

  <!-- Names of corpora that are enabled by default in QSB.
       For external single-source corpora, the corpus name is the component name of the
       searchable activity. -->
  <string-array name="default_corpora" translatable="false">

  <!-- Names of corpora that are not shown in the corpus selector, even if they are
       enabled in Searchable Items. -->
  <string-array name="hidden_corpora" translatable="false">

  <!-- The component name of the installed apps source used in QSB  -->
  <string name="installed_apps_component" translatable="false"></string>

  <!-- The component name of the browser bookmarks and history source used in QSB  -->
  <string name="browser_search_component" translatable="false"></string>

  <!-- The component name of the activity that search intents in the Apps corpus are sent to.
       If not set, Apps search intents are sent to the Apps suggestion source. -->
  <string name="apps_search_activity" translatable="false"></string>

  <!-- Number of suggestions slots that are visible above
      the onscreen keyboard. These slots will be shared among
      the default sources. -->
  <integer name="num_suggestions_above_keyboard">4</integer>


loading default_corpora这个string集:
 private HashSet<String> mDefaultCorpora;
 public synchronized boolean isCorpusEnabledByDefault(String corpusName) {
        if (mDefaultCorpora == null) {
            mDefaultCorpora = loadResourceStringSet(R.array.default_corpora);
        return mDefaultCorpora.contains(corpusName);

 private HashSet<String> loadResourceStringSet(int res) {
        HashSet<String> defaultCorpora = new HashSet<String>();
        try {
            String[] corpora = mContext.getResources().getStringArray(res);
            for (String corpus : corpora) {
            return defaultCorpora;
        } catch (Resources.NotFoundException ex) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Could not load resource string set", ex);
            return defaultCorpora;
