新概念II 第二课




第二课   Breakfast or lunch?

与日期相关的介词搭配 (at/on/in)

at+时间点  at 5 o’clock, at age 4

on+天 /日期    on Monday, on July 1st, on Christmas Day, on New Year’s Eve, on my birthday

in+ 更长时间(周/月/年/季等)  in this week, in October, in 2017, in the winter….



at night, at midnight, at lunchtime, at sunset, at noon,

at the weekend, at weekends,

at Christmas, at the moment, at present, at the same time


in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening

但是当morning, afternoon, evening 前面有day/date, 介词用on

on Friday morning, on Sunday afternoon, on Monday evening


I will see you in a few minutes. 我几分钟后就见你。

I will visit my school in two months.  我两个月后会去趟学校。



always, frequently, sometimes, hardly / seldom / rarely, never


I always get up late.

I am always late.


交通方式:I go to school by bike, by car, by bus, by train, by air, by boat, by ship….. 但是要注意:

1- 步行的话,只能用 on foot.

2- 如果交通工具前面有修饰语,就不能用by。 I go to school by car. I go to school in my car.

支付方法:Can I pay by credit card, by cheque, (by)cash? 支付现金的时候,by可以省略

联络方式:You can contact me by email, by phone, by wechat

what (a/an) +n ….!  感叹句  / how + adj /adv. ….!

1) What an interesting story (it is)!

2) How interesting the story is!

3) How fast he runs!

注意1)和2)。判断选择题,是用what 还是how的时候,一个依据是:如果有冠词 an/a /the,可以通过观察冠词的位置,如果他们和名词直接连在一起,那么形容词在句中其实是谓语,感叹句用how来引导。如果形容词的位置在冠词和名词之间,则形容词是用来修饰名词的,做定语,感叹句用what来引导。

如果我们还原1)和2)为陈述句的话, 1)it is an interesting story. 2) the story is interesting.

时态: 一般现在时,现在进行时




I have breakfast at 7 o’clock.    (过去这样,现在这样,将来也会这样)


I am having breakfast now. (only now,说话的那个时刻)


肯定句: I have breakfast at 7 o’clock.

否定句:    I do not (don’t) have breakfast at 7 o’clock.

一般疑问句:Do you have breakfast at 7 o’clock?  Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

特殊疑问句:When (特殊疑问词)+ do you have breakfast? 



肯定句,动词要加-s或者-es。He works at school. She teaches English.

否定句,疑问句,把do 改成does,后面加动词原形。 He doesn’t work at school. Does she teach English? …….

一般现在时,常搭配的表示时间副词有: always, often,usually,never等。

一般现在时,有时句中会有表示频率的词出现。这时候,如果对频率提问,用how often。

I have breakfast at 7 o’clock every morning.

How often do you have your breakfast at 7 o’clock?

I see the dentist every three months.

How often do you see the dentist?

现在进行时 (am/is/are +动词ing)

肯定句: I am having breakfast.

否定句:    I am not having breakfast.

一般疑问句:Are you having breakfast?  Yes, I am. No, I am not.

特殊疑问句:What are you doing? 

现在进行时,常搭配的表示时间副词有: now, at the moment, still. 还有如果前面句子出现有Look!, 或者LIsten!,接下去的句子一般采用现在进行时。

有时,围绕now的时间表达,如today, this week, this year, 也可以用现在进行时表示持续的事情。

I am working hard today.

The business isn’t doing well this year.


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