1. PCA
- PCA(Principal Components Analysis)即主成分分析,也称主分量分析或主成分回归分析法,首先利用线性变换,将数据变换到一个新的坐标系统中;然后再利用降维的思想,使得任何数据投影的第一大方差在第一个坐标(称为第一主成分)上,第二大方差在第二个坐标(第二主成分)上。这种降维的思想首先减少数据集的维数,同时还保持数据集的对方差贡献最大的特征,最终使数据直观呈现在二维坐标系。
##7.4.1 Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
meta_table <- data.frame(row.names=rownames(abund_table),t(as.data.frame(strsplit(rownames(abund_table),"_"))))
meta_table$Group <- with(meta_table,ifelse(as.factor(X2)%in% c(11,12,13,14,15),c("Vdr-/-"), c("WT")))
# 标准化PCA
stand_abund_table <- decostand(abund_table, method = "total")
PCA <-rda(stand_abund_table)
sum (apply (stand_abund_table, 2, var))
biplot(PCA, display = 'species')
ordiplot(PCA, display = "sites", type = "text")
"cleanplot.pca" <- function(res.pca, ax1=1, ax2=2, point=FALSE,
ahead=0.07, cex=0.5)
# A function to draw two biplots (scaling 1 and scaling 2) from an object
# of class "rda" (PCA or RDA result from vegan's rda() function)
# License: GPL-2
# Authors: Francois Gillet & Daniel Borcard, 24 August 2012
p <- length(res.pca$CA$eig)
# Scaling 1: "species" scores scaled to relative eigenvalues
sit.sc1 <- scores(res.pca, display="wa", scaling=1, choices=c(1:p))
spe.sc1 <- scores(res.pca, display="sp", scaling=1, choices=c(1:p))
plot(res.pca, choices=c(ax1, ax2), display=c("wa", "sp"), type="n",
main="PCA - scaling 1", scaling=1)
if (point)
points(sit.sc1[,ax1], sit.sc1[,ax2], pch=20)
text(res.pca, display="wa", choices=c(ax1, ax2), cex=cex, pos=1, scaling=1)
text(res.pca, display="wa", choices=c(ax1, ax2), cex=cex, scaling=1)
text(res.pca, display="sp", choices=c(ax1, ax2), cex=cex, pos=1, col="blue", scaling=1)
arrows(0, 0, spe.sc1[,ax1], spe.sc1[,ax2], length=ahead, angle=20, col="red")
# Scaling 2: site scores scaled to relative eigenvalues
sit.sc2 <- scores(res.pca, display="wa", choices=c(1:p))
spe.sc2 <- scores(res.pca, display="sp", choices=c(1:p))
plot(res.pca, choices=c(ax1,ax2), display=c("wa","sp"), type="n",
main="PCA - scaling 2")
if (point) {
points(sit.sc2[,ax1], sit.sc2[,ax2], pch=20)
text(res.pca, display="wa", choices=c(ax1 ,ax2), cex=cex, pos=1)
text(res.pca, display="wa", choices=c(ax1, ax2), cex=cex)
text(res.pca, display="sp", choices=c(ax1, ax2), cex=cex, pos=1, col="blue")
arrows(0, 0, spe.sc2[,ax1], spe.sc2[,ax2], length=ahead, angle=20, col="red")
"pcacircle" <- function (pca)
# Draws a circle of equilibrium contribution on a PCA plot
# generated from a vegan analysis.
# vegan uses special constants for its outputs, hence
# the 'const' value below.
eigenv <- pca$CA$eig
p <- length(eigenv)
n <- nrow(pca$CA$u)
tot <- sum(eigenv)
const <- ((n - 1) * tot)^0.25
radius <- (2/p)^0.5
radius <- radius * const
symbols(0, 0, circles=radius, inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, fg=2)