Hadoop 3.x slave file changed to '$HADOOP_HOME/etc/workers'

Thank you Google SE! Thank you official document!
I am studiny Hadoop, but book and the video usually show the 2.x course.
But I follow the most latest version 3.0.3. But I saw the stable version is 2.9.1.
I was configing and learning. When every xml file were configured, but I still can not
start other slaves datanode. I was looking other video and the old book. When I search it by google,
some one said the 3.x version hadoop have changed the slave file to '$HADOOP_HOME/etc/workers' file.
I try it. It's working now. How foolish I was. And I was looking through in official website. The document
tells me worker file is correct. I've tried it many times. I have the answer finally.
It's a good experience for me. I also saw the port 50070 has changed to 9870 in 3.x .
