInterface, method, args, res);
                } else {
                    res = method.invoke(mBaseInterface, args);
                return res;

            } catch (Throwable t) {
                exception = t;
                if (exception instanceof InvocationTargetException && ((InvocationTargetException) exception).getTargetException() != null) {
                    exception = ((InvocationTargetException) exception).getTargetException();
                throw exception;

            } finally {
                if (mightLog) {
                    int logPriority = mInvocationLoggingCondition.getLogLevel(useProxy, exception != null);
                    if (methodProxy != null) {
                        logPriority = Math.max(logPriority, methodProxy.getInvocationLoggingCondition().getLogLevel(useProxy, exception != null));
                    if (logPriority >= 0) {
                        String retString;
                        if (exception != null) {
                            retString = exception.toString();
                        } else if (method.getReturnType().equals(void.class)) {
                            retString = "void";
                        } else {
                            retString = String.valueOf(res);
                    //   Log.println(logPriority, TAG, method.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName() + "." + method.getName() + "(" + argStr + ") => " + retString);

这里要提到MethodProxy.添加MethodProxy方式有两种。一是调用 addMethodProxy,二是在 Stub 上添加 @Inject 注解。
关于 MethodProxies
叫这个名字的类很多,一个 MethodProxies 对应一个需要 Hook 的 framework 类型,需要 Hook 的方法以内部类(MethodProxy)的形式罗列在内部。

public class ActivityManagerStub extends MethodInvocationProxy<MethodInvocationStub<IInterface>> {

将要 Hook 的方法集合 MethodProxies 绑定到 Stub 上。然后就是 Stub 对自己头上注解的解析,最终还是会调用到内部的 addMethodProxy 方法。

    protected void onBindMethods() {

        if (mInvocationStub == null) {

        Classextends MethodInvocationProxy> clazz = this.getClass();
        Inject inject = clazz.getAnnotation(Inject.class);
        if (inject != null) {
            Class proxiesClass = inject.value();
            Class[] innerClasses = proxiesClass.getDeclaredClasses();
            for (Class innerClass : innerClasses) {
                if (!Modifier.isAbstract(innerClass.getModifiers())
                        && MethodProxy.class.isAssignableFrom(innerClass)
                        && innerClass.getAnnotation(SkipInject.class) == null) {


注解实际还是调用的 addMethodProxy 。如类startactivity就是其中的内部类

static class StartActivity extends MethodProxy


 public void inject() throws Throwable {

这个stub完成了 ,最后通过这个代理startactivity的call,完成一些操作。比如启动A1界面,替换成启动va设好的stubactivity

   public Object call(Object who, Method method, Object... args) throws Throwable {
 int res = VActivityManager.get().startActivity(intent, activityInfo, resultTo, options, resultWho, requestCode, VUserHandle.myUserId());

VA 的源码注释: https://github.com/ganyao114/VA_Doc
