看到Github上 AppDevKit 的Readme是英文,看得不直观,所以下面将内容描述部分翻译下来
Common Tools
- ADKAppUtil > The foundational tools to support common tasks.
(完成常见操作的基础工具) - ADKStringHelper > The string formatter that will generate formatted stings form date, number and etc for you.
(可以生成特定格式的字符串,例如时间,数字等等) - ADKCalculatorHelper > The calculation set including distance, size, width, height, etc.
(计算距离,外形尺寸,宽高等) - ADKNibCacheManager > The manager to cache different instances in memory and keep it as a singleton.
(一个管理者,管理内存中的不同实例,并且用一个单例保存它) - UIView+ADKGetUIViewController > Supports get any view's UIViewController.
(可以让你获取这个应用内各个角落里的UIView Controller) - UIColor+ADKHexPresentation > Supports HEX color format and color shift.
(一串数字的颜色代码看不懂?这个可以帮你自由的转换颜色代码) - ADKViewExclusiveTouch > Supports exclusive touch on each sub views.
(可以让子视图单独持有Touch 事件,持有的时候,触摸其他控件,或者在其他控件上进行手势都不会有响应)
UI Tools
- UIView+ADKAutoLayoutSupport > Supports command autolayout features.
(代码实现自动布局) - UIScrollView+ADKPullToRefreshView > Supports pull to refresh feature on scrollable view. For example: UIScrollView, UITableView and UICollectionView.
(可以支持滚动视图视图的下拉更新,有ScorllView,TableView,CollectionView) - UIScrollView+ADKInfiniteScrollingView > Supports infinite scrolling feature on scrollable view. For example: UIScrollView, UITableView and UICollectionView.
(让你的ScrollView,TableView,可以源源不断的滚啊滚) - ADKModalMaskView > Providing a way to create a modal view for presenting specific view.
(弹弹弹,弹出一张指定的View出来) - ADKGradientView > Creates a gradient view for you.
(魔术般的渐变出一张View到你眼前) - ADKDashedLineView > Creates a dashed line around your view.
Animation Tools
- UIView+ADKAnimationMacro > Gives some simple animation behavior for specific UIView.
Image Tools - UIImage+ADKColorReplacement > Supports color changing / replacement feature on UIImage.
(我的Image,随我变,变颜色还是替换掉本来的颜色都可以) - UIImage+ADKImageFilter > Supports image FX, resize, crop, etc. on UIImage.
(变完颜色变外形,可以让你裁剪图片) - UIImage+ADKDrawingTemplate > Supports loss less image from a PDF source.
ListView Tools
- UICollectionView+ADKOperation>Supports force stop scrolling in collection view.
(想停就停,立刻把你的CollectionView停下来) - ADKNibSizeCalculator > Provides correct cell size for different devices effectively.
(不同的机型的屏幕尺寸下,cell的尺寸大小的获取。) - ADKCellDynamicSizeCalculator > Calculates dynamic cell with and height for UICollectionViewCell and UITableViewCell.
(计算CollectionView的cell的动态高度的计算) - ADKCollectionViewDynamicSizeCell > Base UICollectionViewCell supports dynamic width and height features.
(CollectionViewCell的动态宽和高计算) - ADKTableViewDynamicSizeCell > Base UITableViewCell supports dynamic width and height features.
(TableViewCell 支持动态的宽度和高度特性)
- Introduction of AppDevKit (AppKit的介绍)
http://www.slideshare.net/anistarsung/appdevkit-for-ios-development - Presenting YDevelopKit (AppDevKit) in YMDC 2016
(一段视频,没点进去看) - Sample Codes has been written in AppDevKit project. You can read code to know about "How to implement these features in your project". Just use git to clone AppDevKit to your local disk. It should run well with your XCode.
(示例代码,如何使用本框架AppKit来写项目,代码可以让你学好好) - API Reference Documents > Please refer the gh-pages in AppDevKit project.
打完收工。时间 2016.6.16 horsebug