2-1交互设计_3D Touch-Human Interface Guidelines(iOS用户界面指南)翻译

3D Touch adds an additional额外的 dimension维度 to touch-based interaction. On supported devices, people can access additional functionality by applying varying不同的 levels of pressure to the touchscreen. Apps can respond by displaying a menu, showing additional content, or playing an animation. People don’t need to learn new gestures to interact with 3D Touch. They quickly discover the additional interactive dimension when they press lightly on the screen and get a response.

3D Touch为触屏交互提供了一个新的维度。在支持此功能的设备上,用户可以通过对屏幕施加不同的压力进入额外的功能。app可以展示出菜单、额外的内容或者演示动画。用户跟3D Touch进行交互不需要学习新的手势。当他们轻轻按压屏幕然后得到反馈时,就能够快速的发现额外的交互维度。

Home Screen Interaction


On the Home screen, pressing the icon of an app that supports 3D Touch displays an action view. This view lets you quickly perform执行 common app-specific tasks and see interesting information. Calendar, for example, provides a shortcut for creating an event. It also shows the next event on your schedule. 

在主屏幕上,按压一个支持3D Touch功能的app图标,就会显示出来一个活动视图。这个视图能够让你快速的执行此app独有的任务或者查看有趣的信息。例如日历,提供了一个创建日程的快捷入口,同时也展示了你日程上的下个任务。

Peek and Pop


A peek lets people use 3D Touch to preview an item, such as a page, link链接, or file, in a view that appears temporarily临时的 above the current context. To peek at an item that supports this functionality, apply a little pressure to the item with your finger. Simply lift your finger to exit the peek. To open the item and see more detail, press a little harder until the item pops and fills the screen. In some peek views, you can swipe up to reveal显示 related action buttons. For example, while peeking at a link in Safari, you can swipe up to reveal buttons for opening the link in the background, adding the link to your reading list, and copying the link.

快速查看让用户通过3D Touch在一个临时悬浮在当前内容上的视图预览一个项目。例如一个页面、链接或者文件。用你的手指轻轻按压支持此功能的项目就能快速预览了。只需要抬起你的手指就能退出预览。想要打开项目查看更多细节,再用力的按压一下直到项目弹出并且占满屏幕。在一些快速预览视图中,你可以向上滑动来显示相关的动作按钮。例如,在浏览器中快速预览一个链接时,你可以向上滑动来呼出相关的按钮,包括在当前页面打开链接,把链接添加到阅读清单中或者复制链接。

Use peeking to provide live, content-rich previews. Ideally, peeking gives enough information about an item to augment the current task, or helps you decide whether to fully engage the item. For example, preview a link in a Mail message before deciding to open it in Safari or share it with friends. Peeking is often used in tables to view detailed row information before the row is selected.


Design big-enough peek views. Design a peek view that's large enough so that fingers don’t obscure its content. Make the peek detailed enough for people to decide whether to press a little deeper to fully open (pop) the item.


Adopt Peek and Pop consistently一致的. If you support Peek and Pop in some places but not others, people won’t know where they can use the feature and may think there’s a problem with your app or their device.


Avoid displaying button-like elements in a peek view. If a user lifts a finger to tap an element that looks like a button, the peek disappears.


Allow every peek to be popped. Even though peeking should give people most of the information they need, always let them transition过渡 to the pop if they decide to switch away from the current task and focus on the item. Popping should show the same thing as tapping the item.


Don’t enable peeking and an edit menu for the same item. It can be confusing to users and hard for the system to detect觉察 intent意图 when both features are enabled for one item. 


Provide action buttons when appropriate. Not every peek needs action buttons, but they’re a great way to offer shortcuts for common tasks. If your app already provides custom touch-and-hold actions for items, it’s good practice to include the same actions during peeks.


Avoid providing an action button that opens a peeked item. People generally press deeper to open an item they’re peeking. As a result, there’s typically no need to provide an explicit Open button.


Don’t make peek the only way to perform item actions. Not every device supports peek and pop, and some people may turn off 3D Touch. Your app should provide other ways to trigger触发 item actions in situations like these. For example, your app could mirror a peek’s quick actions in a view that appears while touching and holding an item.

不要让快速预览成为执行项目操作的唯一途径。不是所有的设备都支持快速预览和弹窗,一些用户可能会关闭3D Touch。你的app应该提供其它情景能够触发项目的操作。例如,你的app需要在长按的时候也能够打开快速预览。

Live Photos


Apps can incorporate包含 pressure into the photo viewing experience by supporting Live Photos. Live Photos come to life when you press them, using movement and sound to show the moments just before and after the photo was taken. For design guidance, see Live Photos.


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