
  1. 句式: 某某主要在几个方面影响某某
    1.1 The ULPs affect PM2.5 pollution in two ways: first, ULPs alter anthropogenic PM2.5 emissions by changing resident travel modes and energy utilization behaviors as well as the industrial layout (Larkin et al., 2016). Second, ULPs alter PM2.5 pollution by influencing the regional climate and changing the diffusion conditions of atmospheric pollutants
    — The relationships between urban landscape patterns and fine particulate pollution in China: A multiscale investigation using a geographically weighted regression model

  2. 句式:增长了几倍
    From 1992 to 2015, the extent of urban land in China expanded from 12,000 km2 to 73,000 km2, representing a growth of 5 times (Xu et al., 2016b).

  3. 句式:空间异质性与空间自相关
    Nevertheless, the relationships between ULPs and PM2.5 pollution vary with geography and thus exhibit significant spatial heterogeneity and spatial autocorrelation (Yu et al., 2013).

  4. In recent years, the GWR model has been widely employed to revealthe spatial patterns of the relationships between different variables.

  5. 这可能是因为
    the degree of contamination of stations in Hebei province to the south of Beijing is similar to that in Beijing, and the AOD observed in the southern stations is higher than that in the northeastern stations. This may be due to the fact that the anthropogenic aerosol emissions are mainly concentrated in the industrialized cities to the south of Beijing, and the diffusion direction of pollutant controlled by the southerly wind.
    北京以南的河北省各台站污染程度与北京类似, 南部站点的光学厚度高于东北部, 这与人为气溶胶的排放主要集中于北京南部的工业城市, 以及南风控制的污染物扩散方向有关。

  6. 人均GDP与PM2.5浓度呈先升后降的关系
    shows a first increasing and then decreasing relationship between GDP per capita and PM2.5 concentration.
