4/10 English - Vocabulary


4/10 English - Vocabulary_第1张图片
feast (名词):大餐
1. feast, noun : a large meal where a lot of people celebrate a special occasion. Example: a wedding feast
4/10 English - Vocabulary_第2张图片
2. symbol, noun: a picture or shape that has a particular meaning or represents a particular organization or idea. Example:The dove is a symbol of peace. Symbolize 是 symbol 的动词形式。

4/10 English - Vocabulary_第3张图片
represent (动词):代表
3. represent, verb: to officially speak or take action for another person or group of people. Example:Mr. Big  was chosen to represent the company at the conference.
4/10 English - Vocabulary_第4张图片
custom (名词):风俗
4. custom, noun:something that is done by people in a particular society because it is traditional. Example: In the U.S., it's the custom for the bride's father to pay for the wedding.
hunt (动词):打猎/猎取
5. hunt, verb: to chase animals and birds in order to kill or catch them. Example: Fall is the season to hunt deer.


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