Methodsare functions that are associated with a particular type. Classes, structures, and enumerations can all define instance methods, which encapsulate specific tasks and functionality for working with an instance of a given type. Classes, structures, and enumerations can also define type methods, which are associated with the type itself. Type methods are similar to class methods in Objective-C.
方法是与某些特定类型相关联的函数。类、结构体、枚举都可以定义实例方法;实例方法为给定类型的实例封装了具体的任务与功能。类、结构体、枚举也可以定义类型方法;类型方法与类型本身相关联。类型方法与 Objective-C 中的类方法(class methods)相似。
The fact that structures and enumerations can define methods in Swift is a major difference from C and Objective-C. In Objective-C, classes are the only types that can define methods. In Swift, you can choose whether to define a class, structure, or enumeration, and still have the flexibility to define methods on the type you create.
结构体和枚举能够定义方法是 Swift 与 C/Objective-C 的主要区别之一。在 Objective-C 中,类是唯一能定义方法的类型。但在 Swift 中,你不仅能选择是否要定义一个类/结构体/枚举,还能灵活地在你创建的类型(类/结构体/枚举)上定义方法。
Instance Methods (实例方法)
Instance methodsare functions that belong to instances of a particular class, structure, or enumeration. They support the functionality of those instances, either by providing ways to access and modify instance properties, or by providing functionality related to the instance’s purpose. Instance methods have exactly the same syntax as functions, as described inFunctions.
You write an instance method within the opening and closing braces of the type it belongs to. An instance method has implicit access to all other instance methods and properties of that type. An instance method can be called only on a specific instance of the type it belongs to. It cannot be called in isolation without an existing instance.
Here’s an example that defines a simpleCounterclass, which can be used to count the number of times an action occurs:
class Counter {
var count=0
func increment() {
func increment(byamount:Int) {
func reset() {
TheCounterclass defines three instance methods:
1. increment()increments the counter by1.
2. increment(by: Int)increments the counter by a specified integer amount.
increment(by: Int)让计数器按一个指定的整数值递增;
3. reset()resets the counter to zero.
TheCounterclass also declares a variable property,count, to keep track of the current counter value.
You call instance methods with the same dot syntax as properties:
和调用属性一样,用点语法(dot syntax)调用实例方法:
let counter=Counter()
// the initial counter value is 0
// the counter's value is now 1
// the counter's value is now 6
// the counter's value is now 0
Function parameters can have both a name (for use within the function’s body) and an argument label (for use when calling the function), as described inFunction Argument Labels and Parameter Names. The same is true for method parameters, because methods are just functions that are associated with a type.
The self Property (Self 属性)
Every instance of a type has an implicit property calledself, which is exactly equivalent to the instance itself. You use theselfproperty to refer to the current instance within its own instance methods.
Theincrement()method in the example above could have been written like this:
func increment() {
In practice, you don’t need to writeselfin your code very often. If you don’t explicitly writeself, Swift assumes that you are referring to a property or method of the current instance whenever you use a known property or method name within a method. This assumption is demonstrated by the use ofcount(rather thanself.count) inside the three instance methods forCounter.
实际上,你不必在你的代码里面经常写self。不论何时,只要在一个方法中使用一个已知的属性或者方法名称,如果你没有明确地写self,Swift 假定你是指当前实例的属性或者方法。这种假定在上面的Counter中已经示范了:Counter中的三个实例方法中都使用的是count(而不是self.count)。
The main exception to this rule occurs when a parameter name for an instance method has the same name as a property of that instance. In this situation, the parameter name takes precedence, and it becomes necessary to refer to the property in a more qualified way. You use theselfproperty to distinguish between the parameter name and the property name.
Here,selfdisambiguates between a method parameter calledxand an instance property that is also calledx:
struct Point{
var x=0.0,y=0.0
func isToTheRightOf(x:Double) ->Bool{
return self.x>x
let somePoint=Point(x:4.0,y:5.0)
if somePoint.isToTheRightOf(x:1.0) {
print("This point is to the right of the line where x == 1.0")
// Prints "This point is to the right of the line where x == 1.0"
Without theselfprefix, Swift would assume that both uses ofxreferred to the method parameter calledx.
如果不使用self前缀,Swift 就认为两次使用的x都指的是名称为x的函数参数。
Modifying Value Types from Within Instance Methods (在实例方法中修改值类型)
Structures and enumerations arevalue types. By default, the properties of a value type cannot be modified from within its instance methods.
However, if you need to modify the properties of your structure or enumeration within a particular method, you can opt in tomutatingbehavior for that method. The method can then mutate (that is, change) its properties from within the method, and any changes that it makes are written back to the original structure when the method ends. The method can also assign a completely new instance to its implicitselfproperty, and this new instance will replace the existing one when the method ends.
You can opt in to this behavior by placing themutatingkeyword before thefunckeyword for that method:
struct Point{
var x=0.0,y=0.0
mutating func moveBy(xdeltaX:Double,ydeltaY:Double) {
var somePoint=Point(x:1.0,y:1.0)
print("The point is now at (\(somePoint.x),\(somePoint.y))")
// Prints "The point is now at (3.0, 4.0)"
ThePointstructure above defines a mutatingmoveBy(x:y:)method, which moves aPointinstance by a certain amount. Instead of returning a new point, this method actually modifies the point on which it is called. Themutatingkeyword is added to its definition to enable it to modify its properties.
Note that you cannot call a mutating method on a constant of structure type, because its properties cannot be changed, even if they are variable properties, as described inStored Properties of Constant Structure Instances:
注意,不能在结构体类型的常量(a constant of structure type)上调用可变方法,因为其属性不能被改变,即使属性是变量属性,详情参见常量结构体的存储属性:
let fixedPoint=Point(x:3.0,y:3.0)
// this will report an error
Assigning to self Within a Mutating Method (在可变方法中给 self 赋值)
Mutating methods can assign an entirely new instance to the implicitselfproperty. ThePointexample shown above could have been written in the following way instead:
struct Point{
var x=0.0,y=0.0
mutating func moveBy(xdeltaX:Double,ydeltaY:Double) {
This version of the mutatingmoveBy(x:y:)method creates a brand new structure whosexandyvalues are set to the target location. The end result of calling this alternative version of the method will be exactly the same as for calling the earlier version.
新版的可变方法moveBy(x:y:)创建了一个新的结构体实例,它的 x 和 y 的值都被设定为目标值。调用这个版本的方法和调用上个版本的最终结果是一样的。
Mutating methods for enumerations can set the implicitselfparameter to be a different case from the same enumeration:
enum TriStateSwitch {
case off,low,high
mutating func next() {
self= .low
self= .high
self= .off
// ovenLight is now equal to .high
// ovenLight is now equal to .off
This example defines an enumeration for a three-state switch. The switch cycles between three different power states (off,lowandhigh) every time itsnext()method is called.
Type Methods (类型方法)
Instance methods, as described above, are methods that are called on an instance of a particular type. You can also define methods that are called on the type itself. These kinds of methods are calledtype methods. You indicate type methods by writing thestatickeyword before the method’sfunckeyword. Classes may also use theclasskeyword to allow subclasses to override the superclass’s implementation of that method.
In Objective-C, you can define type-level methods only for Objective-C classes. In Swift, you can define type-level methods for all classes, structures, and enumerations. Each type method is explicitly scoped to the type it supports.
在 Objective-C 中,你只能为 Objective-C 的类类型(classes)定义类型方法(type-level methods)。在 Swift 中,你可以为所有的类、结构体和枚举定义类型方法。每一个类型方法都被它所支持的类型显式包含。
Type methods are called with dot syntax, like instance methods. However, you call type methods on the type, not on an instance of that type. Here’s how you call a type method on a class calledSomeClass:
class SomeClass {
class func someTypeMethod() {
// type method implementation goes here
Within the body of a type method, the implicitselfproperty refers to the type itself, rather than an instance of that type. This means that you can useselfto disambiguate between type properties and type method parameters, just as you do for instance properties and instance method parameters.
More generally, any unqualified method and property names that you use within the body of a type method will refer to other type-level methods and properties. A type method can call another type method with the other method’s name, without needing to prefix it with the type name. Similarly, type methods on structures and enumerations can access type properties by using the type property’s name without a type name prefix.
The example below defines a structure calledLevelTracker, which tracks a player’s progress through the different levels or stages of a game. It is a single-player game, but can store information for multiple players on a single device.
All of the game’s levels (apart from level one) are locked when the game is first played. Every time a player finishes a level, that level is unlocked for all players on the device. TheLevelTrackerstructure uses type properties and methods to keep track of which levels of the game have been unlocked. It also tracks the current level for an individual player.
游戏初始时,所有的游戏等级(除了等级 1)都被锁定。每次有玩家完成一个等级,这个等级就对这个设备上的所有玩家解锁。LevelTracker结构体用类型属性和方法监测游戏的哪个等级已经被解锁。它还监测每个玩家的当前等级。
struct LevelTracker{
static var highestUnlockedLevel=1
var currentLevel=1
static func unlock(_level:Int) {
if level > highestUnlockedLevel{highestUnlockedLevel=level}
static func isUnlocked(_level:Int) ->Bool{
mutating func advance(tolevel:Int) ->Bool{
if Level Tracker.isUnlocked(level) {
} else {
TheLevelTrackerstructure keeps track of the highest level that any player has unlocked. This value is stored in a type property calledhighestUnlockedLevel.
LevelTrackeralso defines two type functions to work with thehighestUnlockedLevelproperty. The first is a type function calledunlock(_:), which updates the value ofhighestUnlockedLevelwhenever a new level is unlocked. The second is a convenience type function calledisUnlocked(_:), which returnstrueif a particular level number is already unlocked. (Note that these type methods can access thehighestUnlockedLeveltype property without your needing to write it asLevelTracker.highestUnlockedLevel.)
In addition to its type property and type methods,LevelTrackertracks an individual player’s progress through the game. It uses an instance property calledcurrentLevelto track the level that a player is currently playing.
To help manage thecurrentLevelproperty,LevelTrackerdefines an instance method calledadvance(to:). Before updatingcurrentLevel, this method checks whether the requested new level is already unlocked. Theadvance(to:)method returns a Boolean value to indicate whether or not it was actually able to setcurrentLevel. Because it’s not necessarily a mistake for code that calls theadvance(to:)method to ignore the return value, this function is marked with the@discardableResultattribute. For more information about this attribute, seeAttributes.
为了便于管理currentLevel属性,LevelTracker定义了实例方法advance(to:)。这个方法会在更新currentLevel之前检查所请求的新等级是否已经解锁。advance(to:)方法返回布尔值以指示是否能够设置currentLevel。因为允许在调用advance(to:)时候忽略返回值,不会产生编译警告,所以函数被标注为@ discardableResult属性,更多关于属性信息,请参考属性章节。
TheLevelTrackerstructure is used with thePlayerclass, shown below, to track and update the progress of an individual player:
class Player{
var tracker=LevelTracker()
let playerName:String
func complete(level:Int) {
init(name:String) {
ThePlayerclass creates a new instance ofLevelTrackerto track that player’s progress. It also provides a method calledcomplete(level:), which is called whenever a player completes a particular level. This method unlocks the next level for all players and updates the player’s progress to move them to the next level. (The Boolean return value ofadvance(to:)is ignored, because the level is known to have been unlocked by the call toLevelTracker.unlock(_:)on the previous line.)
You can create an instance of thePlayerclass for a new player, and see what happens when the player completes level one:
var player=Player(name:"Argyrios")
print("highest unlocked level is now\(LevelTracker.highestUnlockedLevel)")
// Prints "highest unlocked level is now 2"
If you create a second player, whom you try to move to a level that is not yet unlocked by any player in the game, the attempt to set the player’s current level fails:
if player.tracker.advance(to:6) {
print("player is now on level 6")
} else {
print("level 6 has not yet been unlocked")
// Prints "level 6 has not yet been unlocked"