


    def set_pos(self, x, y): 
        map_info = self.get_x_y_info(x,y)# 获取x,y点的周围8个点信息
        if map_info:
            if self.check_pos(map_info): # 判断是否可延伸
                self.extend_mark(map_info) # 延伸标记
        idx = self.get_index(x,y)
        self.map_list_show[idx] = self.map_list[idx] # 点击点的标记

    def extend_mark(self, map_info):
        while map_info:
            pos = map_info.pop() # 每次从所有可排空的点中拿出一个
            x, y = int(pos[0]), int(pos[1])
            idx = self.get_index(x,y)
            self.map_list_show[idx] = self.map_list[idx] # 对可以排空点进行排空
            info_bak = self.get_x_y_info(x,y) # 延伸处理,从排空点获取周围8个点的信息
            if self.check_pos(info_bak): # 检测是否排空
                for i in info_bak:
                    index = self.get_index(int(i[0]), int(i[1]))
                    if i not in map_info and self.map_list_show[index] != self.map_list[index]:
                        map_info.append(i) # 对未排空和满足排空的点进行追加到map_info,等待后续的排空处理
# 获得 x 和 y 坐标周围的8个点的坐标
    def get_x_y_info(self, x, y):
        map_info = []
        if x in range(1, self.row+1) and y in range(1, self.column+1):# x,y 需要满足在地图内部
            for i in range(x-1, x+2):
                for j in range(y-1, y+2):
                    if i in range(1, self.row + 1) and j in range(1, self.column + 1) \
                            and (i != x or j != y): # 进行加减法运算后的i和j需要在地图内部,排除非法的点
            return map_info
        return map_info

     def check_pos(self, map_info):# 检测是否满排空要求,周围8点是空的,可以排空,否则不可以
        if map_info is None:
            return False
        for val in map_info:
            idx = self.get_index(val[0], val[1])
            if self.map_list[idx] == MAP_MINE:
                return False
        return True

