Essay - What I dread, what I love...


    今年的英语课着实一波三折:我们的老师在去年九月份就消失了,直到今年一月才回来,中途我们换了好几个代课老师,学东西也是东一搭西一搭的。但就这样,我将自己十年级英语课上写的essays和今年的对比,还是看到了很多进步 -- 或者说是改变。我去年的文风不能说不好,文章也胜在论点清晰,证据翔实,分析也不错。今年,我的文风主要变化来自于一个偶然:有一次无意中看到了一个上AP英语课学姐的文章,那一瞬间仿佛经历了一场顿悟 -- 这听起来可能很奇怪,但我在她的字里行间中感受到了一种“自由”。我以前每次写文章,都受到很多条条框框的限制:比如要五段式;必须要想出两到三个迥然不同的分论点;要用特定的词句,套路,等等等等。直接结果就是我每一次写essay都很累,经常在句法上各种纠结,写出来也不是自己的voice。




    Write about what you truly feel, with your own voice. Refrain from looking up everything you can about your essay prompts. Stay away from the temptation to go online and read every blog post/ litchart/ sparknotes, because that is unnecessary. How do people write back in those days when computers and the Internet didn’t exist?

    Write naturally and organically… and screw the whole idea of writing something complicated! Just don’t stretch it… write what you like, write what speaks to your heart, and, since writing is already difficult enough, don’t make it even harder for yourself.

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