STL binder自定义functor

程序员自定义的functor要使用bind1st bind2nd函数,需要提供binder接口。如何提供这个接口,就要继承自unary_function<> binary_function

user defined functors must satisfy 3 requirements to use bind1st and bind2nd
1.include functional
2.operator must be const
3.inherited from binary_function

示例: 删除vector中所有能被某数整除的元素

struct Del  : public binary_function {
    bool operator()(const int& x, const int& del) const { return x % del == 0 ? true : false;}
vec.erase(remove(vec.begin(), vec.end(), bind2nd(Del(), 3)), vec.end());

注意:重载必须指明 const

bool operator() (const T& lhs, const T& rhs) const{}

你可能感兴趣的:(STL binder自定义functor)